First of all, I'm Uruguayan, and my English isn't that good.
Pick a problem, and show me your solution.
Well, this isn't much of a solution, as I'm not being practical at all. But *sigh*, that's what being an INTP is all about, isn't it?
There's this almost eternal philosophical question: Does the human being have a difference of essence to other animals, or are we simply more evolved?
Well, I have an opinion about this. I believe that logic, racionality, reason, and all that comes with those, do exist in other animals, but are way less evolved. What I believe that makes as different in essence, is our creativity. It is the creative process that sets as apart, our ability to have ideas with value, that can ultimately shape the world to our ideals and thoughts, which can invent and create, and make people immortal ("The goal isn't to live forever, but to create something that will").
Intuition, on the other hand, is the undervalued quality we share with animals, but is constantly suppressed. It is what sets us INTPs apart, and its my quality that I hold dearest to me. Einstein: "The only thing that really matters, is intuition".
Share a freakyass dream.
Well, I used to be freaked out about a recurring dream in which I was walking in a supermarket, and an "Alf-like" creature sang. My fear about it didn't make any sense, as there was nothing to be afraid of. Yet, the dream was a nightmare.
Run through one of your weirder thought processes.
This will be hard, because I don't really think in words... I just think (Intuition FTW!).
Let's think about our mind. Why do we think? Because of our friggin' brain, you might say. Well, but, how can matter make us think? You know... we aren't just a complex computer. Our thoughts and behaviour can't just be triggered by physical causes and reactions in our brain, by chemicals reacting, by atoms doing whatever that atoms do (Tennis would be my best guess). We don't just "function", we actually think, we have a conscience, a mind, a soul... whatever you want to call it.
What is the conscience? That's really difficult to define... I guess we all kind of know what it is, without being able to give a definition of it. We feel with the conscience, we think with the conscience, we sense with the conscience, we ultimately are our conscience... the thing is that we aren't just bodies who function, we are actually sentient, we have a mind. Well, what is the conscience formed of? Matter? It can't be, primarily because of what I just said about us not just "functioning", and also because of the fact that the mind or conscience isn't much of a thing, but a phenomenom or an experience. ME-CAN'T-EXPLAIN-GOTTA-HAVE-JUICE-BRAIN-OVERHEATING.
Well, the thing is that, if our conscious experience isn't made of matter, why would we logically assume that it emerges from our body (matter). Can matter create a non-physical entity? It surely can't... it would be as if creating from zero. So... I'm not saying that It can't be influenced by matter (Because it obviously does, our brain is not there just for decoration), though I don't know how exactly. What I'm saying is that it's existence doesn't necesarilly have to be dependent of the matter, or more precisly, the well-being of our body.
Why would a non-physical entity disappear when our body dies? Well, I surely can think of a handful of reasons why that could happen, but It actually seems more likely that our "mind-soul-conscience" prevails after death. So, where the hell am I going with this reasoning? Well, I'm definitely not trying to prove religion... I'm just trying to say that life beyond death isn't that far-fetched of an idea, even from a logical stantpoint. I'm not very religious, but I do belive in God and the fact that life goes on even beyond death.
I'll leave you with a Dumbledore quote:
"It is the unknown that we fear upon death and darkness. Nothing more".
P.S: I hope an HP quote doesn't lead to you guys cataloging this whole thing as bullshit.
P.S2: Btw, what's up with the black forum template? What is this, 1997?
P.S3: @Guywhocomparedtheatomtothesolarsystem Actually, the atomic model which you are talking about isn't really relevant nowadays. There aren't really electrons circling around the nucleous in a perfect orbit as planets do.Dumbing it down, there aren't orbits, there are orbitals... energy levels. Electrons can go wherever the hell they want to, actually, they are just more likely to be in some places than others. The thing is that electrons do not behave like planets going round a star, they do not circle through a fixed road or orbit... they are way less predictable. I actually had the same idea as you did, but then the new model came, so It was sadly shattered to pieces xD.