I realize (or assume) that none of this is personal, but I'm rather disappointed.
...the number of times I've seen an INTJ pushed over the edge of reason because ...'the world' (and people in it) "make no sense".
I don't know any INTJs other than myself, which unfortunately limits my knowledge, but I have to say that anyone (whatever type) that allows themselves to be pushed past the edge of reason has some serious issues.
When I look around and see a part of the world (or people) that makes no sense, I don't have a mental breakdown. I look and my Introverted iNtuition kicks in, starting to think of what
would make sense. I may never necessarily do anything with it, or even talk about it, but I just structure my own little world where things make sense.
Once I know how it
could make sense, it no longer bothers me.
...and I'm thinking what's causing this? ...why is it happening? ....I need to understand ...
INTJs are idea people. Anything is possible; everything is negotiable. Whatever the outer circumstances, INTJs are ever perceiving inner pattern-forms and using real-world materials to operationalize them. Others may see what is and wonder why; INTJs see what might be and say "Why not?!" ~ From the INTJ type analysis from
The excerpt from TypeLogic communicates my position very well. I don't think that INTJs are the type to stand and stare at the world, heads spouting smoke, because things "don't make sense"
We like things to make sense (to us), so we'll change it (if only in our own minds) so they do.
I find INTJ to be a very brittle typology, incapable of adapting and far too narrow in assertions.
Incapable of adapting? Really? That strikes me as a very narrow assertion.
That's like saying that INTPs are unable to just pick a position and stick with it, or that ISTJs are complete squares with no use other than to follow pre-set lines and boundaries.
I think that yes, the INTJs you have known may have had some issue with adapting and changing, but I do not think that the type as a whole is completely 'brittle' and 'narrow' in their assertions.
"Anything is possible; everything is negotiable."
INTJs are not lovers of conventionality and holding onto the steering wheel as the ship is sinking. We're not so narrowminded that we're completely unaccepting of others' viewpoints.
We may not be the most adaptable of the types, but we're also not fools that sit there, beholden to a decision once it's made. We prefer to stick with our decisions, but our pragmaticism refuses to allow us to
not adapt if it proves necessary.
Sure it can create a brilliant strategy, but when the pieces prove to act independently of the plans it makes for them... when it doesn't base those plans on all the facts...
Yeah, plans don't always go according to plan. That's life and the chaos factor.
When that happens, however, I don't sit there, gibbering like an idiot pushed past the 'edge of reason' by something not making sense.
I adapt for the best results possible.
They just have everything back to front as far as I'm concerned. I admit to personal bias in the matter, but I
have sought other opinions...
Back to front? No.
Different from you? Yes.
By your logic, my view of INTPs' "I want to understand" bit should be that it's, 'back to front.'
But I don't see it that way. I just see it as different. My eyes are not your eyes. My strengths are not your strengths.
I do see your point. Our view are complementing but opposite. You look and question reality. I think of another reality and question why it can't be. It's just the difference between our dominant functions. You have your Introverted Thinking. I have my Introverted iNtuition.
I have my J, but it doesn't mean I'm brittle and narrowminded.
You have your P, but it doesn't mean you're wishywashy and don't have your own opinions.
INTJs are control-freak idealists.
that's not a narrow assertion or anything. My bad. I suppose this is where I should make a sweeping statement about INTPs (though ISTJs are easier to pick on).
As far as the idealist peg, you may have us mistaken for IN
FJs. They're the ones out to save the world.
I strongly agree with didyouknow's post, but don't have time at the moment to go into detail.