lust for life
You have been ignoring me from the start, it would make no difference.
Very good question, I actually expected that one to come up much earlier. The Physiological cues that each configuration is based on are not simply cues that have nothing to do with anything, they are actually indications of what is coming most naturally to the person. The cues can tell you how a person is cognitively "wired" so to speak. For example, we can not only see what cognitive functions a person is using, but actually observe what cognitive functions a person is being energized by using, or that they are having more difficulty using. We can even take that further and actually see how developed a person is, how well they are using certain functions, or how confidently they are using them, how much mastery has gone into their own cognitive function configuration.
Not just that, we can actually see stress lock* and also which functions are "locked". When other models type a person with stress lock, or who is very well developed, they almost certainly type them incorrectly, because their understanding of said type was not ready to account for this kind of variation (Also the MBTI tests are not equipped to handle it).
So essentially we can make far more accurate predictions than any other model, because we can customize our read of a person to that specific person. Not just their Type, but how they have developed, how they use their configuration, and how the world has treated them.
When you make a typology system based on tests and descriptions like MBTI and Socionics, then you are really only testing a person on what the believe they are. Humans are really not equipped to know their own cognitive nature in this way for many reasons. When a person begins to develop their lower and less preferred functions, they will begin to become more consciously aware of these functions. Essentially the functions will take up more "space" in the conscious mind than they had before, and they actually become closer to one's identity. This change shifts your perception of who you are, and who you are not.
So for example, an INFJ with a very well developed Ti would take an MBTI test or read a description, and then answer questions or relate to types that have a thinking preference, because this INFJ actually does use their Ti very often and very well. You really can't blame them, they are actually telling the truth. However, Ti is still not coming as naturally to them as Fe is, but when this INFJ uses Ti then he or she is very successful, so to him or her it seems like a preference. Then there is also the case of cultural or genderal Memes getting in the way, and again screwing the results of the test or how a person sees themselves based on these Memes. For instance, "I am a woman, therefor I am a feeler" or something like that.
This is where Pod'lair's people reading methodology comes in, we can physically see when a cognitive functions are coming more or less naturally to a person, even if they are really good at using it, or even really bad at using it, our methodology is not fooled by any of this.
So the predictions we can make with this theory are quite staggering.
Socionics is not based on anything real, Pod'lair is. You cannot prove a damn thing you say, pod'lair can.
Yes. Although we don't use the word "Personality." Personality is the end result of many factors, your configuration, your influences, your culture, your life, etc. So we would not say "Personality" is genetic, but we would say Cognitive configuration is.So this theory is taking the assumption that two people of a different type will have the same physiological cues? Does Pod'lair take personality as genetically determined or socially constructed?
It is not the Cognitive functions that are "pulling the strings", it is much more than that. They are also not defined by the end result like they are in MBTI. What I mean by that is MBTI defines cognitive functions based on the results of certain activities, like brainstorming = Ne, or planning/organizing = Te for instance.One thing I noticed a lot with conversations about MBTI is that the functions were talked about almost as if they were represented by a sort of homunculus inside peoples heads - people talked about their Ne making them do such-and-such and their Ti keeping them from doing this or that.
So, I'm curious about Pod'lair and it's view of how it's models are expressed in everyday activities and decisions. I never agreed with the idea that functions cause someone to do something (like a homunculus pulling all the strings) but that a function was the empirical assessment of how someone responded to situations.
Yes, we would agree with your conjecture.I'm inclined to think that personality is highly determined by genetics (but that may just be my own bias since I'm a biologist) and therefore that someones personality has some immutable grounding. I always viewed the type functions as being the expression of this immutable grounding - two people can be Ti-Ne-Si-Fe but simply use these tools in different ways - like two people with the same hammer, one might use it to pound nails while someone else uses it to murder people.
From what I gather, this seems to be the case for Pod'lair. I'm curious what you mean about a function being developed, though. I proposed a theory in a different thread:
That is actually a very complex question that requires a very complex answer.But I've always been curious what it means to have a function 'developed' (I think my theory shows my bias towards biology again).
Actually both are correct. We are reading your cognitive configuration, so we can zoom out to the Macro of how you will behave based on your type, or we can zoom into the micro of how you in particular developed, and make predictions based on your particular variation. Think of it this way, anything MBTI could predict, we can predict with far more accuracy and precision.So, instead of making predictions based on the abstract, theoretical type, you are attempting to make predictions based on the individual?
In other words, instead of saying "Agent Intellect is an INTP, so Agent Intellect will behave in such-and-such a way" you are trying to say that "Agent Intellect has this-and-that physiological cues, therefore Agent Intellect will act in such-and-such way, which is how INTP's behave?"
Your personality is the end result of many different factors, your Cognitive configuration/Personality type/Mojo, what ever you'd like to call it, all of the cultural and genderal memes that have effected you, the way that you have developed, they way that you use your configuration, your current mental state.How is personality defined? If the way someone thinks (their 'less preferred' functions becoming more consciously present) and the way they behave (based on their developing functions) then what is it that makes them a different personality than what they think and do - if what we think and do does not determine what our personality is, then what is it that makes our personality?
No. As I said before, it does not matter how many times you use a function, we are design in such a way that higher functions will be used more readily, and efficiently. Even when a lower function is used a lot, they are still putting more energy into it than someone with that same function who is using it higher in their hierarchy. This is actually one of the cues we can read, we can see how readily a function is being used, or how much energy is going into using it.From what I gather, I'm assuming that Pod'lair says our personality is determined by where we draw our energy - if someone is an INFJ they draw energy from Ni, which, if I understand correctly, Pod'lair says is their worldview, which they enact via their Fe. But, if someone develops Ti to be more comfortable, wouldn't it be reasonable to think that this could supplant Fe if they become more consciously aware of it and begin expressing Ti tendencies more often than Fe?
See for yourselfYou may have posted this somewhere else before (and you can link to it if you have), but what methodology is used?
We have the ability to inductively observe that, so yes, we could.I'm still curious as to any behavioral predictions that could be made. For instance, if a laboratory experiment was run with a sampling of each personality type where they had to complete a specific task, could Pod'lair make any statistically significant predictions about how each type would complete the task?
Pod'lair is as loose as it needs to be to truly understand all of the different variations of each configuration, no more and no less.The problem with having too loose of a theory, which could be a criticism of Pod'lair, is that it wouldn't make any predictions, just simply describe what's being observed. I think one of the reasons people are interested in personality type, aside from having a sense that there are others who think like them, is what it means for them - if it's concluded that I'm an INTP, what does that mean about my strengths and weaknesses? What sort of job will I be good at? What sort of people will I get along with? What sort of hobbies will I enjoy?
We can prescribe how a person can develop their abilities, how they can begin using them in ways that are more efficient and effective, how they can structure their social environments to be more conducive and energy generating. You can learn how to build teams that will be perfectly calibrated for accomplishing certain tasks because we have a very strong understanding on how the different configurations amplify, augment, inspire, and even surpress each other.
What careers they will enjoy, what work environments will be conducive to them, what romantic partner will have the best chemistry with them (a critical prediction MBTI has never gotten right), why their current relationship is not working out and what can be done to help it, and much much much much more. Pretty much we can make anything that involves people, your life, and your environment, better.
We can prescribe how a person can develop their abilities, how they can begin using them in ways that are more efficient and effective, how they can structure their social environments to be more conducive and energy generating. You can learn how to build teams that will be perfectly calibrated for accomplishing certain tasks because we have a very strong understanding on how the different configurations amplify, augment, inspire, and even surpress each other.
What careers they will enjoy, what work environments will be conducive to them, what romantic partner will have the best chemistry with them (a critical prediction MBTI has never gotten right), why their current relationship is not working out and what can be done to help it, and much much much much more. Pretty much we can make anything that involves people, your life, and your environment, better.
Why don't you go see for yourself instead of being a lazy prick who just makes assumptions about what other models are doing?Socionics does the same thing. I'm 100% sure Pod'Lair ripped this off from it.
Why don't you go see for yourself instead of being a lazy prick who just makes assumptions about what other models are doing?
PS: Socionics tries to do it. MBTI also tries to do it.
Where both models fail, we have succeeded.
Why don't you go see for yourself instead of being a lazy prick who just makes assumptions about what other models are doing?
PS: Socionics tries to do it. MBTI also tries to do it.
Eyeseecold: Cool Story
Fukyo: This is very true. The problem with MBTI though is the amount of Chaos that you have to deal with, there is little agreement in these differing romantic partnership ideals, some say same types work best (INTP+INTP), some say opposite types work best (INTP+ESFJ), some agree with Pod'lair's inspirational (INTP+ENTJ), and then you have socionics' shit (INTP+ESFP).
There is an even bigger problem than the disagreement though, it is the fact that none of those models can type people to save their life. That is exactly why there is no disagreement in fact, there can be no consistency when barely anyone actually is what they think they are.
That is why people end up with opinions like the one Dreamweaver just expressed to me, thinking type is irrelevant to romance when that could not be more wrong. People are naturally drawn to other people that can readily stimulate them, inspire them, and also appreciate what they naturally give. To think that this dynamic has no effect at all in romance is just plain absurd.
Is it really such a strange idea? if you can accept that there will be some people that are more compatible, and some people that are less compatible, then shouldn't it stand to reason that there is a most and least compatible in there?Don't get me wrong - I didn't reject the basic idea of a required compatibility based on a range of elements. But to assume that there is "a most ideal" type for you out there (and thus a whole category of people?!!) and so to assume that any romantic relationship based on another formation will be less rewarding is a bit troublesome to me.
Perhaps they did, or perhaps they are just saying they did.Are you saying those who speak of "true love" are the ones who found their Inspirational other while the rest is still dabbling around? What is it - luck, insight, chance?Now what about the value we derive from or give to certain friendships or the fact some people nurture their family relationships despite differences? Is "half of it" a lie?
Is it really such a strange idea? if you can accept that there will be some people that are more compatible, and some people that are less compatible, then shouldn't it stand to reason that there is a most and least compatible in there?
Furthermore, we are talking about a whole range of people that are wired the same way to be drawn to and stimulated by the same things, with that taken into consideration the possibility of these people having an optimal relationship pairing seems like it would be obvious to me.
I agree, but again, there is the confusion of being able to be "triggered" energetically by more than one person and by more than one type. It just resonates on different wavelengths and it takes time and distance to distinguish these for ourselves within the greater scheme of things. (Oh how I love this mumbo jumbo talk!)Perhaps they did, or perhaps they are just saying they did.
It is by no means "Chance" at all, we are naturally drawn to our inspirationals, when the two meet and find each other appealing it certainly is not just by random chance. You don't even have to know the other is your inspirational, you don't have to understand the theory to be able to see that you find them intriguing, inspiring, stimulating, etc.
Exactly: exchanged energy, which resonates on shared levels, tends to intensify, or at least emphasize, the (potential) connection between people.As for your last question, what about it? Is it a lie? No, not necessarily, a person does not have to be your inspiration, or even stimulating to you for you to feel that you "love" them, especially if they are your family or long time friends. You seem to be confusing the difference between having a relationship with a person and being stimulated or inspired by the energies that the person is giving off, they are not the same thing, although the latter definitely does intensify the relationship.
I have an ISFJ friend who has known me for a very long time, she thinks I am weird as hell but she would say that she "loves" me, as she still feels very close. But did you notice the part where she thinks I am weird as hell? Her relationship status as my friend does not mean she understands, appreciates, and is stimulated by my nature in the way that a another type would be, it just means she values our relationship for whatever reason she values it.