An INTP's potentially-narcissistic playing field would be introverted by default. Needing complete control over every object inside one's own head is not inherently destructive towards others. If, however, another person causes obsessive thoughts to spawn inside that own world and hurt the INTP, the INTP narcissist might seek revenge against the person to be able to justify what happened and cure the poison from the recurring thoughts. Regrets would probably be likely objects of despair and frustration.
This type, relative to other narcissists, can develop a sophisticated "real human" person, living at the same time as their disordered traits that occasionally surface. This is because they are constantly living inward and reflecting, though it may be painful. I think I am one of these, definitely to some degree.
If INTP isn't the most likely candidate for this, perhaps types such as ISTP and ISFJ could have similarities.
ENTJ, and ESTJ as a less-likely candidate would be the classic Te-dom narcissists, playing like "inside their head" is their outward immediate environment, where every object should be under control as much as possible. Any erratic behavior of the environment equates to reasonless surprise thoughts out of left field. For this reason, others denying them control over what they want to snatch (what they feel equate to "their thoughts of happiness") are their reasons for despair and frustration.
Classic NPD might be something like "backwards" or inside-out version of schizoid.
This narcissist rarely develops their "human" side far beyond its childhood level of maturity, because it is constantly making excuses and rationalizations, and ways to regain or convince itself it has the upper hand. "Reflecting" happens outwardly instead of inward...think of the whole "mirror" concept used for this