Over the past few months I’ve been becoming more and more aware of how plain forgetful I am and am beginning to think this is a problem that all INTPs potentially have—according to David Keirsey, Einstein was an INTP and the “
So now is your chance to analyze this particular INTP problem and propose solutions; also feel free to redefine the INTP problem of forgetfulness as generally or specifically as you wish with as much or little detail as you wish. I am receptive to all information and insights whether they are of an informative or directive nature. Insights and information derived from practical personal experience are especially desired, though speculation and logical suggestions can be helpful as well. Also feel free to point me to any resources that have helped you.
After a bit of brainstorming I personally was able to think of these solutions. Some I have already put into practice with positive results, others are ones I just thought of:
A.) Instead of mindlessly scribbling a reminder down and immediately pursuing other tasks or retreating to a more introspective state of mind to “contemplate more important things,” pause and take the time necessary to understand the meaning and rationale of the upcoming task.
B.) Place reminder items in places that you will definitely see or move to, such as on your car seat, pillow, shoes, book sack, alarm clock, etc.
C.) Carry your primary reminder item (e.g., a planner) with you wherever you go.
D.) This seems a bit humorous the more I think of it, but I think it would be useful to check your primary reminder item periodically, such as when leaving a location, arriving somewhere, or on an hourly basis.
E.) Carry a secondary, portable reminder item on your person at all times, such as a handheld notepad (and pen), and later transfer any recent reminders in them to your primary reminder item.
F.) Get sufficient sleep.
G.) Even if you think you’ll remember something, write it down.
H.) Write down reminders instantly—before you forget.
I.) Write down things like birthdays or anniversaries far in advance--again, before you forget.
So feel free to offer any solutions to this problem of forgetfulness. Thanks in advance.