Just scanned through all the previous posts in this thread today.
A pair of related factors were glaringly obvious:
(1) An INTP is an INTP is an INTP,
to paraphrase Gertrude Stein
(2) No ADDITIONAL personality typing -- using systems other than the MBTI -- was used by a SINGLE participant.
In other groups folks mix and match MBTI with enneagram with socionics ... whatever.
In both INTPcentral and INTPcomplex peeps would post their enneagram types, IQs, Multiple Intelligence Test results, etc.
This allowed myself and others to notice vague or intuitive correlations which we could follow up by further investigation.
An INTP author included in her
Enneagram Made Easy a chart which depicted correspondence frequencies of BOTH.
The most common Enneagram type for INTPs is the 5/thinker with 4/artist next, and 9/peace_keeper bringing up the rear.
For those who've read both MBTI literature and Enneagram literature -- such as myself -- I'm sure there is precious little mystery that 4w5 and 5w4 enneagram type-wing types blend ARTistry with the creative THOUGHT most associate with Engineering.
E-Prime also comes to mind in the wake of the dual (mis)use of `am' in "
i'm not an engineer, i'm an artist."
And there are 400 lb women who fancy themselves ballerinas and hypocritical thugs which identify with being qua BEING `Christians'.
-- Yes, I've tested as an enneagram 5w4 Iconoclast, so it's frequently difficult for me to NOT smash Iconic identities such as `engineer' and `artist'.
Though sometimes I merely attempt all parties to ground their identities in PERFORMANCE ... the ability to act-as-if, function-as-if.
As someone invited-to and who DID participate in an annual local art show 3 years in a row I was provided with sufficient evidence of `Real Artists' to form a Venn Diagram of the following factors: (1) a DSM diagnosis (usually cluster B), (2) a drug of choice, (4) a pretentiousness which finds them asserting that mere anthropogenic artifacts of their manufacture are qua ARE `art' ... whatever `art' means, (8) a proclivity to `sell shit' which they and a purchaser co-manifesting
Folie à deux beg-the-question IS `art'.
Prior to my experiences with these `Real Artists' I had worked as various kinds of `engineer'.
In the run up to being invited to participate for the first time there were conversations with a pair of `Real Artists' who ran an art co-op in my little village.
One of these claimed that, in the process of him `earning' an MFA in ceramics, he was told that it takes `The 3 Cs' -- Collector, Curator, and Critic -- to `make' an artist ...
To which I responded, "Is it true that art is about beauty?" to which he answered "yes".
To which I continued with the 2nd part of the syllogism: "Is it true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" to which he answered "yes".
To which I responded, "Fuck the collector, the curator, and the critic! Art is in the eye/mind of the beholder."
I was one of two `featured artists' featured in the podunk local news rag out of 35 participants in that, my first, art show in which I attempted to SELL nothing, but exhibited stuff I `engineered' out of Q-tip(r), tin cans, 10 ft lengths of PVC pipe, and various other not-necessarily-artsy materials/media.
I neither work-as an `engineer' anymore, nor do I participate in `art shows' where pretentious asses attempt to sell shit to swine as if pearls.
My personal experience has provided me with a preponderance of evidence that *most* engineers operate as `artless dorks' and most `Real Artists' carry on as Pretentious Asses.
... but only to the extent that *most* engineers would test-as enneagram 5w6 and most Pretentious Ass `artists' would test-as 4w3 (most `performing' artists may qualify-as or test-as 3w4).
If there are any
Enneagram 4w5 Bohemians or
5w4 Iconoclasts in the viewing audience, I'm pretty sure we can un-impale this thread off the horns of this false dichotomous dilemma of `Artist XOR Engineer'
Yes, I've been taking MBTI character type tests since the early 80s and have ALWAYS tested as INTP ... which by itself indicates NOTHING conclusive by way of differentiating proclivities towards playing out one's life as-if mutual-exclusively `engineer' OR `artist' ... as if `neither' or `both' were not viable options.