i have recently finished reading the book "How We Decide" by Jonah Lehrer, and of course i couldn't help but think about the brain in terms of MBTI. what it essentially says in the book is that our emotional decision making is the stuff that happens behind the scenes, those decisions we're constantly making all throughout the day without having to "think" about it. and, our rational decision making is the stuff that has to be consciously thought about: reasoning and logic. this is the stuff that takes a bit of mulling over in the head, the decison making that needs more input before a conclusion can be made.
what i've been thinking is that introverted judging functions are more of the rational decision making while extroverted judging functions are made in more of the emotional part of the brain. of course, we'd have to drop the preconceived notion that F = emotions and T = logic.
Ti and Fi seem to be more of a conscious way of decision making, something that has to be done in the forefront of the mind. Ti seems self explanatory, but Fi could be said to be a rational way of thinking, just a different approach to it. on the other hand, Te and Fe seem to happen automatically. this is the decision making that happens automatically, "behind the scenes" and therefore becomes extroverted as there is no conscious thought doubting or internalizing the judgement.
for me, i could say that Ti is highly developed because when i'm confronted with a new situation, my automatic response is to try to make sense of it, to analyze it and put it "in order". then Fe is the way the world see's me, as far as the whole chameleon affect, and this is my emotional decision making, because it doesn't take any conscious effort, it simply just happens.
for an INFP, it would be opposite. someone else seemed to say it best, inside they are thinking with the Fi (what an asshole for killing the bee) but the outside world see's the automatic response of Te (how unreasonable of you to kill that bee). such a response didn't take any prior planning or conscious thought, it was the emotional decision making that brought that out.
of course, in this way, each of the functions are inseperable: everybody has all of them, perhaps just developed differently, but working together as a complex system. one cannot describe one function without taking its interaction with all of the other functions into consideration. i think the idea of trying to define one function as a seperate part of the greater whole is reductionist dogma: you can't learn how a clock works by studying one individual gear from it.
as usual, i can't help but think about how the brains of the different 'types' differ from each other. are introverts (people with dominant introverted functions, particularly introverted judging functions) people that have larger prefrontal cortex? the slow process of rational decision making could certainly account for a "P's" seemingly slow and procrastinating demeanor. the need to have all the facts in cause them not to trust their hunches, which make them seem much more uncertain and neutral.
and people with dominant extroverted judging functions could be said to be more emotional (once again, dropping the preconceived notion of what emotional means) decison makers, being the ones that do things without having to mull it over and wait for further input to make decisions. they're generally the ones that tend to "call it as they see it", because they extrovert that decision making. they're more apt to follow intuition (not the MBTI function sense of the word) and hunches. this is how they can be certain of things before all the facts are in.
of course, this is just my own musings, i could be way off.