Are you actually insulted by any of that stuff inquis? It just seems like normal arguing posture-speak.
I could pull you or reckless or myself up on a similar tone.
No you can't, because for all my disagreements with reckful, he never makes any ad hom attacks against me and neither do I. I have spit on his ideas and he has done the same. But we don't mock or deride each other personally.
I consider this:
More insulting than anything he said. Because it's specifically targeted at undermining competence.
When you start showing a little more objectivity, I'll retract it.
while crude, it's addressing an argument, not an arguer
Adds nothing to the discussion. Intentionally inflammatory. Low quality.
Making a real claim that MBTI is about people collectively feeling good.
I disagree. It's clearly a derisive personal attack.
Wrong again. The fact that he openly admitted he posts to "wage war" and that it makes him "feel good" indicates hostility. The intent is clearly not positive, it's vindictive. When reckful posts, it sometimes gets on my nerves, but at least he gives a well-reasoned argument, posts extensive links to other reading material, his tone is largely civil and he does not use nasty language.
Again, making a claim about the argument: that it resembles fundamentalist reasoning
I could go back and find even more examples, but it's basically a stream of mocking, derisive comments. Adds nothing to the discussion. It needs to stop.
This seems on point. ENTP's aren't the sort to make arguments from authority. You are.
This is your opinion. It is not a fact. Again, it's a low quality post that is likely meant to be inflammatory. He does not even explain himself. It's a one-liner.
I actually do take issue with this. I think I said as much in the thread it's from. It's arrogant and that nasty sort of ad hom where you phrase it as a question. His title or OP (can't remember which) was misleading and he should not have reacted the way he did given how ambiguous his communication had been.
Right, and yet you issued no warning or infraction. That would have been two weeks of limited privileges at INTJf.
This is making the point that while you act like an authority, you do not actually have a higher level of authority. He's not taking you down past where you actually are, he's just dismissing the soft claim that you are above where you are that is implicit in the way you argue. You don't argue as if the ground is even, you argue as if people have to justify their existence to you.
No. When people haven't done their homework or have very little experience in a particular area yet claim to know a subject in depth, then I treat their
ideas with great skepticism. That is completely not the same as treating the individual with disdain, and I do not do that.
I mean seriously, in the witch-hunt thread you called me a bitch directly. You weren't addressing the things I was saying or phrasing an argument flavorfully, you straight out called me a bitch. And now you're calling me a terrible mod. I'm not warning you, because I don't think it's worth a warning, and it would be ridiculous to go after Tann and leave you be. You're arguing for a double standard.
You are not in a position to push for an increase in mod strictness without getting burned yourself. I would wager you've pissed more people off than Tann.
You're a mod, and I think you're not doing a good job. If you think that's insulting... tough. It comes with the territory. I'm calling into question your objectivity. It's ok to denigrate
the views of other people, but it's not ok to denigrate
people. I have never once initiated an ad-hom attack against anyone on here. The few times that this has happened (maybe twice), was in reaction to someone else. When I called you a "bitch," although technically a violation of forum rules, that was purely in jest, and should have been obvious to you from my tone and after that enormous diatribe you went on. I don't think anyone on here is a "bitch" for the record. Here are the rules over at INTJf:
1. Do Not Make Personal Attacks
Posts that serve no purpose other than to flame users annihilate the quality of discussion. Do not make personal attacks. This includes personal attacks obfuscated by vague language. You may critique or disdain argument and opinion posted by users, but you may not extend that method to maligning the users themselves.
2. Do Not Disrupt Discussion or Debate
Posts that disrupt the debate of a topic make discussion impractical. Do not ask users to stop debate or rebuff users for the act of posting to discussion threads. Do not respond to opinions that you happen to find offensive or outlandish by accusing the opining user of trolling, of being mistyped (in threads not dealing with typology), or by otherwise engaging in meta-discussion in such a way as to stymie debate. Do not accuse members of being sockpuppets (please do report them if you have serious concern). Similarly, do not create non-support threads for this purpose. Do not complain about forum operations in non-support threads.
7. Post With Quality In Mind
Although there is nothing wrong with being succinct, terse, or directly to the point, we ask that you try to avoid one-lined irrelevance. Chitchat and goofing around are welcome, but try to keep it to the appropriate threads and subforums and don't bombard those users who do not wish to participate. Do not dump excessively lurid or crude content into existing threads or create threads for that purpose. Do not post racist or antisemitic material anywhere on this forum.
He would have gotten an infraction a long time ago over there. You seem to have different standards. It should not matter that this forum has fewer members and even fewer core members. The job of a mod is to keep things civil, and the quality of the discussion relatively high. I think you're not doing a good job of that. I shouldn't even have to bring this up.