Active Member
According to a bunch of websites it says INTPs are good at math and sciences. But on this site noone seems to post about it. The only guy who does is coberst and none of his posts get any replies. (no offense)
How does math and music relate? I never understood that.
How does math and music relate? I never understood that.
Both math and music are very pattern based. And there are a ton of numbers in music, more so than many other art forms.
I'm really into Math, I have a BS degree in it.
Science is okay, but I'm much more drawn to the purity of math. I sometimes don't like science when I can't follow the lines of reasoning, like when they throw in a constant into an equation just to make it all work out... it seems like thats just a kludge... and there's something fundamentally missing from their model. When my conceptual model breaks down, I find science very challenging.
I like math because it is, in a certain sense, simpler than other fields. There's much less brute force memorization, just pure understanding of ideas which appeals to me. It also appeals to my lazy side, because a clever solution will always go over better than a brute force approach.
High school mathematics is pretty dry compared to the advanced stuff. If you have ever systematized a system to it's core ideas, you'll find math down there somewhere. It has a way of creeping in... and really this is how you start whole new fields of mathematics... solve interesting problems and be break it down to the core ideas.
Both math and music are very pattern based. And there are a ton of numbers in music, more so than many other art forms.
I'm really into Math, I have a BS degree in it.
Science is okay, but I'm much more drawn to the purity of math. I sometimes don't like science when I can't follow the lines of reasoning, like when they throw in a constant into an equation just to make it all work out... it seems like thats just a kludge... and there's something fundamentally missing from their model. When my conceptual model breaks down, I find science very challenging.
I like math because it is, in a certain sense, simpler than other fields. There's much less brute force memorization, just pure understanding of ideas which appeals to me. It also appeals to my lazy side, because a clever solution will always go over better than a brute force approach.
High school mathematics is pretty dry compared to the advanced stuff. If you have ever systematized a system to it's core ideas, you'll find math down there somewhere. It has a way of creeping in... and really this is how you start whole new fields of mathematics... solve interesting problems and be break it down to the core ideas.
What appeals to you english lovers? I cant think of a single thing ive learned in english besides "vocab" words. I just cant understand the point of it, why fictional stories should have any impact on me whatsoever.
I assume you seen this comic:
What appeals to you english lovers? I cant think of a single thing ive learned in english besides "vocab" words. I just cant understand the point of it, why fictional stories should have any impact on me whatsoever.
I always think it would have been funnier if they had designed it like a Möbius strip with a philosopher at the beginning and the end. But hey, it's just xkcd.
Well, Ermine, now I am upset. I had it so much better than my mom, in terms of what girls were allowed and expected to do, and I guess I was hoping it was much better now. Maybe it is, but your story is not a comforting one. I do appreciate your comments, of course, since the information is useful, even if it is a bummer.
Maths on the other hand. Love/hate. I really wish to like math. It's just so unfriendly towards me. I think if I had some one on one math tutoring with someone with immense patience I could learn to love math again. We were once very close you see.
It's odd because I am great with music, which I was under the impression usually ties into math skills as well.
has any importance whatsoever to any occupation other than an author!
A lot of the application requires the learning of theory. Really getting into any kind of advanced math, applied or otherwise, requires you to finish the calculus sequence; people I know in more advanced math than I'm in call the first few semesters of calculus "the price of admission." But even past that a lot of what pure math majors study overlaps with what applied math majors study.I hate math for math's sake. I failed 2 years of math in high school because I slept/doodled through them.
If I'm learning formulas in order to apply them to something pertinent to a specific task or subject matter, I can do it quite well, though.
I'm very good at maths, but it's boooooooo-
-oooooring. Dull as sin. Grinding numbers is stupidly easy and repetitive. I should clarify, I'm really talking about maths classes. I'd usually ignore the teacher and start working on some problem I'd notice, that would entertain me a lot. I never got any work done all year, then worked out everything I needed to know for the exam from the basics while I was doing it. Difficult equations are pretty fun to solve, especially when you have no idea how to solve them. "I'd probably kick ass at math if I actually gave a shit about it" sounds about right.
Science is quite dull to me, as well. That is, the actual practice of science. I couldn't care less about control groups and all that tedious, pedantic and painfully necessary nonsense; it's the most servile, frustrating and practical rubbish in the world. What's interesting is the products of science. I'm glad there are people who actually enjoy performing experiments - let's call them masochists - since without them, I wouldn't be able to philosophise about what they find out. Or imagine its implications, which leads on to...
English and the arts. I love these. Metaphor is multi-layered language, and language is multi-layered maths. Take maths beyond its most complex point, to a place where numbers are abstract and meaningless and axioms barely seem to apply, and you have the arts. The analysis of a text and the intuitive intelligence required therefor is far more advanced than simple number crunching. Two numbers interacting in a certain way will always produce identical results, whereas the same two words appearing next to eachother on a page can mean more things than one could count in a lifetime. Analysing the products of the arts is like looking at a blackboard covered in numbers and intuitively understanding, if not 'knowing' definitively, the result. While maths may be the most pure field (it's not, philosophy is), its most advanced and beautiful application is art.
-oooooring. Dull as sin. Grinding numbers is stupidly easy and repetitive. I should clarify, I'm really talking about maths classes. I'd usually ignore the teacher and start working on some problem I'd notice, that would entertain me a lot. I never got any work done all year, then worked out everything I needed to know for the exam from the basics while I was doing it. Difficult equations are pretty fun to solve, especially when you have no idea how to solve them. "I'd probably kick ass at math if I actually gave a shit about it" sounds about right.
Have you done any math beyond 'number crunching'? Solving equations and the rules are boring, at that level its basically learning how to use a tool. Statistics and accounting... that sort of boring stuff... not so great...
There's math of much more significant interest. Gödel's incompleteness theorem comes to mind, along with Cellular Automata... simple rules that produce stunning complexity.
Its not really about complexity with math either. It's about taking simple basic ideas to their logic conclusion, finding connections where you don't suspect there to be any. Using a creative insight to look at something in a different way.
Math loses its luster when interesting developments have already been developed. The arts keep on changing and coming up with new means of expression. You need to actually do Math that's challenging, difficult and undiscovered to get what's really great about it, I think. At the fringes of understanding is when Math comes alive, the unanswered questions in math have a quality that's different than anything else. They have a mysterious quality, like they transcend everything... and yet when they are proven they must be true. No other field really gets results that must be true like math does.
How interesting would the arts be if you spent all day learning grammar rules, the color wheel and music theory while never writing, reading, painting, viewing art, playing music, or listening to music?
I agree with you on Science though, running experiments is very boring. Too much detail muddles the fun...
At least with my high school curriculum, precalculus is an enormous waste of time that should be skipped. There's only about a month of new material spread out over 10.