Hi, all.
I'm nineteen and I just spent the last week intensively researching the sixteen personality types. The fact that I put forth so much interest into it proves to myself in another level that I'm most definitely an INTP.
I could potentially be a XXTP. Since I was eight years old I've acted on stage, rode dirt bikes, and worked on cars. Because of these factors at time I'm quite extraverted and I process things through my five senses as well. But my thinking structure screams INTP.
Either way, after lurking around in the forums I can easily see that I'll get along with everyone.
I'm nineteen and I just spent the last week intensively researching the sixteen personality types. The fact that I put forth so much interest into it proves to myself in another level that I'm most definitely an INTP.
I could potentially be a XXTP. Since I was eight years old I've acted on stage, rode dirt bikes, and worked on cars. Because of these factors at time I'm quite extraverted and I process things through my five senses as well. But my thinking structure screams INTP.
Either way, after lurking around in the forums I can easily see that I'll get along with everyone.