It depends on the single mother, her means. And it also depends on the father who is around.
When I was a child, I used to dream of being raised by hippies because then they would leave me the fuck alone about stupid, tedious shit that didn't matter, and they would encourage my interests in music, drawing or just being that weird kid.
The reason is that my dad is an overbearing macho man, the type who is always the leader at work (or working on being the leader) but doesn't have any male friends in his personal life because that's too much male competition for being in charge.
Which means yes, if you were wondering, he was NOT into sports. He's a car and motorcycle guy.
edit: I take that back. some of my best memories is being really little kids watching WWF with him. He wasn't an avid WWF maniac. But he enjoyed the occasional Saturday and we'd listen to him explain why parts of the screen were blocked out (blood) or who the bad guys were. /edit
He discouraged anything but going to school, coming home, hit the books ASAP, doing chores (cleaning cleaning cleaning!), doing more homework, and then going to bed. Any interests were not what I deserved since "You can't be bothered to vacuum up all the lint!" which he saw 3 hours after I vacuumed and people had been walking on it the entire time.
He was always right no matter what and he bullied any ability I had to cogently argue my point for myself in defense of anything, that spilled well into my 20s. I was easily taken advantage of because while I KNEW something wasn't right I just couldn't find the words for it. That was dear ol dad.
I'd take the secret door to a single mother and I don't know what her story is. Looking back, I honestly think my chances were better had I been put up for adoption. I had a failed runaway attempt at 10 when we lived in England. I sometimes dream of the life I would have had if I knew to run away and then do that silent thing some kids do by never talking and then trying to get away from that town as best as I could and then being an orphan in England after my family moved back to the US.
That's how bad my dad was. And my mother was an angry, emotional martyr who took out all her rage on us kids instead of using us as allies.
Is this all TMI?
(Sometimes I don't know.)