I made an account with this form for the sole purpose of posting this comment. Why this form? Well, when you do a Google search of eyes and intelligence this is one of the first sites that is shown (thus I felt an obligation of sorts).
But, to answer the question of 'OP' as if the eyes can discern one's intellectual ability... the answer is unequivocally, yes they can! (...but also anything about a person could also show this, though the eyse are pretty darn good... I can more or less guess either: 1) below avg, 2) avg, 3) above avg, 4) much about avg intelligence just by looking at a picture of someone (with a few exceptions of course e.g. if they were drunk or something or the picture was taken in a high emotional situation unknown to me). When I meet someone I can narrow their IQ down (it's a subconscious thing I don't think about) to the ten's place of most general IQ assessments out there, and I can usually list (if someone asked, though why would anyone)... list people in a room by IQ only (never tell someone they are avg or below IQ, that would be rude).
You do not have to take my word for it, it's simple anatomy/physiology.... the eyes are controlled by 3 independent cranial nerves along with the optic nerve which is the sensory only nerve. Therefore, they are 4! cranial nerves solely dedicated to the function of the eye; these cranial nerves directly innervate the brain making what's going on in the brain readily apparent by viewing the eyes.
An aside, some people here are just smart enough to be mean and from my cognitive ability tower I see that as childish (just because you haven't noticed something in the world don't hate on those that can by downplaying it and being rude!). Also, the login process could use some work on this site! (took me a few times for some reason, and there should probably be a 'create account' button on the log in screen)
And finally I wouldn't get too wrapped up into the MBTI assessments... it is a crude way of lumping people together, yes they do that, but in my opinion they're probably a 120 different personality types repeated through the Western World or at least the United States that I'm familiar with, e.g. you go on a business trip and meet someone and think... you are just like my friend from X city. I'll try to post a picture of me to show the eyes if I can figure that out...