How did you know you were INTJ versus INTP, or how did you know you were INTP versus INTJ?
When I was a kid, a teen and a young man, and I did those personality tests, I'd always come out as "overly logical". It became a running joke with my flate-mates in uni.
I joined INTJ forum and here. On INTJ forum, it was very, very clear that I wasn't like the INTJs, and drove them crazy because they couldn't understand how I thought.
One day, INTJ forum was down. I came across this forum and the thread "You know you're an INTP when..." I started reading. I got through 25 pages, so 625 posts. I did ALL of the things posted bar 3 things.
I'm starting to see that I'm not wrong for being myself.
No-one is.
So, I've been reflecting a lot. I'm still trying to figure out whether or not I'm definitively INTJ, but I'm almost sure that I am.
I suspected something was off, because INTPs aren't usually as driven for success as you seem to be.
I suggest you spend a bit of time reading the thread here entitled "You know you're an INTP when..." INTJs don't do any of that stuff, not the ways those INTPs did them (INTJs are also good at solving problems, but NOT the way that INTPs do).
I might still be INTP, I've identified with it for so long, and I like some people here. Yet as I developed, everything I've done independently of ESFJ influence was very ENTJ. I never needed anyone to get things done,
If you notice, INTPs often write about things that they have done, in a manner that sounds casual, as if it was nothing.
But if you examine the task/problem they are mentioning, and consider it objectively, such as if it was attempted by a regular person, would be considered extremely difficult, and for someone with their personal issues, should be almost impossible.
INTPs also don't seem to mention a whole variety of things that the rest of the world complains about endlessly as being a major problem, as if for them, it's not a problem at all.
So don't mistake form of expression as being synonymous with content.
but because I was highly regarded for my knowledge base I literally influenced the teams I managed from basic to advanced knowledge of X.
A poster on INTJf pointed out that when it comes to typing yourself, people are likely to fall for cognitive bias and superiority bias, and so it's better to look at the negatives of your type.
ENTJs are generally valued for their ability to manage teams, and to delegate optimally, because they are very good at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of individual team members and assign tasks accordingly.
ENTJs are NOT normally valued for their technical knowledge, precisely because technical knowledge can be delegated, and so spending time influencing teams because of technical knowledge can be a detraction from the much more influential tasks of managing and delegating optimally. So even if they have a great technical knowledge, it can be a severe disadvantage and is often best kept unmentioned.
INTPs generally are valued for their expertise and knowledge. INTPs tend to focus on logic. Think of how much of society and technology, both now and in human history, has been developed through logic. Even when they are good managers, their expertise is often on a level that way beyond anything that the other employees have, that merely being around the INTP makes the other employees reason far better and become far more efficient and competent than ever before.
One reason that you find INTJs often complaining about INTP work colleagues, and yet never seem to say that they tried to get the INTP transferred to a different team.
It would seem that an ESTJ would just try and displace the entire team at a second's notice of changes in quarterly earnings, making false correlations due to lack of analysis. Sure, blame the team, not the holes in the business model (sarcasm). I saw underneath and beyond that kind of short term movement.
That sounds like stereotypical put-downs that you see all over the internet. It's not really much of an objective assessment of the things that ESTJs would be good at, is it?
I mean, do you REALLY need an ENTJ to deal with most of the day-to-day stuff that happens in a Walmart superstore? Most of that stuff is routine. Wouldn't all the routine stuff just bore an ENTJ to distraction?
And for that reason I really don't much identify with ENTJs as I'm very much not "commanding" by nature and I don't actually care about money the way the average ENTJs typically do in the way where it seems to be defining of their strengths.
IME, ENTJs and ENFJs seem to have this attitude where if they are in the room, they act as if they are in charge of everyone else, even when they are not.
It's an affectation that serves them well when there's a task to be done by the group, and no-one is stepping up.
So, the only thing left seems to be INTJ.
There is close to nothing in terms of information on INTJ women that helps me put the pieces together in a clear way. Anyone who writes about INTJ seems to rarely be INTJ themselves, which makes things even harder to trust validity.
I've had a lot of experiences with INTJs, both online and IRL.
If you want to know INTJs, spend a few months debating them, on an INTJ forum, or even just debating them here. After a few months, you'll notice that they tend to rely on the same strategies repeatedly. Different INTJs sometimes use different strategies. But the overall list of strategies for INTJs in general is extremely consistent. Also, the general strategies of responses for a particular INTJ tends to be extremely consistent.
People just expect me to fit this harshly delineated mold.
So, yeah, honestly I feel truly alone.
I don't even fit the stereotype of INTJs, but, eh, I think
@washti threw me off since when I first joined because his first contact with me was so odd to me beyond my comprehension lol.
I guess I can settle with "burnt out INTJ" + "over-ambitious INTP" for now.
I don't spend a lot of time here, because if you notice, I'm not like most INTPs either, and neither are my posts.