realist vs idealist ??
schedule vs spontaneous --- well i make a list but don't orgnize it
important for me
conserve vs spend energy --- well i like to save it until i spend it?
my thoughts are on what's now or what's in the future --- well that changes depending on what i'm obsessing over...
With people, I am more often
brief and to the point friendly and warm --- really depends on who it is and how i'm feeling. also how can i judge if i'm friendly and warm?
When dealing with problems I focus on the
issues people --- not sure how to separate these two
I am more concerned with
my own thoughts and feelings the world around me --- also a situational thing
I tend to be more
reasonable personable --- can't these be the same thing? how do they correlate? i don't see how they can be two sides of a spectrum, you can be both right? and neither?
My ways tend to be more
revolutionary conventional --- I'm not sure what conventional is. I use the most efficient ways i can think?
I take more pride in my
goals successes --- isn't having pride in goals important to the success of your goals, and why would you call it success if you aren't proud of the outcome?
[I am more likely to measure things with
approximation total precision] just made me crack up after the way i'm approaching this and this post.
I make decisions based on
logic feelings --- both? different choices require varying amounts of both. the type of choice is also important.
I am more likely to invest in
proven methods promising new ideas --- arn't all proven methods once promising new ideas? what are we trying to accomplish?
I usually
work, then play play, then work --- the two are somehow seperate? hmm after consideration i guess they mean voluntary vs involuntary activity
I am more interested in
current happenings future possibilities --- Both?
When judging others I am
partial impartial ---- when am i judging people? and doesn't the act of judging make you partial?
I process information through
my five senses intuition ---- again, why not both, The things i process with each choice are exclusive to that sensing method.
I prefer to spend time
introspecting interacting with people --- both
I would classify myself as a
social butterfly lone ranger ---- i can't even start with this one. aha got it Lone ranger with a revolving posse.
Others might describe me as more
practical imaginative ---- BOTH
Others might perceive me as
rigid aimless ----- i just don't understand this dichotomy
I am
objective subjective ---- wow, just wow, by existing i'm subjective as is everyone else, no one can be objective. not really
I usually leave for appointments
at the last possible moment with extra time to spare --- isn't this just a basic ideal to strive for? being on time? sometimes it doesn't happen...
When in a one-on-one situation I usually do more
listening talking ---- Balanced? depends on who asked who to hang out, what we're talking about?
Well i finished the mypersonality one, INFP [74 63 53 68]