-What is your view on masturbation and porn?
There's not really an opinion to be had here, I don't think..? :/ It's a natural process, and it's perfectly healthy to masturbate when in a relationship too.
-How often do you masturbate?
-To what do you masturbate, porn?
As often as I feel like it
(there may be problems with being addicted to certain behaviours, but that's fine if I enjoy it and I manage it, right?)
I have tons of porn, I love porn. At the moment I leave more gaps inbetween sessions, and doing that allows me to spend time really getting worked up rather than making it quick and .."insincere". Yeah, I really did just compare it like "prostitution vs. normal sex" in my head. Spending more time on myself in between being 100% busy with other stuff, rather than short breaks while procrastinating, is better..
Recently I've really got into a certain imaginary/roleplaying/delusional "space" or "groove" or "pattern" that I can go back to.. I was worried I wouldn't be able to go back to this.. recently using hentai doushinjis & real-life porn, rather than just real porn, along with this other major change has made my "sex life" amazing again. I am really.. just, satisfied.
There's an emotional component to it too. A feeling of loneliness, because masturbating when you have a severe lack of social contact also brings about huge issues (like I said, "certain types of behaviour", namely, reliance on porn & self-esteem issues arising from this addiction b/c of how society views it) .. masturbating as a shut-in can still make me feel like I am empty and lonely. But, I can manage that, by participating in online discussions like this, by writing, or simply by "sleeping it off".. this loneliness. Or there are other ways to deal with it, like actually finding friends or love interests, but that's too much work realistically.
As for sex toys, they can really make things better, too. The fleshlight is all most guys will want, because of the sucking action you get. Other products like flesh-material vaginas don't have this.
How in the world is porn 'interesting', I'd like to know?
(I read that as something else.. anyway, whatever: )
The psychological component of climaxing and what that can do for your thinking
The climaxing and what kinds of things it means for partners when they do things like enact fantasies and role swaps, etc. (imagination!)
The variety of plots and themes some porn can take (hentai/doushinji)
Pretty much anything can be dangerous