Are any of you able to keep a secret? If not, did you somehow rationalize not keeping it?
If someone asks me to keep something secret, I do.
In general, I also typically keep information anonymous if it seems to me to make sense to do so. (For example, sometimes I will use said knowledge as an example of something in a discussion, but I'll only do so around strangers and/or keeping the person in question totally anonymous; if there's a way that someone could discover the person I'm talking about, I won't bring it up.)
Ditto, I've often explained that I don't intuitively grasp what needs to be kept secret and what doesn’t, but if I do know I'm bound to by very uncompromising integrity, then there's situations where for whatever reason the secret ought to be told, perhaps the reason for keeping it a secret has gone or I could assume that the secret owner would want me to let it out in this context, so I'll guide the person in question to figuring out the secret themself.Yup as long as the sharer specifically said that it is CONFIDENTIAL info.