My parents are both feelers, my mother is an extrovert, and my dad is a bit 50/50 on extroverted- and introvertedness. I like to think I have a pretty well developed Fe for an INTP because of this.
Could this be true?(I'm talking about the first part, without the spoiler.) What types are your parents? Do you believe they have influenced how you developed your functions?
it certainly can and does influence type development. We are born with core preferences, it seems (and that was my experience with my children, they had preferences even from birth); and then environment either allows us to follow our preferences or it forces us to develop other non-preference coping mechanisms. Parents are one of the largest environment forces acting upon a child and actually contribute to keeping a child alive, so any behavior from a parent that jeopardizes that survival will awaken the child's survival instinct, resulting in a warping/layering-over of natural type inclination.
My situation is similar. My mother is very very ISFJ (very strong Fe, ingrained Si, and very little development in the T and N spheres), and my ESTP father is a chronic alcoholic, which really resulted in a distortion/alteration of developed type for me. My parents did support some aspects of my INTP-ness (even if they didn't know it as such) -- primarily immersing me in books, allowing me to explore art and science, encouraging me to get good grades.
However, my father did not respect thinking that differed from his and is very extroverted, so he was overbearing and loud and ran over me roughshod; meanwhile, my mother had a set view in her head of how people should act, and she also could not imagine/understand things outside her own worldview (she's also very religious), and so I smothered some of who I was INTP-wise around them to avoid trouble and I also developed an understanding of social expectation and rules... and I also became very hypervigilant in learning to read people without needing to talk to them, and trying to figure out what they "really meant" by things, since my parents were masters at speaking and acting one way while meaning something else entirely. That experience of growing up in that house greatly changed/distorted who I naturally was.
I've worked through a lot of it now in the last number of years, but I haven't lost the things that I developed during that time; it's more that now I can just choose when and where I enter that mindframe rather than doing it automatically as a safety precaution.
I'm not really sure, but my parents are both really empathic. I used to be very mean to insects as a kid(As experiments though, not just to torture... Okay maybe a little). I also threw my cat off the stairs once to check if she would really land on her legs. She did, actually.
I have aspects of that to my own personality, it's the scientific mindset. I would have never done something like that to people, but I was really curious as to how things would respond if I did such-and-such to them. I never purposely caused permanent harm to higher-level life forms (reptiles and mammals, etc.) and have been appalled with others who do actually hurt animals (let alone people), but I know I did things that mushy-gushy types would have been like, "Aww, you're so mean!" I was more just curious, though.
I feel quite empathic these days, especially for an INTP. I think I can account that to my parents. Otherwise I would've been way colder.
I think I'm the same way. I dunno if "cold" is right, but still more detached. I'm also ultra-responsible and feel a burden to help others, which I think was developed in part by being the eldest in my family, being the child of my mom, and being raised in Christian orthodoxy; for a long time, I'd feel guilt over missing opportunities to help others even if it didn't rationally make sense.