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INTPs and their amazing ideas


Gone for good
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Nov 24, 2010
Since I was a kid, I never really understood the concept of infinity or fully incorporated it into my belief system. Sure when you think of it in the context of the conceptual idea of math, one can imagine that numbers would go on forever, but this never truly sold me on its applicability in the real world. By convention, the infinity sign to me represents repetition. How is that never ending?


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 4:33 PM
Jan 2, 2010
Before Ne, Si.(actually Ne-Si-Ne) That is, before the solution, know the situation. I don't have any grand solution for the world's problems because i do not undertand reality sufficiently. A solid foundation before a mountain of creation. That is how I work. And it fails me during the times i have to force a perception because of limited time.


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 1:33 AM
Aug 24, 2008
Keep these coming, guys.

ZMaster - that's nuts. Fantastic story.


Life is a side scroller, keep moving.
Local time
Today 8:33 AM
Sep 8, 2011
I think it would be a really good idea to teach the aspects of introversion and extroversion in schools, particularly around the middle school level. It would put a damper on the cultural standard/belief/etc that it's better to be an extrovert over an introvert. Kids (and parents) will have a much better understanding of how some people just behave differently than others. As a 20 year old and living in a house full of EXXJ's including an ESFJ dad things can get extremely frustrating when it comes to me explaining things and have my opinions dismissed as just another "no-it-all statement". If these students learn that its just a matter of introversion vs. extroversion it could really halt all of the "psychological misdiagnosis" of introverts. IE: depression, etc.
Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is the primary enemy of the INTp.


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Jul 23, 2011
First of all, I'm Uruguayan, and my English isn't that good.

Pick a problem, and show me your solution.

Well, this isn't much of a solution, as I'm not being practical at all. But *sigh*, that's what being an INTP is all about, isn't it?

There's this almost eternal philosophical question: Does the human being have a difference of essence to other animals, or are we simply more evolved?

Well, I have an opinion about this. I believe that logic, racionality, reason, and all that comes with those, do exist in other animals, but are way less evolved. What I believe that makes as different in essence, is our creativity. It is the creative process that sets as apart, our ability to have ideas with value, that can ultimately shape the world to our ideals and thoughts, which can invent and create, and make people immortal ("The goal isn't to live forever, but to create something that will").

Intuition, on the other hand, is the undervalued quality we share with animals, but is constantly suppressed. It is what sets us INTPs apart, and its my quality that I hold dearest to me. Einstein: "The only thing that really matters, is intuition".

Share a freakyass dream.

Well, I used to be freaked out about a recurring dream in which I was walking in a supermarket, and an "Alf-like" creature sang. My fear about it didn't make any sense, as there was nothing to be afraid of. Yet, the dream was a nightmare.

Run through one of your weirder thought processes.

This will be hard, because I don't really think in words... I just think (Intuition FTW!).

Let's think about our mind. Why do we think? Because of our friggin' brain, you might say. Well, but, how can matter make us think? You know... we aren't just a complex computer. Our thoughts and behaviour can't just be triggered by physical causes and reactions in our brain, by chemicals reacting, by atoms doing whatever that atoms do (Tennis would be my best guess). We don't just "function", we actually think, we have a conscience, a mind, a soul... whatever you want to call it.

What is the conscience? That's really difficult to define... I guess we all kind of know what it is, without being able to give a definition of it. We feel with the conscience, we think with the conscience, we sense with the conscience, we ultimately are our conscience... the thing is that we aren't just bodies who function, we are actually sentient, we have a mind. Well, what is the conscience formed of? Matter? It can't be, primarily because of what I just said about us not just "functioning", and also because of the fact that the mind or conscience isn't much of a thing, but a phenomenom or an experience. ME-CAN'T-EXPLAIN-GOTTA-HAVE-JUICE-BRAIN-OVERHEATING.

Well, the thing is that, if our conscious experience isn't made of matter, why would we logically assume that it emerges from our body (matter). Can matter create a non-physical entity? It surely can't... it would be as if creating from zero. So... I'm not saying that It can't be influenced by matter (Because it obviously does, our brain is not there just for decoration), though I don't know how exactly. What I'm saying is that it's existence doesn't necesarilly have to be dependent of the matter, or more precisly, the well-being of our body.

Why would a non-physical entity disappear when our body dies? Well, I surely can think of a handful of reasons why that could happen, but It actually seems more likely that our "mind-soul-conscience" prevails after death. So, where the hell am I going with this reasoning? Well, I'm definitely not trying to prove religion... I'm just trying to say that life beyond death isn't that far-fetched of an idea, even from a logical stantpoint. I'm not very religious, but I do belive in God and the fact that life goes on even beyond death.

I'll leave you with a Dumbledore quote:

"It is the unknown that we fear upon death and darkness. Nothing more".

P.S: I hope an HP quote doesn't lead to you guys cataloging this whole thing as bullshit.
P.S2: Btw, what's up with the black forum template? What is this, 1997?
P.S3: @Guywhocomparedtheatomtothesolarsystem Actually, the atomic model which you are talking about isn't really relevant nowadays. There aren't really electrons circling around the nucleous in a perfect orbit as planets do.Dumbing it down, there aren't orbits, there are orbitals... energy levels. Electrons can go wherever the hell they want to, actually, they are just more likely to be in some places than others. The thing is that electrons do not behave like planets going round a star, they do not circle through a fixed road or orbit... they are way less predictable. I actually had the same idea as you did, but then the new model came, so It was sadly shattered to pieces xD.


Local time
Today 3:33 PM
Sep 10, 2011
Pick a problem, and show me your solution.

we live in a society where we abuse the environment to an extend where it actually kills many of us way before time because of toxins from pollution and where the same pollution might put the world in a state where it's incapable of sustaining life as we know it, and yet no one (besides the few private persons who is fanatic about it) is acting to the extend where it actually makes a difference, which brings me to the next problem money! people seems to be religious about the economic system we use, despite of numerous faults in the system, they act as thou we exist for the sake of money and not the other way around.

my solution?
getting an education in advanced physics and mathematics, learning how to grow fields in a sustainable manner! learn how to live of wild plants (in case of war or other things that would force us to relocate) get a job as a professor in physics in an university buy a farm and land gather a group of people with abilities that would be useful to the small community and stop giving a fuck about what the modern society does if they really are that stupid I'm not sure they deserve to live!


Local time
Today 4:33 PM
Oct 8, 2011
to be honest i wouldn't want to be in a position of power, since i do not really understand the concept of power and how to use it, but if there is one thing i really think the government should do is to acknowledge a social hierarchy. Don't get me wrong, i don't mean like feudalism or anything, i just think that certain people should be recognized as 'higher' social classes than other people, instead of considering them as 'equals' in any democratic society. This is what really bothers me; the fact that everyone has his or her own unique personality, financial support and genetic make-up, and society tries to treat them equally, because that's what democracy and equal rights is all about. It's actually quite depressing; this is what causes the discouragement of the growth of potential geniuses. In current society, geniuses don't exist anymore. They are a concept; an ideal mind. Nobody pursues that kind of a career, and also, society indirectly frowns upon them. In current society there are only intelligent people; the ones specialized in a certain group through acquiring knowledge and 'learning' critical thinking (haha the irony).

This could go on for ages (actually ive gone a bit out of topic here), so basically the point is that society should have some sort of tangible hierarchy that people respect and that appreciates the uniqueness of an individual and encourages their growth for their personal benefits (if not too extreme) and also for the society as a whole.

That would be a huge contributing factor to Utopia in my opinion.


Local time
Today 9:33 AM
Oct 10, 2011
Where the sun don't shine
I have weird thoughts. As of late(maybe the last year), I've thought about the process that would have to take place in order for the universe (or multiverse) to spontaneously come into existence from nothing. It's crazy to think something can come from nothing without something having been introduced from an outside source. So zero was all there was to work with. Then came the idea of splitting zero in half. Like, +1 and -1. The system is still closed, nothing new introduced, and it still equals zero. You can do the same with +2 and -2 and so on infinitely. This notion sounds theoretical at best, with no real-world implications. But of course, science (specifically physics) has observed this very phenomenon taking place. Everywhere, all the time. They're called "quantum fluctuations". Two particles, completely opposite to one another (electron and positron) fluctuate into existence and then annihilate each other, leaving nothing behind.
I started to look at things, anything, everything with the intent of finding its opposite. In fact, I can't seem to find something that exists (and is clearly defined) without finding it's opposite. Green is the opposite of red, matter has antimatter, left has right, and good has evil (even as abstract ideas). What's the opposite of a month? Well, a month is a length of time going in one direction? What direction? Forward? for how long? When I'm able to define a month I bet I'll be able to find it's opposite. There's a balance amongst things. Amongst all things, and a balance means things equate always at "zero". So everything that "is", in turn "isn't" because it all goes back to nothing. With nothing new having been introduced.

Then I realize that I haven't eaten in well over a day thinking about absolutely nothing.


Madman in da making
Local time
Today 9:33 AM
Dec 15, 2011
ilike2poison, you may find the ancient Greek Philosopher Heraclitus interesting. He dealt with ideas of balance and opposing forces.


Local time
Today 7:33 AM
Dec 22, 2011
Up over there, left at the roundabout
I have had many "significant" ideas in my existence. In 6th grade I created a blue print of a self sustaining community, with efficiency. I had also created a smart-road (I had not known) that would heat the asphalt itself without requiring extra energy by utilizing the heat from the water pipes. I even went as far as to say that waste, (rainwater) etc. would be purified and sent to a community storehouse. These were just some of my "inventions" but I had not even known about the existence of these innovations in the real world.:confused:


Consultant, inventor, project innovator
Local time
Today 10:33 PM
Jan 7, 2010
Perth, Australia
Problem: High cost of construction, leading to long waiting lists for houses and high rents in my city.

Solution: Automated onsite assembly of small buildings using exactly the same materials and pieces in current use, but with a huge crane-based mechanical multi-pick-and-placer mechanism straddling the site.

(Advantages: No labor costs. 24/7 construction, making it a lot faster. Quieter construction. More accurate placement of materials. Lowered costs. An increase in demand for interior furnishings and a general increase in demand for all construction and fitout materials. Lower mortgage payments. More money available for spending by residents. Lowered stress amongst residents.)

Dream: The one where the universe is made up of moments from other universe's cutting-room floors, and the tentacled things from the non-Euclidian dimensions are powering it off the destruction of quantum observance.

Weird thoughts: I just got a telemarketing call. Logically, to avoid this in future, I should completely destroy the global telemarketing industry. Make plans for telemarketing-destruction project.

Great day: Sleep in, wake up late. Shower, dress, and attend meeting with local government to set terms for doing them a huge favor which will net me and many other people a lot of money in the process. Grab lunch. Attend some talks by visiting professors on microelectronics, sensors, and city grids. Hit the beach. Go see a movie. Meet up with a bunch of assorted business dudes for a dinner meeting, and find out if any of them want in on the government deal. Get home. Swap email with a couple of startups who want to build some of my software package ideas, including the one for the telemarketing destroyer. Review the docs from the government dudes regarding potential barriers and pitfalls, slurp all the red tape into my brain, and sleep on it. I know I'll have a solution by breakfast.


Local time
Today 3:33 PM
Feb 27, 2012
Chernobyl, Ukraine
First of all, I'm glad that my first post will be in this thread!


Currently, I am trying to create a perfect political ideology by taking elements from other ones. This is all still in my head, but I really want to start writing it down - although there are a lot of ideas going through my head.
Most of these elements come from socialist and democratic/somewhat liberal system, with a mixture of (please do not misunderstand me now) national-socialistic ideas from Hitler's collaborators.

The socialist system has this, lets say, merciful side, and the idea of giving the goods and money to hard-working people is wonderful. I will give a few of my visionary examples: 1. people who don't have enough money to support their families will be given a certain sum of money
(for a certain period, 2 years or something) to stand on their feet, find a better job...
2. at least in my country, we have a problem with people immigrating to big cities, while the countryside stays full of old people who die and don't have anyone to inherit their houses. ----- solution: the problem with homeless and Gipsy people could also be solved if they move in these houses, and can stay there as long as they contribute to the land and the state (note: the state has its full right to kick them out if they don't work)
This is the so called killing two bird with one stone!
3. there wouldn't be taxes on bread & milk, no one should be deprived of this basic necessity. (taxes would be insignificantly higher for items of less importance, economical balance needs to stay untouched)
4. since my country has a great potential in exporting wheat, fruit and some vegetables, I would employ country's 40%-50% of workforce for this!

This could go on and on, yet I still have to show good elements of other political systems :D

So, I think in a legal and legitimate way a perfect state should be democratic, people should be able to choose on elections. But there is a problem I don't know how to solve yet -> the representative democratic system has its flaws ~> often politicians who get the power use it in a wrong way, and citizens serve them only for getting this power, not for doing things they promised (oh god, I really know much about constitution and all 'o')
This could be solved by limiting their power somehow, but I still have no idea about it.

Now, something a bit more radical: I've been thinking a lot about useless people, and personally, and straightforwardly, I think they should be killed.
By useless people, I consider old people who cannot take care of themselves (and why should we build them retirement homes?), also chronic heroin abusers, they are society's parasites. Also, fully handicapped people. Why would anyone live such a torturing life? And last but not least, mentally handicapped people. This could 'clean' the society. I know it's very Nazi-like :kilroy:

I thought of many new or modified laws, but, as I said it's all still in my head, and I'm too lazy to write anymore and I don't know English well enough to write them in a legal form I imagined ;p

That's all from me :smoker:


Local time
Today 9:33 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
@cheese. Thank you for the thread. My "incredible thought" has already been outlined but not fleshed out in Understanding Made Simple. It would change the world if presented properly (any of those incredible thoughts), but ENxx's are needed for that. What is missing is lots of examples + good looking flesh presented by an ENxx. When I say that, I'm acting like an INxJ with Ni primary and Fe or Te auxiliary. A real INTP though can't keep up the Ni which is most likely Ti Fe anyway. (Reminds me I fear of Adymus (an INTP) who I think got the boot for being a Pod'Lai pusher, lol.) The reason why it would change the world is understanding is power ... but only if applied with action.
I read a lot of people saying they've got all these incredible thoughts and if only they were allowed to run the government (and if only they had enough discipline to do it without getting distracted by anime) their country/the entire world would be fixed in a matter of days. (It's just so obvious to me, man.)
There are some issues doing that. The issues involve the plethora of choices.
1. Best for the most versus care for the least able?
2. Favor the top for long term or for short term?
3. Favor the current populace for short/long term (socialism)?
4. Delegation of responsibility versus philosopher king
5. Transparency of information flow both among peoples and for natural resources.
6. Democracy versus oligarchy versus other.
... things like that which define "best" are indeterminant.

Here is an example. Should the world take action on global warming or not? Answer: The world just as the individual enjoys living. In living our lives, we consume what we enjoy. We don't save it for after death. Same with the world. The world wants to enjoy natural resources now. So what if they are used up? That is not a rhetorical question.

I think all the incredible thoughts should keep coming. Someone may notice.:rolleyes:


Local time
Today 8:33 AM
Feb 26, 2012
so, as of today i'm going to start studying my friends by compiling their actions, personalities, hobbies, etc. and write down who hangs out with who, what they talk about, etc. this way i can gain a bit of insite on how they think. how will i do so you ask? well, i have put the explainations of each personalilty type, an MBTI test, and a document with each of the personality types listed on it (so that i can make notes of each of the subjects) onto my kindle. i believe this will be an interesting project.... :smiley_emoticons_mr


Local time
Today 4:33 AM
Mar 9, 2012
these arent amazing by any means but im just saying...id sure like to somehow "grab" food out of the TV when they advertise...or whenever they are showing some stupid purfume/cologne commercial, i wish there was something to make the scent go thru the TV so i could smell it. Incorporate more of the senses with television. somehow. lol


Local time
Today 8:33 AM
Feb 26, 2012
i have also recently thought of a design for a mask, where, when you look at an object or person, it will give you the entire background on it/ them. i have everything thought out, and my INTJ friend has helped me with a few of the ideas, the problem is actually doing it. the details i'd rather not explain for fear someone would try to steal my ideas. haha :rolleyes:


Local time
Today 9:33 AM
Mar 5, 2012
Problem: A general lack of understanding/interest in the universe.

I just don't understand how people can NOT look up into the sky and be completely awestruck. How can you care about such inane crap as celebrity weddings and American Idol? This is a REAL problem.

We have this incredible planet, in an incredible universe, which we know so little about. Why is it a TINY part of the population that studies this.

Why do so few people care about the bigger picture?

Solution: I wish I knew. I can offer practical solutions to many problems.. but how do you fix a cultural problem?


Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Apr 13, 2009
Problem: A general lack of understanding/interest in the universe.

I just don't understand how people can NOT look up into the sky and be completely awestruck. How can you care about such inane crap as celebrity weddings and American Idol? This is a REAL problem.

We have this incredible planet, in an incredible universe, which we know so little about. Why is it a TINY part of the population that studies this.

Why do so few people care about the bigger picture?

Solution: I wish I knew. I can offer practical solutions to many problems.. but how do you fix a cultural problem?

How do you fix a cultural problem?

Don't worry, over time all the old cultures will die out.

How do you speed up that process?

Cross the generation gap and try to communicate with them.


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Oct 16, 2008
When I was stuck in the car on a trip to see my grandparents I came up with the Stanley Miller experiment idea (early life = chemicals in ocean + electricity/lightning), illustrated using a crayon and a blank page in a coloring book. I didn't like coloring books, so I always just used them for their blank pages at the front and back.

I should note that I had no idea why any of my idea made sense, whereas I'm sure Miller did.

More recently I got a research internship offer after talking to some lady (as it turns out, a researcher at the local university) in a grocery store for 3-5 minutes. I was reading a journal article she co-authored in line, and when she asked me what I thought of it apparently what I had to say was good. Which is weird because I mostly had criticism for it. I'm going to study glycogen synthase kinase 3 !


Local time
Today 9:33 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
A stroke of luck or you were prepped for the opportunity?:)


Local time
Today 3:33 PM
Mar 16, 2012
All my life i've been fascinated ( maybe obsessed is a better word) by the concept of biological evolution. I read a lot of books about it and by the time I was taught the subject in school I think I knew more about it then my teacher :D .
When I was young I came up with various implications of the Theory of Evolution; I jogged on barefeet because that's the way we evolved ( I still jog on minimalist shoe's ), I refused to drink milk because of the same reason ( and I still don't) etc. The cool thing was that only several month's after I conceived the idea's I read in a scientific magazine that running shoe's and drinking excessive amounts of milk can actually be destructive. Nowadays companies such as Nike have brought out shoe's that mimic going barefeet and studies found that milk can cause osteoporosis... Recently I have been searching a mathematical formula wich can describe evolution and from wich I could derive consequences yet unseen by qualitative thought. Something like Newton's laws of motion.
Obviously I am now studying biology and going to master in evolutionary biology. The strange thing is that I just CAN'T let it go, all my thoughtprocesses eventually turn to something involving evolution. It even frustrates my sometimes :confused: .


Being brains, they feel compelled to know everythi
Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Jan 18, 2011
I am full of gems. I have a professor friend who's constantly saying, "Oh, I gotta write that one down!"

I have another friend (PhD) who's constantly telling me she admires my qualities greatly and would like to be more like me.

(Is it bragging when you're asked to talk about it?)


Seriously though, I do have ideas all the time. I file them away and actively work on only a few of them. I am currently working on an idea for education which people really need. My friends know about it, but I don't talk about it on the internet.

But with the rarity that I actually *work* on my ideas, I tell people I'm mostly an idea person, not a doer. Which is true most of the time. I would make a great theoretical scientist. But I am back in school and going into biology research where I think at least my idea skills can be used.


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Oct 16, 2008
All my life i've been fascinated ( maybe obsessed is a better word) by the concept of biological evolution. I read a lot of books about it and by the time I was taught the subject in school I think I knew more about it then my teacher :D .
When I was young I came up with various implications of the Theory of Evolution; I jogged on barefeet because that's the way we evolved ( I still jog on minimalist shoe's ), I refused to drink milk because of the same reason ( and I still don't) etc. The cool thing was that only several month's after I conceived the idea's I read in a scientific magazine that running shoe's and drinking excessive amounts of milk can actually be destructive. Nowadays companies such as Nike have brought out shoe's that mimic going barefeet and studies found that milk can cause osteoporosis... Recently I have been searching a mathematical formula wich can describe evolution and from wich I could derive consequences yet unseen by qualitative thought. Something like Newton's laws of motion.
Obviously I am now studying biology and going to master in evolutionary biology. The strange thing is that I just CAN'T let it go, all my thoughtprocesses eventually turn to something involving evolution. It even frustrates my sometimes :confused: .

That's awesome. I've felt that way about most science theories...once I know them, they start taking over my mind, getting applied all over the place. It's probably the frustration inherent in knowing it's not being applied perfectly, not yet, that forces me to study science.

Sometimes it's like what I would imagine being in a cult is like, minus the friends.

You're thinking in the correct direction trying to find something elegant (like math) at the center of evolution.

I do a similar thing with food and other life-style choices... it seems like it should be obvious to live as a human according to the biology of a human (with exceptions for effective technological adaptions, which are also 'natural' to our species).


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Apr 29, 2010
I don't think the world should stop running at night. We should eliminate time zones. There would be night people and day people.


og root beer
Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Jan 13, 2012
I have a thought, about moving the bulk of our energy to sources such as hydrogen and thorium instead of fossil fuels, using hydrogen to power our vehicles, and having power plants that use thorium in their reactors. Thorium is much more common than uranium, also more cost efficient and cheaper. It is proven to be am effective source of energy and is currently being used in few reactors across the world, not enough however.

And hydrogen as fuel. It's the most abundant element in the universe and on our planet, shouldn't we be using it much more than we have? An international conversion would be costly for many companies and countries, but extracting hydrogen from water is much less expensive than drilling for oil. Hydrogen is combustible, yes, but it can be safely stored in a tank when bonded to hydrides, and then separated once exiting the tank to be combusted in the engine. Water is everywhere, your source for hydrogen is therefore, everywhere. The devices for extracting hydrogen from water are energy efficient, they can be mass produced, people can have their own or go to a fueling station to pump up with more hydrogen. The emissions are not harmful for our atmosphere, and while our vehicles will be running on hydrogen, our homes and businesses will be powered by thorium. However, I believe in diversification. Wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal and uranium/plutonium based nuclear plants will still be in operation. But, hydrogen, the most abundant element, will outlast other sources of energy for millennia.

x Loki

Local time
Today 7:33 AM
Apr 26, 2012
Yes, I have ideas like this all the time, almost subconsciously sometimes..it's hard to explain. I really should start writing them down.


Local time
Today 8:33 AM
Jun 27, 2012
Share a freakyass dream.
I had a dream that I was murdered :slashnew:. I knew I was going to be murdered the entire day, so I was hanging out with a friend, trying not be be killed. I tried to stop it by not going to the place where I died, but then I realized it was my friend's house. The murderer jumped out of some bushes, a police man came & was like "don't shoot or I'll shoot you". The baddie must not have liked me a lot because he shot me! Then I woke up, went back to sleep & had a dream that I was in a field, crawling through those fabric tube things kids & dogs go through :confused:... lol

Run through one of your weirder thought processes.
When I was little(around 3 or 4) I was trying to figure out how time existed & how time travel was possible. I came to the conclusion that time is like a book(not linear), there is one spot a book is at(coordinates), but there are many pages(time). So right at this second it is not only today, but all of time happening at once! :cool:
According to Doctor Who, I'm100% right!

Describe a slightly-cooler-than-average day for you.
Doing something besides summer school :p


Local time
Tomorrow 1:33 AM
Jun 3, 2011
hi. i joined this site almost exactly a year ago, but then got sidetracked. hopefully i can stay focussed to return, cos, according to an independant site describing intp's, i am definitiely one and interested in how others like me think.

but anyway, this topic interested me, and after reading a few responses (albeit years old) i have to add mine.

dreams: i used to often dream of flying. yeah yeah, common enough, all i can add is that i did it by standing and 'urging' myself up, and up i would go. lately though, and it's kind of odd, but i dream more of bounding along on all fours at huge speeds.

but i think the main thrust of the thread was problems and solutions.

my problem is: why haven't aliens visited us yet?

my solution (and i acknowledge it probably has lots of holes), but... stars make all the stuff heavier than hydrogen and helium by exploding in such heat/pressure to, as far as i understand it, 'forge' the heavier elements necessary for life and even planets to start with.

this process takes, iono, billions and billions of years. now i can't remember exactly but the 'universe', as far as we know it is only something like 14 billion years old (and again i acknowledge that number may well increase, or even decrease, the more we find out).

but anyway, life as we know it, and i suspect ANY life would take a complex mixture of the heavier elements, like carbon, potassium, iron, etc to form.

so maybe, we haven't been 'visited' yet because, life may well be alllll through the universe, but, there's the chance that we are among the most evolved/intelligent forms anywhere just based on how long it takes to make the elements necessary for life, then the evolution etc. we may be just average (my guess). but the gist is, that the universe just isn't old enough for the 'average' lifeform to learn interstellar travel yet, and if there are more advance species, not quite advanced to have searched this far yet.

i think the guts of my solution is that the universe just isn't old enough yet, considering the time needed to make stars, heavy elements, planets, life, evolved life. and that we may well be among the most advanced in the universe (if it's true i hope it doesn't go to our collective head).

this is just a theory i've been thinking of recently, so be nice if you could even be bothered disagreeing. and yeah, there's lots of billion year margins of error involved. i suppose a lot depends on star lifetimes, but from memory, they last billions of years so yeah, we could be even among the 1st life in the universe.

and finally, just quietly, i'm not wholly convinced of the big bang theory regardless of the red shift proof, which may well be a result of as yet unknown physics involving large distances. this of course throws my earlier theory right out and life could've begun, evolved, died out ZILLIONS of times already.

gonna read some more fora here now :D
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Jul 16, 2012
Problem: Democracy does not work due to in part of rhetoric and hidden agendas
Solution: Electorates and statesmen should wear lie detector equipment when making public appearances, debating or making speeches. They should also wear their sponsors on their clothing like for and example, sports-celebrities do. So a presidential candidate would have stickers of on his/her suit from the donators to his campaign. This would make politics absolutely hilarious, and more democratic.

I had a dream where there were tubes and wiring growing inside me replacing the tissue, and i had to go to the hospital. My left arm was transforming to a metal abomination. The problems started when i realized the hospital was inside a spa, and in order to reach the clinic i had to navigate trough a plethora of people and survive underwater passages and water slides. Imagine being in a spa with electricity jolting out from your arm.

I also have this recurring dream, which i see every time in a high fever. I fly to the moon with a cartoon rocket. When i land there the world becomes black and white - and giant rocks with a diameter of several meters start chasing me. The weirdest part, is that the rocks are really playing cards, comprising exclusively of J,Q,K valued cards. And the thing that disturbs me the most is, that i cant make out which suit the card-rock which is crushing me is, when they finally catch up with me is. I always wake up the moment i die.

cooler than average day is when i make derogatory remarks regarding my colleagues and bosses, and laugh right at their faces, and they just stand there not knowing what to do, cause its so absurd and they are not certain I have offended them or made a remark of their lives complete absurdity.


Local time
Today 7:33 AM
Jul 24, 2012
I typed out a long bit of one of my ideas, and once I started my second one, decided to delete it all.

I find that my idea to delete it all was amazing.

That was so much easier and faster to type. Tch. Wasted about thirty minutes.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Jul 22, 2012
My crazy idea is what I call my theory of narratives. Turns out some other guy thought of the jist of it before I did (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Ricœur), but whatever. Nothing new under the sun.

The general idea is that with respect to people, or I suppose anything really, we can never achieve perfect knowledge. That is to say, there are always aspects about them that are unknown or hypothetical situations regarding them where we cannot know for sure how they would respond. Our psyche can't handle this idea though, especially when it is someone we are very interested in or attracted to, so it fills in the blanks and creates a narrative. We don't really know the person, we know the narrative. We hear their words and watch their actions through the veil of this narrative. What inevitably results is that we encounter an incongruence with our narrative, where the person says or does something so shocking we think they have radically changed, or been deceptive all along, and this is where we experience pain and problems with our relationships.

My crazy dream is as follows:

I am at church for some reason, which I find strange since I don't attend church any more. A bunch of kids I knew from high school (some of them I still see in real life on occasion) are in the parking lot acting rowdy and doing doughnuts in their cars. One of them hits another car and we all run/drive away to another parking lot. Then I'm sitting in a car with some of them, three of whom I know and one is just a random dream character. We are clearly on drugs or drunk because we are making a video in the car and doing silly things. I get out of the car to make faces through the window. The dream character also gets out of the car and climbs on the roof. He then jumps into the air and swan dives into the concrete. I watch his head explode like a cantaloupe.

I woke up screaming. The symbolism was quite profound.


The Shaggy Raptor
Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Aug 28, 2012
San Diego
Sharing the paradox of life with the world would be great, but I'm not crazy enough to try it.

living chaos

Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Aug 25, 2012
I recently realized I had a better understanding of modern politics the most people despite them being twice my age. Which is really, really sad.


who purgatoried their torsos night after night wi
Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Sep 11, 2009
At one point I realized that everyone in the world that has ever existed is completely justified in everything they do, for anyone in that particular situation with that particular background and that particular brain structure would have done that particular thing. That there is, in a sense, no free will, because your thought process is dictated by experience and physical makeup.

This led me to think, well then, if everyone is justified, then no one should dictate shoulds and shouldn'ts. For if everyone is justified, then there is no real right or wrong, good or bad, things just are, and a lot less effort could be directed towards telling people how to live their lives.

Buuut then I realized that that was hypocritical, and that everyone was justified in saying what others should and shouldn't do (just as the victims were justified in listening or not).

This knowledge continues to make it difficult to have an opinion. Because when you can see every side of an issue, an issue that continues to remain an issue, then there must be no particular way to win such an argument as all surviving points of view are equal. If there seems to be no clear, true answer, and that there may never be a "correct" answer, then any side chosen is chosen on a whim with no substantial basis.*

*not necessarily based in reality


Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Jun 29, 2012
Do I have any amazing ideas? Interesting question. I have a lot of insightful observations of the universe. The idea I have for fixing the state of the world is to change the underlying social structure and ideology, in effect using people's innate desire to "belong".

People are taught to focus on themselves, the "I" is the center of their universe. It's "I want" "I need" "I feel" "I know". If people in the media and social gatherings like churches, schools, sports events, etc. were to propagate and enforce the idea that the well being of others is just as important as the well being of the self, and made social acceptance contingent on how selfless you are, then people would start being more interdependent rather than disregarding others in order to gain for themselves.

Shifting the societal mindset from "I" to "We" would effectively reduce crime, war, homelessness, and inequality between the rich and poor classes. If integrated into society to enough of an extent, social stereotypes and classes may cease to exist all together and people would accept each other for who they are.

The drawbacks of this solution are as follows:

The present structure of government in the United States and most other countries is based on personal gain and greed. Naturally, positions of power and leadership appeal to people that desire to have power over other people. These personalities tend to exalt personal gain above the well being of others, and so would not support or perpetuate the idea of "We" over "I".

Money makes the world go 'round, as it's said. The way people make money is primarily by appealing to the selfish nature of others. A consumerist society depends on the "I want" "I need" mindsets. If you can appeal to people's primal instincts, want for food, sex, or acceptance, then you will have successful sales, this is what I learned in advertising class. With greed being what drives the economy, it is unlikely that business owners would be open to perpetuating the idea of "We" over "I".

Some would say that regarding others as just important as the self is counter-intuitive to evolution. However, I don't see this idea as an obstacle as I disagree with this sentiment. "Looking out for number one" works for wolves, deer and birds, but humans rely on society to survive. This means that it is actually counter-intuitive to "look out for number one" without looking out for everyone else at the same time. Contributing to the overall development and well being of society ultimately increases the chances of survival and reproduction of the individual.

Integrating the idea of "We" over "I" is a radical proposal at the least. It would require the political and economic systems of a society to completely rework themselves and really become something new. However, I do think that interdependence is inevitable in the long run. Eventually society just won't work anymore the way it is, and out of necessity people will begin to help each other on their own volition. This is the future of human evolution.

Oh, and I'm 25. I have had this idea at least since I was 20 though.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 3:33 AM
Dec 12, 2009
This led me to think, well then, if everyone is justified, then no one should dictate shoulds and shouldn'ts.
I lol'ed.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean, it really makes it hard to give a shit sometimes, but other times I realize there's nothing wrong with not being sane enough to give a shit so I let the maddness take me, see I think we're all mad scientists of a sort, it's our nature.

Do you know Dr Steel?


who purgatoried their torsos night after night wi
Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Sep 11, 2009


Local time
Today 6:33 AM
Jun 29, 2012
I have Back and Forth on my ipod because a friend recommended it, but that's about it.

@PhoenixRising: Have you ever read Ayn Rand's Anthem? Your idea reminds me of that.
No, never made it through an Ayn Rand book, I find her writing dry. However, I'll have to take a look at Anthem, since I'm curious about how much my ideas mirror it. I would venture to guess that Anthem is based on the ideas put forth in communism, since most of Rand's books are based on a socialist viewpoint.


Local time
Today 10:33 PM
Mar 3, 2008
Everyone is so abstract. My ideas are usually things that could actually be done without having to be in a position of significant power.

I feel like an ISTP here.


Burning brightly
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Oct 29, 2012
About 6 months ago I had a dream where, among some other crazy things, I puked up different colours. They were all different consistencies. The last one was purple and it was thin and there were only a few drops.

I had a recurring nightmare when I was much younger, and it kinda sent chills down my spine remembering it just now. It was the scariest thing ever in a nightmare, except maybe from a few things the past couple of weeks. It was this (mathematical?) complexity of a 3d grid or something. I know exactly what it was inspired from: a platformer game on the PS1. It was an endless grid. It's like; the endless expanse of computing. The idea that you are walking on cubes or something, "trapped", and it's a journey, which is just ENDLESS. IT NEVER ENDS. And, zooming out on that (visually)-- seeing the hopelessness of your own journey/life/existence. I distinctly remember comparing it to life achievements.

Today that's something I fear I guess. Come to think of it, it's very inhuman to realize the nature of "fabric" of reality; and all the things you will never do or experience; all the hopelessness of life in the actual bigger picture.

Also, recent nightmares-- I had one a few days ago where I felt really intense and pure panic/fear/anxiety. Like, really pure. I thought I was actually having a night terror (2 times) from within a dream. Weird. Anyway, at this point I just entered a mode/psyche (within the dream..) that I'd face whatever was "waiting" for me (in this human-fear / fight-or-flight mode / anxiety of very scary visuals that might await me) .. it's a recent theme I've been dealing with. I like scaring myself actually, because I realize also in the logical sense that no ghosts or "very scary visuals" really wait for me around dark corners. But, I like the experience, for example, of walking around in pitch black (really black, like.. can't see your hands at all) which I've done a few times.. on my own and all. In silence. haha. But it's ok, I know ghosts and the "being watched" is completely primal psychology and not real.

A few nights before that nightmare, I had another one.. it was very weird and doesn't translate to reality. But it was interesting in its themes. It was basically about a new planet that humanity discovered, and we had scientists try to probe it. The scientists sent a kind of sponge-ball the size of a tennis ball, and it got stuck, and an astronaut went to find it. The very "real" part where the nightmare picked up on this storyline was with the astronaut. ("I" was watching on TV according to the dream, but it was still scary because of what was happening and what it would mean.) Anyway the astronaut fumbled around in this foam stuff and eventually started ripping and tore it open- during the build-up to tearing it there was more and more static on the mic, and he'd been talking standard astronaut "radio dialogue" until then. He suddenly started blabbering insane things, like anger at someone who obviously wasn't there, and then he burst out into singing a "choir type" chorus from some sort of epic song that really unnerved me for some reason: [I think it goes]"BRI- TANN- NIA-- "


Oh, man, that was the scariest thing ever. Really, really very visceral. I could feel the foam trying to find the ball, like I was the astronaut. And the static itself was scary, possibly inspired by horror films like The Grudge. (The Grudge = "very scary visuals" too) .. and the breaking into song was just so eerie and creepy. Oh god. (the tone and strength of the vocals.. it's like in The Exorcist but.. possibly even more unnerving) But it's not really that scary in itself; only to me I think.


Burning brightly
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Oct 29, 2012

I have some pretty cool ideas for society. Where I learn I deal in fundamentals, because that's the most valuable stuff to learn.

Idea #1

What if we had "community deposits" for things like household appliances; DIY tools; furniture? A point of consideration is that today we say "everyone has to have their own hammer, umbrella, toaster.." and yet, really, we know it's both economically impractical and financially & spatially impractical to do this. But we still do it, because it's something we've always done. We collect stuff, all this stuff.. that we don't really individually need. We don't individually need games consoles or most appliances like DIY tools, if everyone would share them and take them as they need.

In such a community-level venture, you eliminate stealing because nobody wants to steal from everybody. But, there are problems to getting there. We currently rely on a stream of new vacuum cleaners, gym equipment, toys, etc. ..even though every 6 months or so those things still work, the catalogues have new models lined up for us. There is some honesty and some critical thinking needed, because for the most part this is the direct result of companies responding to what people will buy. Human decisions, which are in no way rational/logical or made from the wider viewpoint of what, economically, is sustainable and/or practical. Companies operate economically within the means that they can, and since they operate individually this effectively means they are operating blindly in this regard.

No critical thinking is needed, on this level of complexity, today, right? don't rock the boat! Right? Wrong. The implications of these types of fundamental patterns in our thinking and behaviour in wider society/industry, have far-reaching implications everywhere. We can afford TVs and computers today, but what if all the poorer people stop making this stuff so cheaply?

To curb our actual energy uses, as much as we can, fundamentally.. this "community deposit" is one very good idea.

Idea #2

Think of all the old cars circulating. They are less energy efficient. If we were serious about reducing emissions, why not let the state pay for vehicles to be fitted with new hybrid engines or to just manufacture more new efficient cars/vans?

The newest, shiniest cars are only afforded by the richest of us, while the cars and vans used for everyday small businesses are more left as they are, because the owners prioritize other costs. Poorer car owners have taxes and insurance to worry about, and then they likely prioritize spending like entertainment/films/nightlife before their vehicle. Whereas-- the state would recognize that short-term spending on improving the vehicles on the roads, is an actual huge investment in the planet and in the energy savings that will be created.


a who
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Dec 24, 2012
Far away from All This
I believe that every unit of time is an alternate universe, and that we therefore pass through alternate universe endlessly and always. There are an infinite number of these universes, and they are always there. In other words, the year, say, 3857 is happening right now, at the same time as the year 12. You and I just haven't reached that moment yet, or have already passed it. Each unit of time is like a frame in a video. It is not passing by you, you are passing by it. You die when you reach a frame that no longer has you in it. The problem with my theory is that there is no way to measure the length of the time. How long between each frame? I don't know.
LateNightSnack, I just realised that you already had an idea similar to this; mine is a bit different but the main idea (all time is happening at once) is the same. I like your take, though.

I have always liked to detach myself from the rest of the world, so I can be an observer and not a participant. I often wonder if I am just watching the world unfold, as if it is a movie playing just for me. So, when I close my eyes, the visual universe ceases to exist, but the auditory universe still exists. When I open my eyes, the visual universe resumes its existence. Essentially, if I can't process something with my senses, it can't exist, sort of like the fact that you cannot see anything in a movie that the camera is not pointed at, but you are supposed to take it for granted that it is there. I do not actually believe in this theory at all. It bothers me quite a bit, but I do like thinking about it. I often explain this to people by telling them that I wonder if I have dreamed up the world, but that is not really what it is. As I said, I don't believe in this theory at all. I mainly like to speculate about it because it makes everything in the world into a game just for me; a puzzle that I can solve. If I take in all information as if it is a piece of a "big picture" puzzle, I can solve the puzzle of understanding the world. Being an NT, I cannot appreciate my theory with out analysing it like a big puzzle. Otherwise, it is useless.

I also like to wonder what it would be like to have a society that was ruled by the intelligent instead of the charismatic or political. I think that if we could convince less-intelligent people that we had all the answers because we were smart, and convince them that we would do all their thinking for them, they would appreciate it. They would do all the work that did not involve innovation, which, being idiots, they would like quite a bit, and they would pay us to think for them. This way, no one's talents would be wasted. Does anyone think that could work?



Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Jan 14, 2013
Remove the monetary system. Such a system promotes inequity. THings in inequity tend to be righted by nature. The more inequal, the more force in the righting.

Stop believing we have the knowledge of good and evil when we plainly dont.

Make orphans and foster kids attend the highest schools and education in the land. Transforming our weakest link into our strongest. There is more lol.


Burning brightly
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Oct 29, 2012
Remove the monetary system. Such a system promotes inequity. THings in inequity tend to be righted by nature. The more inequal, the more force in the righting.

Stop believing we have the knowledge of good and evil when we plainly dont.

Make orphans and foster kids attend the highest schools and education in the land. Transforming our weakest link into our strongest. There is more lol.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is, however, to change it." ~Marx

so how to get there is the major problem. practical applications to show and demonstrate to general society and those in power, the advantages of a brighter world ...

simulation is one such solution to all our problems, fundamentally. online games can provide a sandbox with which to explore social dynamics / solutions to both new and yet untested political ideologies.


Local time
Today 9:33 AM
Nov 9, 2012
It occurs to me that a small percentage of people have the nerve to see how incredibly horrible the world is. These people are diagnosed with depression.


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Mar 15, 2013
The following ideas are more on the realistic than on the abstract side due to stemming from somewhere out the last bits of 2/3 of my life spend with a practically-gifted mind such my dad's. He's visiting me abroad in a couple of days so here I go, themed :) ...

A) When visiting the gynecologist for first time, I got diagnosed with a fairly common syndrome - for the Mediterranean countries especially, which causes instability within the Menstrual cycle, as well as some pain in the duration of having your period. Something that doesn't require real attention, however, having a messed up pattern like that can be proven quite dis-optimal in various aspects, like affecting your planning for specific future activities as travelling/sports/events etc, and interfering with your sense of being in check with how everything's going biologically for you as a woman. I went home thinking of how I could make sure I'd know about it if I got better - without the need of revisiting the doctor; cause didn't like it. So I started noting down the day and month of each time I'd get a period, consistently. After one year - it was fairly stable, I perplexedly realized. After two and a half, or more -- same results but with a side-note for a few lapses (around once a year?) were 'period' wouldn't be for a whole month (skipping). I open that word file and fill in new dates - just cause interesting!

B-1&2) Another problem-solving instance, occurred out of my choosing to have a wardrobe of almost all black/ dark. A way out of the dilemma "I can't care less, but my appearance - at least somewhat, seems to this world to matter. Shit." Therefore: what better than a color that doesn't get stained often, is incredibly neutral with its non-ability to attract glares in comparison to most others, is serious and casual at the same time - thus fitting closely to every occasion, and presents itself with an elegant yet simplistic flare!? Needless to say, plain texture of, and, on, clothing, amplifies these traits of black. So yeah, regardless my 'improved time-management skill' concerning the everyday-life washing-of-clothes chore (arising in addition from such a decision), a new problem appeared: Not enough light ever to distinguish mentioned alike-items from each other! Its been a while I no longer keep my 'underwear category' in the same drawer or - in that sense - a drawer at all. Using a box or a bag with 3 (modifiable number) separate smaller boxes/bags within is miraculous instead, indeed! ...1st bag; socks, 2nd one; underpants, 3rd one; bras - plus taking advantage of the 'edges' - which is space between each smaller bags and the container's/big bag's (inner) walls - stores more types (i.e: swimwear, tights). White boxes/bags serve better (think of why). Another box/bag for warming-clothing parts such as gloves, legwarmers, hand-warmers, scarfs, and hats - etc. - now all together 'cause of okay-quantity. As for conventional clothing, sticking to the above principle and keeping t-shirts with t-shirts and pants with pants, only to extend to "short-sleeves vs long-sleeves vs dress-like tees", "skirts vs leggings vs jeans", and "home vs day -clothes" (of course), etc. More wardrobe functions: Hang the jackets and don't ever argue with that! - and also stuff that easily need ironing (I do wish I could just hang about everything). Having the least possible to be used clothes underneath the most possible to be used ones, with the exception of above average heavy - that only burden the pile to the point of abnormal shrinkage - which is unfortunate for many reasons. Extra tips: Buy wisely - own what you have to. Give - don't throw - away.
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