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"if you want to understand how science evolves, read The Lancet or NEJM from 50 years ago."


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 7:21 AM
Apr 25, 2009
I found this interesting quote from the Epidemiology blog:

The piece was discussion Ioannidis' recent scientific article discussing publication biases in epidemiology research and the failure of any tangible genetic findings for most genomic research.

But the quote that caught my eye was:
For almost any field of medical science, we can point out easily that its published record must contain a massive amount of irrelevance and error. This is nothing to worry about. It is normal science – it has always been like that and it will continue to be so. Again, John Ioannidis comes to the rescue and proves the point. A personal parenthesis first: for years, during lectures, I had been telling audiences that if you want to understand how science evolves you should go to the library and look at The Lancet or BMJ or NEJM or JAMA of 50 years ago, or better 100 years ago – most of the papers you cannot understand anymore, and the rest are either irrelevant or plainly wrong. I only did the thought experiment, and never even published it, but John Ioannidis and his collaborators gathered real data, and confirmed my prejudices. In a paper entitled: “Fifty-year fate and impact of general medical journals”, [9] they write “Only 226 of the 5,223 papers published in 1959 were cited at least once in 2009 and only 13 of them received at least 5 citations in 2009.” They were mostly clinical papers, describing syndromes.

The article cited in the quote: Fifty-Year Fate and Impact of General Medical Journals

While most people on this forum generally accept that scientific findings are tentative and often wrong, the point is that this has profound implications on current practises of 'evidence based medicine'.

Nachts Tied

A+B = not a word
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
Aug 20, 2011
I think it also highlights the faulty (or at best premature) belief that many people embrace , which is: the belief that science is the only possible avenue to knowledge/truth. Since science is subject to change as much as any intellectual human discipline, I think so many of the overly excited people advocating scientism out there need to eat a little humble pie and keep that in mind.

That being said, science as a matter of it's design & operation has the best infrastructure built-in to accept it's faults, acknowledge them as fundamental, and then grow/change with them, rather than stagnate like many philosophies and religions tend to do, but I don't think all scientists are so open-minded either and I still don't believe science is the only arbiter of knowledge/worth for us humans.


Local time
Today 9:51 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.
^What ?

Science is a method of asking questions about "truths", more than a way of discovering truths.

A sort of shearing away at what we think we know to find out how much or little of it actually is true.

As a stab in the dark: I like people who talk about these "other ways"... because, really, I don't care where you get your information from.
You can dream it or have it revealed, I don't care.
What matters is whether or not you can prove it, or rather, have none of it's logical deductions be dis-proven.
(which is where science enters...)

It usually couples with the concept that Science shouldn't change it's opinions.

People think Science is Politics.
That you should deal with absolutes (only a Sith deals in absolutes) and that you should stand by whatever you have proclaimed at earlier moments. (I am embarrassed by many of my former selves' opinions and beliefs...)

Dapper Dan

Did zat sting?
Local time
Today 2:51 PM
Aug 1, 2011
What matters is whether or not you can prove it, or rather, have none of it's logical deductions be dis-proven.
(which is where science enters...)
IMO, the second you start talking about logical deductions, you are outside the realm of science.

Science, as a word, has grown to hold many definitions, but strictly speaking, science is the knowledge gained through observation and experimentation. Note the difference here between "knowledge" and "deductions" or "conclusions". The latter two are subject to too much personal error to be considered strictly scientific.


Local time
Today 9:51 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.
^ to deduce is to understand what are logical conclusions of a theory.

Science is a method of testing deductions, and also, you are asked to hypothesize what would be true in order for your theory to be false. (falsification.)

Science is nothing but deduction. (you start with an assumption, then you deduce what would be logical consequences of that assumption, then you test those consequences you've deduced; If they are correct, then your original assumption holds, for now, and if they aren't correct, then you were wrong.)

You never start with something that IS true. You start with something that might be true.

If you assume the speed of light is constant, then you'll be able to deduce the result that was demonstrated in the Michelson-Morley Experiment. (or you'll work the other way.)

All you need is a single evidence of something traveling faster than light to break/alter the theory that the speed of light is constant (and also change the theories that are deduced from that theory.)


Local time
Today 9:51 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
I think it also highlights the faulty (or at best premature) belief that many people embrace , which is: the belief that science is the only possible avenue to knowledge/truth. Since science is subject to change as much as any intellectual human discipline, I think so many of the overly excited people advocating scientism out there need to eat a little humble pie and keep that in mind.
I've seen this a lot on the forums on another site. I like to look at the profiles of posters, to understand their posts better. I noticed a pattern. Posts carrying strong Scientific Positivism was almost always from a poster with a career in the sciences. Examples of their jobs on their profiles, or that they explicitly mentioned in their posts, included: working in scientific academia, as a lecturer or a researcher, working in healthcare, doctor, epidemilogist, forensic scientist, and science writer.

I've come cross a lot of independent sources, from many who used to and/or still work in science, some highly respected, with over 30 years experience, that made it very clear and explicit that science is highly competitive, operating withing a pyramid structure. The higher you go, the fewer jobs there are in science. That's true in all fields. But in science, students and researchers are given the impression that there are a lot more jobs than there actually are, to get as many applying as possible, to find the best students and researchers. They are then encouraged to apply for grants and to present the best case for themselves, while competing with others who are also fighting for the same grants. The encouraged competition tends to make scientists adversarial by habit, and the encouraged presentation, makes them skilled at presentation. The combination results in someone who uses words to fight his battles, and does so often.

"Publish or perish" is also a known rule about academia in general, and especially about science in particular. A scientist is only as good as his last paper, and only if it's in the last few years. So they live and die by their reputation. Anything that might threaten that reputation, such as a perceived loss of value or importance in society, then represents a threat to that reputation, and that would then be perceived by the scientist as a threat to his livelihood by repeatedly reinforced mental association.

These are all types of bias. One might think that scientists are above that. However, Robert Trivers, an evolutionary psychologist, said the following about self-deception in his article called Evolutionary guru: Don't believe everything you think, in the New Scientist, 12 October 2011 issue:
What other types of self-deception are there?
Another broad category is that there is a general tendency to self-inflation. If you ask high school students are they in the top half of their class for leadership ability, 80 per cent will say yes; 70 per cent say they're in the top half for good looks. It ain't possible! And you cannot beat academics for self-deception. If you ask professors whether they're in the top half of their profession, 94 per cent say they are.

Basically, the high expectations of students provides the large numbers for diversity, while the stiff competition process makes for strong selection. The result is just what you'd expect from evolution: more and more competitive creatures in that field.

It's simple neuro-psychology applied to the evolutionary process.

That being said, science as a matter of it's design & operation has the best infrastructure built-in to accept it's faults, acknowledge them as fundamental, and then grow/change with them, rather than stagnate like many philosophies and religions tend to do, but I don't think all scientists are so open-minded either and I still don't believe science is the only arbiter of knowledge/worth for us humans.
I grew up poor in a rich area. My father was from North Africa and my mother from England. I grew up a Jew in a Western country. I grew up with intellectuals all around me, while working with high-school dropouts. I decided to learn about each person, and found that they all had structures to learn things. Modern Western Science tends to disregard other emistemological approaches and other sources of knowledge as a means of scepticism. So until the scientific community prove it to themselves, they tend to not even consider anything else. So it tends to be rather ignorant of what is outside current scientific consensus that those with a more expansive education have experienced, and tested repeatedly for themselves.

Western science is still evolving. It still has a lot to learn, even about how to conduct science itself.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
On Richard Feynman:

An excellent INTJ. Understands the need of rigour, and the weaknesses of his own approach. Commits to the hard work to overcome them.

"If it disagrees with experiment, then it's wrong. That's all there is to it."

Notice how he keeps pointing out that IF ESP was found in an experiment, or astrology, then the physics would be wrong.

Notice how he said that we can never be sure that we are right, only that we are sure that we are wrong.

Notice that he said that you can never prove a vague theory wrong. "If the process of computing the consequences is indefinite, then with a little skill, any experimental result can be made to look like the expected consequence." Saying someone is a certain way, because his mother didn't love him enough, is vauge enough to avoid falsifiability. But stating exactly how much love his mother needed to give him, can allow you to make tests.

He then points out that if the matter is claimed to have vague results, then it's not truly falsifiable, and you cannot claim to know anything about it.

How many fields of science do we know this about?

Even in the hard sciences, how much is guesswork that is relied upon as a general principle and not a specific quantity to be measured?

I also love how he describes guesses. It might have escaped him, that both mathematics and database mining address this process.

Nachts Tied

A+B = not a word
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
Aug 20, 2011
^What ?

Science is a method of asking questions about "truths", more than a way of discovering truths.

A sort of shearing away at what we think we know to find out how much or little of it actually is true.

There is very little difference between discovering truth A and asking about truth A, accept that the discovery would be more fulfilling. As I stated, I agree science "has the best infrastructure built-in to accept it's faults"

Not sure what the WHAT was for. (say that 10 times fast, lol)

As a stab in the dark: I like people who talk about these "other ways"... because, really, I don't care where you get your information from.
You can dream it or have it revealed, I don't care.
What matters is whether or not you can prove it, or rather, have none of it's logical deductions be dis-proven.
(which is where science enters...)

Not everything fits nicely into a logic-deduction syllogism. As you stated you don't care where people get information from, which concedes that information can arise outside of the scientific method. It's truth value however is another question and I acknowledge that, but I simply don't see science as having to be the only determiner of values.

It usually couples with the concept that Science shouldn't change it's opinions.

which is the opposite of what I stated, so I agree.

People think Science is Politics.
That you should deal with absolutes (only a Sith deals in absolutes) and that you should stand by whatever you have proclaimed at earlier moments. (I am embarrassed by many of my former selves' opinions and beliefs...)

Any human enterprise that seeks to explain reality, the world, the people in the world, etc...is naturally political, but I get your point. Anyone's beliefs should be subject to modification, even cherished ones...that's why they are BELIEFS... Dogmatism breeds ignorance.


Local time
Today 9:51 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.
I think I read more into your reply than what was there:
Short answer, I interpreted a sort of anti-science thing and at the moment I'm very enchanted by science and the process.

It has it's flaws, but it's evolving, and I expect it to be evolving at a faster rate than other fields which do not have the same built in self-correction. (e.g. politics.)
(just as you said, more or less)

I think the bump came from "...and I still don't believe science is the only arbiter of knowledge/worth for us humans. ..."
Since I have a hard time finding/imagining any other process which can do equal or better.

Our intuitions on these points are notoriously bad at deciding worth or truth.

...and, I mean, knowledge needs to be tested, right ?
(Throw in some statistics and mathematics to correct for errors and you've got something which looks pretty much like science again... Blind it all to eliminate human interference, and you're one step closer to the standard for clinical testing.)

Also, as scorpio said, it is like all other human endeavors, filled with human beings... put under evolutionary-like pressure, where you're again struggling to survive in a system.

What else can we expect ?
It still has a far better record than most (probably all) other systems that have proclaimed an ability to find truth (to any approximation).

Maybe there should be a turn for the more Open science that seems to be on the move now, citizen science, etc....

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here, so... I'll just leave it like this.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
I'm having a very difficult time thinking of anything that could be known, yet doesn't fall under either scientific investigation or logic. What sort of knowledge could possibly exist that one of those two things wouldn't be capable of investigating/revealing, and what other method might do better?

Nachts Tied

A+B = not a word
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
Aug 20, 2011
I'm having a very difficult time thinking of anything that could be known, yet doesn't fall under either scientific investigation or logic. What sort of knowledge could possibly exist that one of those two things wouldn't be capable of investigating/revealing, and what other method might do better?

If a person is seeking absolute deductive proof in order to accept they "know" something, then I submit that very little can be "known" at all. We can write out the formula, expound all types of laws and proofs to arrive at whatever evidence we feel validates each piece of knowledge we want to accept, and yet life is lived and flourishes under far less rigorous means; and in fact is made possible by not being so adamant about being so deductive in the first place.

Anyone who has ever felt intense inspiration, commonly referred to as a "religious experience" (but not necessitating actual religion or God) for example when listening to particular powerful music, or standing in the presence of overwhelming nature, or incredible human accomplishment, etc...understands that no such deduction is needed to communicate powerful meaning, the emotions carry with them such life changing qualities that such an experience is LESSENED if anything with an in-depth analysis.

I suppose it's possible to break down SOME aspects of these experiences into a syllogism, tracking biological changes that occur for example...and it no doubt would make for some interesting science, but is that the "KNOW/Knowledge" we need or want about this particular example? Is that the point where we decide this experience has "meaning"?

I feel that life is meant to be LIVED. I guess I take a more pragmatic ZEN type approach when it comes to life, but maybe that's just me.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
I'm having a very difficult time thinking of anything that could be known, yet doesn't fall under either scientific investigation or logic. What sort of knowledge could possibly exist that one of those two things wouldn't be capable of investigating/revealing, and what other method might do better?
Depends on what you mean by scientific investigation and what you mean by logic. Science and logic are each used very ambiguously to mean at least 2 different things, and in this context, even more, and in this context, the domains will determine the co-domains of what can be inferred from it.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
Depends on what you mean by scientific investigation and what you mean by logic. Science and logic are each used very ambiguously to mean at least 2 different things, and in this context, even more, and in this context, the domains will determine the co-domains of what can be inferred from it.
Scientific investigation = investigating with the scientific method.
logic = proper deductive and inductive reasoning.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
Scientific investigation = investigating with the scientific method.
That one would be a wee risky, if I am trying to figure out when to come on to a roundabout. Figure I'll stick with the empirical method I was taught by my driving instructor for roundabouts.

logic = proper deductive and inductive reasoning.
What do you mean by "proper"?

FYI, how would both prove or disprove the Continuum Hypothesis?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
That one would be a wee risky, if I am trying to figure out when to come on to a roundabout. Figure I'll stick with the empirical method I was taught by my driving instructor for roundabouts.

Which is part of the scientific method...

What do you mean by "proper"?
Not bad. Sound.

FYI, how would both prove or disprove the Continuum Hypothesis?
I don't know, I'm not a mathematician.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
Which is part of the scientific method...
I guess you didn't quite understand what you were being taught about driving. Being an INTP, I learned the methodology, the same way as I learn everything else, learning it as an abstract method with a particular application towards the activity I was learning, but also learning it as a general method that could apply to anything else.

It's not the scientific method.

If you don't understand why, I can explain some of those methodologies.

Not bad. Sound.
That's what mathematicians use. A few scientists used "sound logic", such as Maxwell and Dirac. But the majority of
scientific papers use another form of thinking that is also called "logic", the type that is taught in philosophy courses. It doesn't validate as "sound".

I don't know, I'm not a mathematician.
The Continuum Hypothesis has been proved to be unknowable.

It's something that you can NOT solve by the scientific method and logic.

Why did you think I was asking about it?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
I guess you didn't quite understand what you were being taught about driving. Being an INTP, I learned the methodology, the same way as I learn everything else, learning it as an abstract method with a particular application towards the activity I was learning, but also learning it as a general method that could apply to anything else.

You're the kind of guy who doesn't really care about the intent of what a person says, but would rather win an argument through technicality, huh? I said "What sort of knowledge could possibly exist that one of those two things wouldn't be capable of investigating/revealing?". While there may be some other sort of thing happening that someone acquires knowledge from, that same thing is still subject to science or logic, separately. However, this driving example is silly. Just because you're not aware that as you drive you make hypotheses and experiment to discover if they're correct or false, it doesn't mean you don't do it. It's especially prevailent when driving places you've never been before. It's also a general form of learning how vehicle operate, where their wheels are in relation to the things you see as you drive, the effects of snow, etc. That's at least part of why new drivers are more likely to get into accidents and such; they lack experience.

It's not the scientific method.
What is it such that the scientific method is totally inapplicable, though?

If you don't understand why, I can explain some of those methodologies.
You're going to have to, because I've been driving for 15 years, and have discovered that not only is driving very like the formal method of science, but it's also subject to the formal method of science regardless, since it has to do with physical objects in various situations. Physics applies directly, and they use forensic sciences to determine the causes of accidents and things. Oh, and all vehicles and roads are designed by engineers.

That's what mathematicians use. A few scientists used "sound logic", such as Maxwell and Dirac. But the majority of
scientific papers use another form of thinking that is also called "logic", the type that is taught in philosophy courses. It doesn't validate as "sound".

Well, there was a reason I listed both things instead of just one, but because you seem extra-outlandish today, what keeps it from being considered sound?

The Continuum Hypothesis has been proved to be unknowable.

It's something that you can NOT solve by the scientific method and logic.

Why did you think I was asking about it?
So is there some other method that might be used to determine if it's true or false, besides science or logic? Because that's pretty much the nature of my inquiry; What does science and logic not apply to, and what does a better job of explaining something other than either science or logic?

Just because a thing cannot be proven does not mean there's some method of examination besides science or logic that's going to figure it out better, or even equally well.


Local time
Today 9:51 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.
Everybody should love Dirac.

He was the mathematical genius in physics that Einstein wasn't... :angel:

But really, this discussion flies over my head, I have no idea what people are trying to communicate here.

I'm guessing Yeti is alongside where I stand, and scorpio is being difficult.

Thus far I've gathered:
Scientific method is pretty good.
Sound Logic should be aspired.
Some things cannot be proven/disproven using logic and scientific method.
...but no alternatives have popped up.

Which pretty much leaves us at; Logic and Science are pretty good, but can't be used to figuring out everything.. (apparently, maybe there is some roundabout way, or a trick, as we've seen happen before.)

So Science and logic still need to evolve further.

Where's the surprise ?
We can get better ?

humility in the face of our future ?

Or is there some catch here where circular arguments and psychological tricks/illusions enter the equation and somehow makes everything right ?


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
You're the kind of guy who doesn't really care about the intent of what a person says, but would rather win an argument through technicality, huh?
I'm the sort of guy who will keep asking annoying questions until you start to see the whole picture, and then when I see that, I explain to you my view, and you understand it, and contribute to it, teaching me more than I ever imagined. But until your mind is open to the situation, you react to me like a man in a cave, who, when shown the sun, keeps telling me that I am stupid for trying to walk right into the middle of a bonfire. I have to somehow get you close enough to the cave mouth to see that the light is not from a bonfire, but from the Sun.

I said "What sort of knowledge could possibly exist that one of those two things wouldn't be capable of investigating/revealing?". While there may be some other sort of thing happening that someone acquires knowledge from, that same thing is still subject to science or logic, separately.
You have stated firmly, that whatever type of knowledge could possibly exist, that it HAS to be subject to science and/or logic, and hence may be understood by science and/or logic. Hence, if anything cannot be understood by science and/or logic, it cannot be knowledge that could possibly exist, at least, to you. Hence, you have already asserted that your question has no answer. So why ask a question, if you refuse to believe that there even could be answers to it?

What is it such that the scientific method is totally inapplicable, though?
I want to drive scientifically. But my driving instructor keeps pointing out how it will get me killed.

It might help if I give you an example. Take making a right-hand turn in the UK. The scientific method says that you should hypothesise, experiment, record the results, analyse the data, and then, if they match your hypothesis, to go ahead. What my driving instructor says, is observe, then if not clear to go, edge out a tiny bit, then observe, then edge out a bit more, and then observe, and then edge out a bit more, until finally, it is clear to go, and then you complete the turn. If you wait too long in the same place to take observations scientifically, then the drivers on the main road assume that you are going to stay there forever, and basically drive across at speed, and the drivers coming up behind you tend to assume that you will go forwards, because that's what nearly all drivers do, and they won't slow down and will go straight into you. Then if you do move, you are relying on previous observations, that are no longer true, largely because you have acted in such a way as to give other drivers the impression that causes them to make different deductions and to act differently as a result, actually causing you to act according to your predictions based on your hypothesis, when the hypothesis is no longer true, and thus actually causing a collision as a result. So you have to periodically keep moving, in order to inform those behind you and in front of you about your intentions and what you are doing, more to edge them into making room for you than anything else.

Science is looking for static repeatable physical correlations in highly correlatable systems, while driving is interacting with a highly dynamic evolving system. It's more like social interactions.

You can use science to look for correlations in many previous observations that you made while driving, when you get home, and that helps you to understand what is likely to happen while driving. But you cannot use it while you are driving, because you don't get enough time to analyse it properly, before the system changes enough to produce a different prediction. So you use observe, make fractional move, observe, make fractional move, in a repeated process, while never assuming that you actually have a valid prediction that will be true for more than a few moments.

You're going to have to, because I've been driving for 15 years, and have discovered that not only is driving very like the formal method of science, but it's also subject to the formal method of science regardless, since it has to do with physical objects in various situations. Physics applies directly, and they use forensic sciences to determine the causes of accidents and things. Oh, and all vehicles and roads are designed by engineers.
My driving instructor has over 30 years experience of teaching driving, over 30 years experience of being accredited as an approved driving instructor, 60 years experience of driving, and serves periodically on a board of selected driving instructors who dicuss and inform the DSA and town planners on suggestions to the current roads and laws on driving. So I'm going to say that he has more authority and knowledge than you.

Besides, I didn't take his word for it anyway. I found that he is right, because I tried the scientific way, and it caused the very problems I explained, so repeatedly, that I was forced to accept that he was right.

However, this driving example is silly. Just because you're not aware that as you drive you make hypotheses and experiment to discover if they're correct or false, it doesn't mean you don't do it. It's especially prevailent when driving places you've never been before. It's also a general form of learning how vehicle operate, where their wheels are in relation to the things you see as you drive, the effects of snow, etc. That's at least part of why new drivers are more likely to get into accidents and such; they lack experience.
I've spoken to my driving instructor about this before. He's pointed out how the main reason why new drivers get into accidents, is that they don't take enough observations on a regular basis. They assume that because they saw that the road was clear, they draw a theory about what is going on, and then act on it, but in the meantime, the situation has already changed and the theory is no longer true. So you have to meld observation with action, in a series of very quick incremental steps. He's right

It's closer to the scientific method, if scientists kept checking that the Sun was shining, and concluding that there is a Sun that the Earth orbits, 50,000 times a day, rather than the normal method in science, which is to spend years observing the Sun and inducing a theory of Heliocentrism, and then to assume that will be true forever.

Well, there was a reason I listed both things instead of just one, but because you seem extra-outlandish today, what keeps it from being considered sound?
Pure logic is pure reason, and as such, is sound. Most scientific papers are very rigorous about their experiments. They use general ideas of logic, which aren't as rigorous, because it takes a long time to evaluate logic rigorously. They tend to focus on making sure that the empirical data is collected rigorously, and are rigorous about their use of statistical methods, but are not so rigorous about the rationalist analysis of the results that requires considering every possible variation of what might be going on, and removing each one painstakingly, until only one possible result exists.

So is there some other method that might be used to determine if it's true or false, besides science or logic? Because that's pretty much the nature of my inquiry; What does science and logic not apply to, and what does a better job of explaining something other than either science or logic?
They are not the right questions. These questions imply that science and logic apply generally to answer every problem, and that if there is something that science and logic doesn't apply to, then there must be something else, that answers all that science and logic answer, and the problems that science and logic answer, and by induction, everything else. This in turn presumes that there is a method that humans can use, that inherently gives one the answer to every possible question. Such a method would give you omniscience.

It might help, if I introduce Jim Al-Khalili's explanation of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Take any flash drive. You can store so many pictures on it, of a certain size. Now, you can use this to record a shot in a game of snooker. You can make a movie of the shot, and see what is happening. Or you can take a single very detailed picture of where each ball is at one precise moment. However, the total size required, is the average data required to store a single picture with the desired level of detail, multiplied by the number of frames. Eventually, you reach the limit of the flash drive. The more frames you have, the more you get a picture of the whole process of the shot, and the more accurately you can assess the speed and direction of the balls, but that would increase the amount of data you need, and you have a limited amount of room in your flash drive, and so to get more frames in, you have to lower the size of each frame, and that reduces the level of detail in each shot, and consequently reduces your level of accuracy on the current position of each ball. Conversely, you can increase the level of detail in each frame, giving you better accuracy on where each ball is. But again, you run into the limit of storage space on the flash drive. So you have to find room to store more for each frame, by reducing the number of frames, which in turn means that there is more time between each frame, and you lose accuracy of the speed and direction of where the balls are moving towards.

Now, you can increase the storage space of the flash drive, by using a different flash drive. But that will mean stopping the experiment, changing the drive, and then doing a new experiment. So it's not the same event any more.

The same is true of our minds. We have only a limited storage space in our conscious memory space. Even if we were to put our consciousness into cyborgs, computers still have a limited storage space. So as we gain more knowledge, we can store it in long-term storage. But we still have a maximun on our consciousness. So we lose out on something else that we used to have in our consciousness. We could upgrade. But we'd try to use the maximum of our current design anyway. So to increase our conscious storage, we'd have to come up with a whole new design for conscious storage, every time we want to increase accuracy of the detail without losing accuracy of the overall process.

Incidentally, Russell and Whitehead discussed the problem of Western science being overly dependent on static-based thinking. It's mentioned on Wiki's article on Process philosophy.

Just because a thing cannot be proven does not mean there's some method of examination besides science or logic that's going to figure it out better, or even equally well.
You might also like to look at Wiki's List of thought processes. The scientific method is only one cognitive process out of many.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
I don't think you are that dense as to truly believe that the scientific method tells you everything, or that logic tells you everything. You crack jokes, and use rhetoric, for one, and they are not dependent on either the scientific method or logic.

So your questions and arguments are not your actual point. They are merely a perceived means to what your goal really is.

However, there is a prevalance towards a small but vocal minority within society, to proclaim that science is the best we have, by far, and if challenged, to ask rhetorically if there is another better method, while at the same time making it clear that to the speaker, another better method is inconceivable.

I already posted earlier that I observed that those who are extremely vocal about the strengths of conventional science, while at the same time being denigrating about all other methodologies, are almost always employed in science to some extent or another. On this forum, another poster did as much, while also posting that he intended a career in anthropology. You yourself testified that you intended to go into psychology, before you joined the armed forces. Given the recent Credit Crunch, I doubt that is due to a change of career, and more to do with greatly increased fees for university, and an expected massive cut in funding for scientific research, and consequently, a massive reduction in careers in subjects like psychology. So I doubt that you've really changed your mind about psychology. So I suspect that the correlation should still hold true for you, at least for the time being, until you have had enough new experiences in Afghanistan, that you re-evaluate your views on science.

Personally, I like science. I use scientific methodologies all the time, like whenever anyone tells me about the latest health fad, I observe them, and question them to discern if there is a correlation between the usage of the fad and the predicted health value, and any correlations between the behaviour and the side-effects. But I know that it's not perfect, because hardly anything we humans have come up with, is perfect. So I don't expect it to be.

The over-reliance on science, is part of why so many are pointing out major problems that seem to threaten Western civilisation, like how bacteria keep evolving to become immune to vaccines and antibiotics, like how our economies keep going through major boom-and-bust cycles, like global warming and climate change, global terrorism, political lobbying, and religious extremism.

All of these behaviours are predicted by using scientific methodologies, and their solutions are equally apparent. But they can only be seen, once one makes oneself flexible enough to not exclude them, and right now, the scientific method is presented and used in a such an extremely rigid way, that this locks almost all possibility of positive adaptation out of the process.

Remember evolution: We adapt and change, or we go extinct. Science is just another form of adapation. Where it is a good adaptation to the environment, it becomes more useful, and when the environment changes, it becomes less useful, just like any other adaptation. Adaptations are neither good nor bad. They are just more or less successful adaptations to the current environment. So we expect that the environment will eventually change to where science is less useful than it used to be. Actually, the more science continues to be useful, the more the probability rises towards where the environment favours science less. Poincare's Recurrence Theorem points out that we'll end up playing every hand in a deck. So the more hands we play that favour a particular method, the more hands are left to go, that don't favour that method, and the less hands that are left to go, that do. So in reality, we don't serve ourselves all that well by simply assuming that science is the best we've got, simply because things look like that. We're just seeing some of the hands played in the Recurrence Theorem. So we cannot rely on data here, when logic tells us that the most likely explanation is that we are just seeing biased data.

We still might have reason to suggest that science is the best we have, if we can see that it's being suggested by the data by unbiased sources. So if non-scientific people kept telling us that science is their best method for them to work in construction, or social situations, or all the situations which are far removed from a scientist, then we might have something to suggest that it works for us in general.

But the people who seem to be posting about how science is the best we have, are people who either work in scientific research, or something related to it, or, as in your case, and others, people who want to get science careers. Bias could play a part in their opinions.

Since those who have bias seem to be saying that science is the only way to go, and those who have anti-bias or no bias, seem to be thin on the ground being anywhere near as supportive of this meme, then the most probable conclusion is that the meme is propagated in line with the bias of the propagator.

Ignoring the other evidence that I mentioned that indicate that there are other methods that are very useful, the meme could then still be true. But we cannot validate it on your arguments, or on the arguments of those in the scientific community, because those arguments are correlated with propagator bias.

So what we have, is a whole host of problems that keep getting worse, with people keeping on telling us to just do more science, when that is a meme correlated with bias, and other people telling us that science is still useful, but that we could probably find good solutions anyway, as long as we keep an open mind, and don't become closed-minded about anything outside of science.

I find it very ironic, personally. The Catholic church was not all that open-minded towards anti-monarchist sentiments, and eventually when the monarchies of France and Russia got ousted, they were ousted as well, for working with the monarchies. If things get bad enough that current governments and corporations are overthrown, then scientists are likely to have the same experience, because most scientists work for governments or corporations, and would thus be also defrocked and rejected for exactly the same reasons, for backing the bad guys, and not doing enough to generate real and workable solutions.

No-one minds funding cancer research. The main thing that people complain about things like cancer research, is that such research is a scam, like they consider other secular and religious charities. Even so, it wouldn't be so bad, if most research was like cancer research. But when you have regular publications on "How did humans learn to cook?" and "How did humans learn to wear clothes?", while at the same time seeing public services cut, left, right and centre, it's only a matter of time until people get fed up paying for scientists doing studies that aren't going to make much difference to us, instead of ambulances, heart operations and basic sanitation.

Scientists' only saving grace at the moment, is that hardly anyone has enough of a broad and objective understanding of science to really see what are the main contributing factors to longevity and better health. If they ever do, scientists are in for mob fury.

As evolution dictates: scientists can change, to adapt to the needs to the time, or they resist and eventually go extinct.

Personally, I don't want to lose science like the Muslim lands rejected science for centuries, due to them observing how Al-Andalus used science, became fat on it, became lazy and decadent, fought amongst themselves, and then got taken over, and deciding that science was just too much of a long-term health risk for a society.

I know that this is what happened repeatedly, and the odds are that history repeats itself. But I keep pointing this out, just in case enough scientists or scientific positivists listen, that the scientific community learns to adapt with its environment, before it is too late.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
I'm the sort of guy who will keep asking annoying questions until you start to see the whole picture, and then when I see that, I explain to you my view, and you understand it, and contribute to it, teaching me more than I ever imagined. But until your mind is open to the situation, you react to me like a man in a cave, who, when shown the sun, keeps telling me that I am stupid for trying to walk right into the middle of a bonfire. I have to somehow get you close enough to the cave mouth to see that the light is not from a bonfire, but from the Sun.

On the contrary, I would, instead, argue for you to show me the evidence you have that it is not a bonfire, and I would follow you until the heat became painful, in which case if it's the sun or a bonfire is irrelevant. You refuse to share your findings.

You have stated firmly, that whatever type of knowledge could possibly exist, that it HAS to be subject to science and/or logic, and hence may be understood by science and/or logic. Hence, if anything cannot be understood by science and/or logic, it cannot be knowledge that could possibly exist, at least, to you. Hence, you have already asserted that your question has no answer. So why ask a question, if you refuse to believe that there even could be answers to it?

I've stated that because I cannot think of anything which may be known, which is not known best through science or logic. I have never encountered anything of that sort, so if you're going to claim there is such a thing, you're going to have to show me it.

I want to drive scientifically. But my driving instructor keeps pointing out how it will get me killed.

No he didn't, you're confusing my meaning and containing science in a laboratory coat, ignoring field and applied science. Further, you seem to be taking me to mean things I do not. I suspect on purpose, to fabricate a point over which to argue, or else I would not have to continue re-explaining what I mean.

It might help if I give you an example. Take making a right-hand turn in the UK. The scientific method says that you should hypothesise, experiment, record the results, analyse the data, and then, if they match your hypothesis, to go ahead. What my driving instructor says, is observe, then if not clear to go, edge out a tiny bit, then observe, then edge out a bit more, and then observe, and then edge out a bit more, until finally, it is clear to go, and then you complete the turn... else.

You're turning science into red-tape. The hypothesis could just as easily include the inching out, and when you actually make the right turn, your experiment has shown to be a success. You record your results in the form of memory. Keep in mind, I did not say this was formalized, academic science, only that the scientific method applies. We are not academics, we are in no tower.

Science is looking for static repeatable physical correlations in highly correlatable systems, while driving is interacting with a highly dynamic evolving system. It's more like social interactions.

So sociology is suddenly not a science?

My driving instructor has over 30 years experience of teaching driving, over 30 years experience of being accredited as an approved driving instructor, 60 years experience of driving, and serves periodically on a board of selected driving instructors who dicuss and inform the DSA and town planners on suggestions to the current roads and laws on driving. So I'm going to say that he has more authority and knowledge than you.

Perhaps on driving. I'd like to test that, of course, but I can't claim I think I'd be the superior driver. I am a driver, it being my job out here on the hill, and having always been the primary driver among family and friends, but he out-experiences me. Either way, this has nothing to do with his understanding of the scientific method, or where or how it applies. Essentially, any time you learn something from having an experience, you just did informal science.

Besides, I didn't take his word for it anyway. I found that he is right, because I tried the scientific way, and it caused the very problems I explained, so repeatedly, that I was forced to accept that he was right.

What your saying, is that you had an idea of what would work, did something which verified that it did work, and have been using that knowledge since?

spend years observing the Sun and inducing a theory of Heliocentrism, and then to assume that will be true forever.

Several points, here;
1) It's so well supported that it's changing would require a new observation, and the sun does get observed pretty frequently without it changing.
2) It won't be true forever. The sun will burn out in ca 5 billion years.

Pure logic is pure reason, and as such, is sound. Most scientific papers are very rigorous about their experiments. They use general ideas of logic, which aren't as rigorous, because it takes a long time to evaluate logic rigorously. They tend to focus on making sure that the empirical data is collected rigorously, and are rigorous about their use of statistical methods, but are not so rigorous about the rationalist analysis of the results that requires considering every possible variation of what might be going on, and removing each one painstakingly, until only one possible result exists.

Perhaps provide an example?

They are not the right questions. These questions imply that science and logic apply generally to answer every problem, and that if there is something that science and logic doesn't apply to, then there must be something else, that answers all that science and logic answer, and the problems that science and logic answer, and by induction, everything else. This in turn presumes that there is a method that humans can use, that inherently gives one the answer to every possible question. Such a method would give you omniscience.

... No. Even if there were a method which answered question that science and logic did not and what science and logic did, better, it doesn't mean you suddenly know everything, it means only you've discovered a better method for learning than science and logic.

Also, no, that explanation was unnecessary and irrelevant, as were your links. Unless, of course, you could explain their relevancy.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
That second post is basically a rant where you say "science good, scientists bad". And, okay, whatever. I know you don't like scientists for personal, unrelated reasons, but the claim of this over-reliance on science sort of assumes there's something else for us to rely on, instead of science. So until you start making suggestions what that thing might be and show us how it's superior to science at whatever it is you're trying to say science is failing at, science is still the best we have.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
I have written a reply. However, I realised that when we have argued like this, it's just gone on forever.

My knowledge and understanding and experience have all been hard-gained. I made enough effort to decide if it's right by myself. So I don't need you to believe me.

I don't mind sharing it, if it will help others. But if you aren't all that interested, or you're already sure that I cannot contribute to what you know, then it's not in my interest to share it with you.

So I'm going to leave this alone, and let you decide if you want me to contribute to your knowledge. If you want me to post on the matter, then you can decide to message me directly and ask me to join in a constructive discussion.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
No, that's fine. If you don't want to keep going, fine. I find it a bit presumptuous that you were under the impression I was the student and you were the teacher, as opposed to us being peers, but whatever.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
No, that's fine. If you don't want to keep going, fine. I find it a bit presumptuous that you were under the impression I was the student and you were the teacher, as opposed to us being peers, but whatever.
I'm usually looking to learn from people. I was particularly looking to learn from you, as you are an ENTP, and one of the younger soldiers in the British Armed Forces, and in Afghanistan, and all make me curious to learn much more about them. But so far, reading your posts, I have learned the following:

1) I absolutely no clue about how you think,
2) You being in the army, could mean that you're an atypical ENTP. So even if I do get some observations from you, I don't know if they will teach me anything about ENTPs.
3) You've written that you definitely believe in evolution, but you wrote yourself that you haven't read up on the evidence. I don't know if that means you are very smart, or very stubborn, or very good at social skills.
4) You are a scientific positivist. But I don't know why you are that, and I don't know if that tells me anything about ENTPs, because I don't know if you are atypical or not.
5) I haven't so far learned anything from you about the British army, or about your experiences in it.
6) I haven't so far learned anything from you about the situation in Afghanistan, or about your experiences in it.
7) I haven't so far learned anything from you about evolutionary theory, or science in general, or religion, or philosophy.

So I'm not yet learning anything from you. We aren't having a useful discussion. Despite the poster below recommending I post, I already put my views forwards. All I see, that could come from this, is if I want to prove you wrong, and I've seen and learned enough that that is a major waste of my time, because even if I do, tomorrow, you'll just post something along the same lines, as if we've never conversed at all.

So what's the point?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
I'm usually looking to learn from people. I was particularly looking to learn from you, as you are an ENTP, and one of the younger soldiers in the British Armed Forces, and in Afghanistan, and all make me curious to learn much more about them. But so far, reading your posts, I have learned the following:

I'm either an ENTP or an INTP. My tests still say I'm INTP. I'm also neither particularly young (though I'm also not old), nor in the British military. I'm 29, and a lower enlisted (E4) in the US Army.

1) I absolutely no clue about how you think,
Rationally. If I do not know something, I do not invent an explanation unless the invention is to be tested for truthfulness (as per the scientific method), though I don't presume it's true until it has passed the tests, and I never presume the things I know are absolute in any meaningful way. If knowledge is absolute, then you wouldn't even be able to question it in the first place. But if you don't question it, how do you know it's true at all?

2) You being in the army, could mean that you're an atypical ENTP. So even if I do get some observations from you, I don't know if they will teach me anything about ENTPs.
That's assuming I'm E instead of I in the first place. They're very similar.

3) You've written that you definitely believe in evolution, but you wrote yourself that you haven't read up on the evidence. I don't know if that means you are very smart, or very stubborn, or very good at social skills.
That's not entirely accurate. I haven't read up on the exact uses of the theory to each individual branch of biology. I'm not a biologist, so it's not really my job. However, I am very concerned because I know that it is useful if as nothing more than a basic understanding for biology, the utility growing from there. Yet, there are groups, especially in the US, which are not only denying the truthfulness of evolution, but are taking legal and propagandist action to trick other people into thinking evolution is a lie, even attempting to get their Creation stories taught alongside evolution in the science classrooms of the public schooling system. I've looked into plenty of the evidence, such as the fossil record, the genetic phylogenetic tree (which takes into account both physical structuring and genetic similarities), and, which I consider the single best evidence for the theory; Endogenous Retroviruses, which are essentially viruses which crash landed in our genetic code, which we share the same virus in the same location with other animals, this being a marker used to identify how closely related we are to other species. If evolution is true, we'd expect, well, exactly what's seen there. If Creation is true, then those viruses were either created there, or those viruses just happened to land in the exact same spot in the germ cells of many different animals. Not very likely to happen just once, let alone hundreds or thousands of times.

However, I do not keep especially current, and I do not study biology constantly, so there are details I've forgotten.

4) You are a scientific positivist. But I don't know why you are that, and I don't know if that tells me anything about ENTPs, because I don't know if you are atypical or not.
Well, essentially all progress our species has made is due to science. Modern society and the technology that powers it is a direct result of science. No other method of learning has taught us nearly as much or progressed our society in any remotely similar manner. I like science because it works, it improves our lives and actually answers questions.

In a related vein, that's the same reason I dislike religion, spirituality, and any form of mysticism. It doesn't answer questions, it obfuscates what's real in order to make people happy. Even if it works, I'd rather have knowledge and be unhappy than ignorant and blissful. Saying "God did it" to any question at all doesn't answer the question, even if God actually did do it. It's like asking your wife what the problem with her car was and how it got fixed, and she answers by saying she took it to a shop. Sure, that's what she did and now the car's fixed, but it didn't tell you what the problem or it's solution were. Further, there's no good reason to suppose this God person did do anything. This is an aside, though, and not pertinent to your question, so I digress.

On the "Positivist" part; Yes, I'm something of a positivist, but not entirely. I think that you can learn things through introspection or intuition. In the case of introspection, obviously the only thing you're learning about is yourself, though. Not particularily relevant to the material universe in which we live. It's information which the only useful application is to yourself, other people requiring the same insights about themselves, which you cannot provide. I spent plenty of my life in introspection, learning about myself, my desires, my tastes, and some of them were difficult to come to terms with, but, ultimately, the information is useful exclusively to me (though other people may benefit by proxy, such as a wife enjoying that her husband is now exercising more, or whatever).

Intuition is more subtle, less trustworthy. I'm blind to hints, for example. I don't believe intuition doesn't work, I believe it's very useful if you have no actual data to work with. After all, you grow accustomed to how things generally happen, and you can, through that, gain subtle insights, or intuition, to what's going on based on those previous experiences. However, when it boils right down to it, intuitions can commonly be outright wrong (not merely off on a detail or two), making it useful only when real information is lacking, it then being best used as a starting point for gathering actual information/forming hypotheses.

5) I haven't so far learned anything from you about the British army, or about your experiences in it.
As I said, I'm in the US Army, and you haven't learned anything about it because you haven't asked any questions about it. Further, I'm currently deployed, and avoid bringing up what I'm doing because it could compromise operational security. Basic questions, of course, I can answer, but too much information about what I do and how I do it could cost the lives of my battle buddies. Perhaps after I get back home and my information is no longer up-to date, sure, but until then, I can only share basic stuff.

6) I haven't so far learned anything from you about the situation in Afghanistan, or about your experiences in it.[/quote

OpSec as above, but also; The only information I get about the situation at large comes from the same sources your information does (probably), which is the news. The only insights I have from my little perspective where I am really don't give any insights into the greater situation. I can tell you that the locals who work here seem under educated, yet very willing to come and work for money. They tend to be pretty friendly even though there's a language barrier, but those are only the ones I've worked with or around. I haven't had an opportunity to do anything out in villages or anything, aside driving through them and waving to the other people on the road and the children.

7) I haven't so far learned anything from you about evolutionary theory, or science in general, or religion, or philosophy.
I like to presume that's because you live where an education system actually works, but that might be a bit naive of me. What are you curious about evolution that I might be able to inform you that a Google search wouldn't also answer? Same with science.

Religion, well, I don't really think there are answers to be found in religion. I know some things about particular religions, but that's about the religion itself, and I don't consider it pertinent to, well, living life or answer-seeking if the answers your looking for are about reality.

I haven't studied philosophy in any meaningful sense in almost a decade. I practice logic and my personal hero happens to be Socrates, but I'm not worried about what a bunch of old philosophers said instead of simply applying reasoning to the here and now, just like those guys were doing at the time.

So I'm not yet learning anything from you. We aren't having a useful discussion. Despite the poster below recommending I post, I already put my views forwards. All I see, that could come from this, is if I want to prove you wrong, and I've seen and learned enough that that is a major waste of my time, because even if I do, tomorrow, you'll just post something along the same lines, as if we've never conversed at all.

So what's the point?
If you prove me wrong, I would change my mind. I don't recall you proving me wrong on anything of substance (though you could easily have corrected me on a matter of detail or definition or whatever. I never put much effort into remembering who corrects certain errors I make). What do you think you've proved me wrong about?


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 7:21 AM
Apr 25, 2009
Scorpiomover's latter posts seem to be giving the impression that science is some sort of formal method that is practised by scientists. But it isn't a formal/static/fixed method. Actual methods of science vary greatly and evolve over time. Philosophically speaking, there is no way to prove that this evolution improves the methods, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for most people. But informal methods of gathering knowledge can still be considered a form of science no matter how removed they may seem from the methods practised by today's scientists.

A side note, there is also an increasing number of articles by scientists like Ioannidis examining the flaws of today's practise.

Regarding logic, the problem with formal systems is that they only make tautological proofs. These proofs might not be obvious, but they are still truths about synthetic rather than real systems.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
I'm either an ENTP or an INTP. My tests still say I'm INTP. I'm also neither particularly young (though I'm also not old), nor in the British military. I'm 29, and a lower enlisted (E4) in the US Army.
That explains a lot.

I like Americans. They tend to have a very simplistic and practical approach to life, which really helps in many ways, to cut through the waffle, and get to the nitty-gritty.

But I've come across 2 very well-esteemed historians of American history on TV, who both explicitly said that Americans tend to go for the simple answer, even when it's clearly wrong, than the more complicated answer, that is clearly right. I've seen the same behaviour, in hundreds of posts, maybe even thousands of posts, from Americans.

Rationally. If I do not know something, I do not invent an explanation unless the invention is to be tested for truthfulness (as per the scientific method), though I don't presume it's true until it has passed the tests, and I never presume the things I know are absolute in any meaningful way. If knowledge is absolute, then you wouldn't even be able to question it in the first place. But if you don't question it, how do you know it's true at all?
I'd describe myself as a Logical Empiricist. I think that every explanation must be checked against experience, and that includes experimentation, or your explanation might be just "castles in the air". But to come up with the explanation in the first place, I rely on Sherlock Holmes' method, which was later repeated by Spock in Star Trek:

If you remove the impossible, then whatever is left, however implausible or improbable it might seem, must be the truth.

That's assuming I'm E instead of I in the first place. They're very similar.
I gather that according to most students of MBTI, and Jung himself, they are worlds apart. But, even according to them, many Introverts spend most of their time with people, and quite a few Extroverts even spend most of their time alone. How much time you spend with people or alone, doesn't seem to the main determining factor in the typology of if one is an E or an I.

That's not entirely accurate. I haven't read up on the exact uses of the theory to each individual branch of biology. I'm not a biologist, so it's not really my job.
I avoided doing most biology courses, because I really couldn't stand the sight of blood, if it wasn't for mission-critical situations that demanded it, such as when someone had a car accident right outside my house, and I went out to help, and so I was put off by the dissections. But I still took human biology, because it was all study, and did much study and thinking on the matter for myself. For some reason, evolutionary biologists, with whom I argued about almost everything they claimed, still posted that I have a great understanding of evolutionary theory, much more so than most people. So I obviously have some understanding of the matter.

However, I am very concerned because I know that it is useful if as nothing more than a basic understanding for biology, the utility growing from there.
I've analysed evolutionary theory somewhat. I came to realise that the theory itself describes an abstract process. Thus, it lends itself to every field, including those outside science. I've found that it explains much of what goes in economics, in politics, and even explains the culture wars in America, such as the arguments over if evolution is true or not. But equally, because it is an abstract process, it doesn't automatically apply to all of biology, and often is unnecessary to explain much of biology. I find that most medical advances occured without it. So I wouldn't call it a basic understanding of biology, more a basic understanding of politics, economics, history, and it is useful for explaining SOME aspects of biology.

Yet, there are groups, especially in the US, which are not only denying the truthfulness of evolution, but are taking legal and propagandist action to trick other people into thinking evolution is a lie, even attempting to get their Creation stories taught alongside evolution in the science classrooms of the public schooling system.
I find that evolutionary theory explains that conflict very well.

For instance, Rich Hall, another American, pointed out that if you look at the anti-evolutionists for the Scopes Trial, they were teaching evolutionary theory to the students, in a book called "Civic biology". So as far as the claim that many Americans want to ban teaching evolution to students, the trial is a red herring.

I've looked into plenty of the evidence, such as the fossil record, the genetic phylogenetic tree (which takes into account both physical structuring and genetic similarities), and, which I consider the single best evidence for the theory; Endogenous Retroviruses, which are essentially viruses which crash landed in our genetic code, which we share the same virus in the same location with other animals, this being a marker used to identify how closely related we are to other species. If evolution is true, we'd expect, well, exactly what's seen there. If Creation is true, then those viruses were either created there, or those viruses just happened to land in the exact same spot in the germ cells of many different animals. Not very likely to happen just once, let alone hundreds or thousands of times.
People said the same about Miasma Theory. That turned out to be wrong as well. Correlation is not causation.

Not saying it's wrong. Just saying that, as Karl Popper pointed out, if you get something that agrees with your theory, it doesn't mean your theory is right. It just means you haven't yet found evidence which proves it wrong, which could be because that evidence doesn't exist, or because the evidence we have so far, is only a tiny part of the evidence of the universe, which is true.

However, I do not keep especially current, and I do not study biology constantly, so there are details I've forgotten.
So you meant you don't know everything on biology? No-one does, not even the top biologists. With over 100,000 scientific papers published every year, and a very large part of that is in biology, who can? Even if you spent your entire life reading nothing else, you'd still never have read it all.

Well, essentially all progress our species has made is due to science. Modern society and the technology that powers it is a direct result of science. No other method of learning has taught us nearly as much or progressed our society in any remotely similar manner. I like science because it works, it improves our lives and actually answers questions.
The evolution of our species shows that isn't true at all. However, evolutionary theory explains very, very well, why so many people say this sort of thing.

In a related vein, that's the same reason I dislike religion, spirituality, and any form of mysticism. It doesn't answer questions, it obfuscates what's real in order to make people happy.

Even if it works, I'd rather have knowledge and be unhappy than ignorant and blissful.
The only places where I found that, was in mathematics, some world religions, and existentialism. All of them don't disagree with what most religious people say. All of them show massive conflicts with what most scientists and public statements of atheists say.

Saying "God did it" to any question at all doesn't answer the question, even if God actually did do it. It's like asking your wife what the problem with her car was and how it got fixed, and she answers by saying she took it to a shop. Sure, that's what she did and now the car's fixed, but it didn't tell you what the problem or it's solution were.
If you read what most religious scholars actually wrote, they wrote about what they thought about WHY G-d did it. It's like asking your wife what went wrong with the car that cost so much, and she replies that the mechanic said it was incredibly complicated, and so he gave you a complete written breakdown for you on the invoice, and you just throw the invoice away, and demand your money back. The mechanic would be stupid to take you seriously.

Further, there's no good reason to suppose this God person did do anything. This is an aside, though, and not pertinent to your question, so I digress.
Again, all covered in the millions of books written by religious scholars.

On the "Positivist" part; Yes, I'm something of a positivist, but not entirely. I think that you can learn things through introspection or intuition. In the case of introspection, obviously the only thing you're learning about is yourself, though. Not particularily relevant to the material universe in which we live. It's information which the only useful application is to yourself, other people requiring the same insights about themselves, which you cannot provide. I spent plenty of my life in introspection, learning about myself, my desires, my tastes, and some of them were difficult to come to terms with, but, ultimately, the information is useful exclusively to me (though other people may benefit by proxy, such as a wife enjoying that her husband is now exercising more, or whatever).
Actually, introspection teaches me as much about other people, as it does about myself.

In all my experiences, I am a fundamental part of those experiences. The more I understand about my part in the process, the more I understand others' parts in the process. For instance, I used to think that I was useless, because people who knew me well, would tell me that I was never fulfilling what they asked of me. So I never learned to drive, because I thought I was useless at it.

Then a few years ago, it occurred to me, that if I was really useless, and that was evident from the evidence of me not fulfilling what I was asked to do, I would have to expect that of myself, because the evidence showed that. Consequently, so would anyone who had asked me to do things on a regular basis. So they would have to expect that if they asked me to do things in the future, that I wouldn't do as asked, and should not have asked me in the first place. But they did anyway. It then occurred to me, that I know that when I asked someone to do something, who was very, very capable, but the thing that they asked, was beyond his abilities, and as a consequence, they would screw up, that I would initially feel angry, and want to blame someone else, so I wouldn't have to face the fact that I screwed up, by asking too much of someone else. It then occurred to me, that this was exactly the same pattern as what was happening to me, only it was the other people blaming me for asking too much of me on these things, and they WERE asking of me things that were way beyond what anyone could have expected of me at those times. So I realised that actually, they were trying to blame me for their own lack of proper planning, and I might not be so useless after all. I took to consider that maybe I might not be so useless at driving after all. I got my licence a few weeks ago.

That's kind of a big deal for me, and it's only the tip of the iceberg.

Intuition is more subtle, less trustworthy. I'm blind to hints, for example. I don't believe intuition doesn't work, I believe it's very useful if you have no actual data to work with. After all, you grow accustomed to how things generally happen, and you can, through that, gain subtle insights, or intuition, to what's going on based on those previous experiences. However, when it boils right down to it, intuitions can commonly be outright wrong (not merely off on a detail or two), making it useful only when real information is lacking, it then being best used as a starting point for gathering actual information/forming hypotheses.
I love my intuition. But when I told people my intutions, they either said that I spot on, or unbelievably wrong. These days, I just check against basic experience of reality. Those intuitions that are consistent with my experience, are not unbelievably wrong, and so have a high probability of being spot on.

As I said, I'm in the US Army, and you haven't learned anything about it because you haven't asked any questions about it. Further, I'm currently deployed, and avoid bringing up what I'm doing because it could compromise operational security. Basic questions, of course, I can answer, but too much information about what I do and how I do it could cost the lives of my battle buddies. Perhaps after I get back home and my information is no longer up-to date, sure, but until then, I can only share basic stuff.
That's why I didn't ask. I have lots of family who were in the miltary for years. I already have a gist of what goes on there, and the documentaries they show here about squaddies in Afghanistan, pretty much show most of what I know already. But if I asked my family questions, they would go very tight-lipped. They didn't even like me asking questions, because some of my insights are spot on, and so merely by asking, I could be publicly stating matters of operational security.

So I thank you for your offer. But I'll have to decide what questions to ask. I have a nasty habit of intuiting exactly what your commanders' plans are, and you wouldn't want anyone to post them.

The only information I get about the situation at large comes from the same sources your information does (probably), which is the news.
I analyse the news quite a lot. I am of the opinion that most of what we get over here, is propaganda, even the things that are clearly true.

The only insights I have from my little perspective where I am really don't give any insights into the greater situation. I can tell you that the locals who work here seem under educated, yet very willing to come and work for money. They tend to be pretty friendly even though there's a language barrier, but those are only the ones I've worked with or around. I haven't had an opportunity to do anything out in villages or anything, aside driving through them and waving to the other people on the road and the children.
Sounds like the Afghans aren't any different than what you'd expect to see, in a place like rural America, except that they are acting quite rationally, according to your description. Hardly a place where I would expect would breed nutters.

I like to presume that's because you live where an education system actually works, but that might be a bit naive of me.
More than likely, that's because I've been an avid reader of science since I was 6.

My desire for knowledge of all kinds, but particularly scientific knowledge, was partially due to my parents' influence, partially due to my personal inclination, and mostly due to my religious background. I'm Jewish. In Jewish communities, the most highly respected Jews, are the most educated ones, and that is true, whether they are educated in religious matters, secular matters, or both. All of my ultra-religious high school teachers had PhDs, and some had multiple PhDs. Most of my non-religious teachers were not nearly as educated.

What are you curious about evolution that I might be able to inform you that a Google search wouldn't also answer? Same with science.
Well, I'd like to find a database of all the evidence on evolution, so that I can run database queries on them. I'm very experienced at ferreting out what is true, from what only seems to be true, using data analysis. I doubt you have anything like that, though. I've asked professional scientists on other forums, and their replies suggested no such central repository exists, and certainly nothing analysable like a database.

Religion, well, I don't really think there are answers to be found in religion. I know some things about particular religions, but that's about the religion itself, and I don't consider it pertinent to, well, living life or answer-seeking if the answers your looking for are about reality.
When I was 18, I decided that before I was going to dismiss my religious upbringing, I really ought to find out all about it. So I did that. After a month, I was shocked to realise that I'd read more reason and logic, and things backed up by evidence, in that single month, in the religious texts, than I'd read of all of science, and by that point, I'd read up on electricity, magnetism, nuclear physics, the Big Bang Theories (there were 5 in 1976), nuclear fusion, relativity, basic psychology, reproductive biology, basic anatomy, and been taught basic atomic theory in chemistry, and had discussed some quantum theory with older students.

I haven't studied philosophy in any meaningful sense in almost a decade. I practice logic and my personal hero happens to be Socrates, but I'm not worried about what a bunch of old philosophers said instead of simply applying reasoning to the here and now, just like those guys were doing at the time.
I never used to study philosophy, because I'd met a lot of philosophy graduates, and they all said they had studied philosophy to get some answers to their questions, and just got more questions. But a few years ago, I became friends with a guy who has read a LOT of philosophy, and would tell me about all sorts of things he had read in the writings of Montaigne, Karl Popper, and Bertrand Russell. So it's sparked a huge interest in me.

If you prove me wrong, I would change my mind. I don't recall you proving me wrong on anything of substance (though you could easily have corrected me on a matter of detail or definition or whatever. I never put much effort into remembering who corrects certain errors I make). What do you think you've proved me wrong about?
I don't think I can. I find that either people are open to what I say, or they aren't. If they are, then they listen to what I say, and then half the time, they tell me if I am monumentally wrong, because of some obvious Se fact that I've missed, and the other half the time, they tell me that I'm spot on, and really made an impact on their views.

If they aren't, then whatever I say, that matches their existing beliefs, they tell me is very clever. But any time we have a disagreement, it goes on and on, for several pages. First, they keep bringing source after source to prove me wrong. If I answer all of those objections, then they say my views don't make sense. If I then explain and re-explain my views, they do say they understand, but post views I never wrote. Then if I correct them, they say it isn't relevant. Then if I explain how it's relevant, they say that if I'm right, the world would come to a halt. Then if I explain that I'm only talking about minor adjustments, that produce far more benefit than the effort to make those changes, they don't respond that they agree, stop posting there, and just start posting to someone else, usually on a different thread, but sometimes even on the same thread. They then proceed to say exactly the views they held before, that I pointed out was wrong, and proved.

Often on the way, they accuse me of mental gymnastics, and that I make things up. Plenty of posters have told me that I should be a lawyer. I find it funny, because IRL, I'm rubbish at debate, and my main skills to figure things out, are logic, reason, and lateral thinking.

I don't mind if I argue with someone, and I get proved wrong. That way, I learn to have a better picture of reality. But if I spend page after page, to prove something that I already think, and I end up proving myself right, that doesn't exactly improve my view of reality. They spend pages trying to disprove me, and all are explained, but they don't change my views. So they aren't gaining a better view of reality either. About the main way that I gain from discussions, is that such people keep demanding I prove myself so much, that I spend hours each day, looking up every source imaginable. So it's a motivator for me to learn about such topics, I suppose.

So I don't see the point in proving you wrong. Either you are open to my ideas, or you aren't. If you are, then you won't need to be proved wrong. If you aren't, then you'll stick to your current views anyway. So you won't gain from it. It only benefits me, because the process of the argument will motivate me to learn a great many things. So the gains from such arguments, doesn't come from you being proved wrong at all. They come from the argument motivating me to find out more things for myself.

To be honest, I never had a problem with evolutionary theory. I picked it up from general background info, from watching nature documentaries, and reading science books. Evolutionary theory was never a conflict with my religious upbringing. So I really didn't have a reason to reject it. But it wasn't covered in great detail in school, and it wasn't a specific interest of mine, and so I didn't read about it much.

Then when I joined the forums, I found that lots of Americans and Canadians were claiming that lots of people were refusing to accept evolutionary theory, despite the mountains of evidence. I love a good argument. So I started reading the posts. Lots of them had logical flaws in them. Some were clearly contradicted by known evidence. So I'd just post about those points. But the evolutionists really took that offensively. They seemed to act as though that to challenge them in any way at all, was to be guilty of religious heresy. As a consequence, I got drawn into argument after argument. Initially, it was fun. But the process motivated me to check out my responses, and that led me to do a LOT of reading on many matters that pertained to evolutionary theory, and a heck of a lot of thinking. The end result of all these posts by evolutionists, is that now, I find many reasons to doubt current evolutionary theories. I've posted a few on other forums. But that just brought me more arguments, which led to more research, and that led to even more reasons to doubt current evolutionary theories. Honestly, sometimes I think that evolutionists want me to become an anti-evolutionist. They're doing a bang-up job of it.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
Scorpiomover's latter posts seem to be giving the impression that science is some sort of formal method that is practised by scientists. But it isn't a formal/static/fixed method. Actual methods of science vary greatly and evolve over time. Philosophically speaking, there is no way to prove that this evolution improves the methods, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for most people. But informal methods of gathering knowledge can still be considered a form of science no matter how removed they may seem from the methods practised by today's scientists.
I agree with all of that, taking into account that I was talking about the over-formalisation of science in the present day.

I believe in moderation. Some formalisation is better than no formalisation. But too much formalisation can be just as bad as no formalisation at all.

Science has evolved over the centuries. It's present state of evolution, in terms of what we see coming out of scientific publications, shows that today's practise, is almost completely formalised, when it comes to the physical elements of science, like experimentation. But when it comes to the cognitive parts of developing scientific theories, only ideals seem to ever be mentioned, such as that scientists SHOULD always be highly sceptical of their own theories. There is almost no formalisation at all of how scientists come up with their hypotheses.

A side note, there is also an increasing number of articles by scientists like Ioannidis examining the flaws of today's practise.
Been posting that there are flaws in today's practise, for years.

I even just posted recently on another forum, that scientists have posted that most scientific theories that are published, turn out to be wrong, and that even the US Supreme Court said that ALL scientific theories are only tentative, and that because of that, you have to be somewhat sceptical of all currently accepted scientific theories. The poster's response, was that to even question if currently accepted scientific theories are wrong, would mean that we'd have to re-test everything we've ever figured out, and that would bring science to a grinding halt. Plenty of people currently believe that science requires blindly accepting accepting the current status of theories.

Regarding logic, the problem with formal systems is that they only make tautological proofs. These proofs might not be obvious, but they are still truths about synthetic rather than real systems.
Mathematics is all based on formal logic. Very few scientific theories were based solely on mathematically-based proofs. Surprisingly, those theories have turned out to be the theories that agreed with the evidence, by an incredibly high degree of accuracy, and have turned out to be the most accurate ones we've ever had. This has been so true in Physics, that many top physicists now say that the universe is mathematical.

You'd THINK, that scientists might take note of that, and put a little more formalisation into how they come up with their theories, say by using mathematics, and a little less formalisation into how they carry out their physical experiments. But that's not happening much.


Local time
Today 3:51 PM
Jun 29, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
I agree with all of that, taking into account that I was talking about the over-formalisation of science in the present day.

I believe in moderation. Some formalisation is better than no formalisation. But too much formalisation can be just as bad as no formalisation at all.

Science has evolved over the centuries. It's present state of evolution, in terms of what we see coming out of scientific publications, shows that today's practise, is almost completely formalised, when it comes to the physical elements of science, like experimentation. But when it comes to the cognitive parts of developing scientific theories, only ideals seem to ever be mentioned, such as that scientists SHOULD always be highly sceptical of their own theories. There is almost no formalisation at all of how scientists come up with their hypotheses.

Been posting that there are flaws in today's practise, for years.

I even just posted recently on another forum, that scientists have posted that most scientific theories that are published, turn out to be wrong, and that even the US Supreme Court said that ALL scientific theories are only tentative, and that because of that, you have to be somewhat sceptical of all currently accepted scientific theories. The poster's response, was that to even question if currently accepted scientific theories are wrong, would mean that we'd have to re-test everything we've ever figured out, and that would bring science to a grinding halt. Plenty of people currently believe that science requires blindly accepting accepting the current status of theories.

Mathematics is all based on formal logic. Very few scientific theories were based solely on mathematically-based proofs. Surprisingly, those theories have turned out to be the theories that agreed with the evidence, by an incredibly high degree of accuracy, and have turned out to be the most accurate ones we've ever had. This has been so true in Physics, that many top physicists now say that the universe is mathematical.

You'd THINK, that scientists might take note of that, and put a little more formalisation into how they come up with their theories, say by using mathematics, and a little less formalisation into how they carry out their physical experiments. But that's not happening much.

Wait, mathematics is based on formal logic? I'm pretty sure logic was derived from mathematics as a way to further analyze mathematics itself. Unless of course, you're suggesting that mathematics didn't exist before Pythagoras.

And what I'm grasping from your paragraphs is that you wish to formalize theories, which is all well and good. Imagine, a world based on only things found deductively! Also, who cares what the Supreme Court has to say about science, I mean seriously?

Furthermore, good luck formalizing cognitive processes or abstract concepts in general. How are we going to deduce hypothesizes when we must deduce said hypothesis from a previously deduced theory. Where do we begin with this formalization? What do you recommend for social sciences?

And the observation that the universe is mathematical is a blatant tautology considering that mathematics is a representation of what we observe, rather than some magical entity in itself. It's not going to mystically provide answers for us anymore so than probing the sediment found in a cement block will tell you why a person built a building. There's a very explicit reason that one would be laughed out of a room if he or she labeled his/herself a Pythagorean.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
That explains a lot.

Haha, touche! What I say is that of a simple mind, unable to comprehend truly complex ideas, because I'm Anerican and we are, to a man, too simple minded to understand what other nations do! Way to be a prick! Good work!

I gather that according to most students of MBTI, and Jung himself, they are worlds apart. But, even according to them, many Introverts spend most of their time with people, and quite a few Extroverts even spend most of their time alone. How much time you spend with people or alone, doesn't seem to the main determining factor in the typology of if one is an E or an I.

No, Introversion and Extroversion is the manner in which your functions, starting with your primary and alternating down the line, well, functions. An INTP has primary thinking, an ENTP has secondary thinking, but in both cases, they're introverted, whereas they also both have extroverted intuition, except it's the ENTP's primary function and the INTP's secondary. Same with the third and fourth being reversed in order but projecting inwardly or outwardly the same way. INTPs and ENTPS are very similar. They're pretty much as similar as they possibly can be while still being different personality types.

For some reason, evolutionary biologists, with whom I argued about almost everything they claimed, still posted that I have a great understanding of evolutionary theory, much more so than most people. So I obviously have some understanding of the matter.

I don't care what random biologist says, I care that you don't seem to display an understanding of evolutionary biology. Even if you're not lying about this, they can be wrong and you can exaggerate or lie. If you're so smart and capable, just do it. Instead of claiming you're brilliant, prove it. Talk is cheap.

I've analysed evolutionary theory somewhat. I came to realise that the theory itself describes an abstract process. Thus, it lends itself to every field, including those outside science. I've found that it explains much of what goes in economics, in politics, and even explains the culture wars in America, such as the arguments over if evolution is true or not. But equally, because it is an abstract process, it doesn't automatically apply to all of biology, and often is unnecessary to explain much of biology. I find that most medical advances occured without it. So I wouldn't call it a basic understanding of biology, more a basic understanding of politics, economics, history, and it is useful for explaining SOME aspects of biology.

The biological theory of evolution itself is as abstract as any other theory pertaining to physical occurrences. While you might use the general idea of evolution to describe those other subjects, the biological theory of evolution is specific to biology. Where it succeeds or fails in other subjects is totally irrelevant. And, sure, you can make scientific advances without a deeper understanding of a particular field, just like Newton could make functional laws of physical motion without understanding relativity, but it's certainly doesn't mean understanding the deeper knowledge is un-worth the benefits, just as with the understanding of anything ever.

People said the same about Miasma Theory. That turned out to be wrong as well. Correlation is not causation.

Not saying it's wrong. Just saying that, as Karl Popper pointed out, if you get something that agrees with your theory, it doesn't mean your theory is right. It just means you haven't yet found evidence which proves it wrong, which could be because that evidence doesn't exist, or because the evidence we have so far, is only a tiny part of the evidence of the universe, which is true.

Miasma theory was reasonable considering the observations of the time, and, further, it's not entirely false. While disease is not from noxious air or water, of course, air or water or whatever containing contaminants of some kind do make you sick, we simply now have a further understanding of why. Namely; Germs.

Yes, Karl Popper was correct in what he said. What you're missing, of course, is that he's simply saying that falsifiability is an essential aspect of science, theories which are unfalsifiable then being unscientific. This endogenous Retrovirus thing doesn't just incidentally coincide with evolutionary theory, however. It was predicted by evolutionary theory. After one hundred and fifty years, the theory needed only one experiment to falsify it. With it's potent explanatory and predictive power and lack of having been falsified, it's a very well supported theory. Probably the most well supported theory in biology.

So you meant you don't know everything on biology? No-one does, not even the top biologists. With over 100,000 scientific papers published every year, and a very large part of that is in biology, who can? Even if you spent your entire life reading nothing else, you'd still never have read it all.

No. Not only do I not know everything, I know less than I once did and few things newer than several years old, if anything that recent.

The evolution of our species shows that isn't true at all. However, evolutionary theory explains very, very well, why so many people say this sort of thing.

Care to explain that claim? Extrapolate a bit?

The only places where I found that, was in mathematics, some world religions, and existentialism. All of them don't disagree with what most religious people say. All of them show massive conflicts with what most scientists and public statements of atheists say.

The claim that math, a tool especially frequently used in science disagrees with science is an outright fabrication. Existentialism is a pretty ambiguously defined philosophy, but I've never heard of these disagreements with science or atheists. And of course religion would disagree with atheists and, to a lesser degree science. It has a wholly different methodology which is not centered around discovering what's true or utilizing critical though. Not atheism, of course. Atheism is nothing more than a lack of beliefe in a deity. It has no innate methodology or anything which would otherwise unify atheists, though it's often acquired through critical thought.

If you read what most religious scholars actually wrote, they wrote about what they thought about WHY G-d did it. It's like asking your wife what went wrong with the car that cost so much, and she replies that the mechanic said it was incredibly complicated, and so he gave you a complete written breakdown for you on the invoice, and you just throw the invoice away, and demand your money back. The mechanic would be stupid to take you seriously.

Well well, aren't you presumptuous, there.

[sarcasm]No, I've never read anything by religious scholars or ministers ever! Maybe I should try that! [/sarcasm]

Actually, introspection teaches me as much about other people, as it does about myself.

It can only do that if those people are similar to you, as introspection is necessarily about you and not other people. That's why it's called introspection instead of extrospection. Because they're different things. Introspection is self-reflection, or thoughts about the self... not others.

Sounds like the Afghans aren't any different than what you'd expect to see, in a place like rural America, except that they are acting quite rationally, according to your description. Hardly a place where I would expect would breed nutters.

I described only the ones I interacted with in person, not the ones who tried to blow me up and shoot me. Further, even the ones I interacted with could have easily been hiding their real motives and working against us. I doubt all of them were, but the fact is information gets leaked, and I doubt it's all from the facebook posts of soldiers.

Well, I'd like to find a database of all the evidence on evolution, so that I can run database queries on them. I'm very experienced at ferreting out what is true, from what only seems to be true, using data analysis. I doubt you have anything like that, though. I've asked professional scientists on other forums, and their replies suggested no such central repository exists, and certainly nothing analysable like a database.

Everything I know about biology I learned either in school or specifically because I looked it up on an individual basis due, directly or indirectly, to my arguing with creationists, whom I take far less seriously now than I did when I started.

Also, I removed a whole lot of jabber which wasn't pertinent to the conversation or was little more than you bragging how much more educated you are than the people who disagree with you. For all your claims of being more educated and finding problems in other people's arguments, you're being awfully vague about the specific point which convinced of anything one way or the other. It's been good talking to you, but it's patently obvious you're not interested in learning or helping others to do so. Later.


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
Wait, mathematics is based on formal logic? I'm pretty sure logic was derived from mathematics as a way to further analyze mathematics itself. Unless of course, you're suggesting that mathematics didn't exist before Pythagoras.
Propositional logic was developed by mathematical like Boole, De Morgan and Cantor, in the 19th Century, as a means of clarifying what every smart person, like Aristotle, had been doing for millennia.

And what I'm grasping from your paragraphs is that you wish to formalize theories, which is all well and good. Imagine, a world based on only things found deductively!
Deduction is how you deduce, from one thing that makes sense, to another, that equally makes sense. Imagine a world where ALL scientific theories made complete sense!

Also, who cares what the Supreme Court has to say about science, I mean seriously?
People who don't want Creationist Science taught in schools, and people who want evolutionary theory taught in schools. What the Supreme Court said about science, is the ONLY basis for their rulings on these matters, and to ignore what they said about science, is to remove the basis of those rulings, and so those rulings would not be valid, and without those rulings, all those laws passed in states like Tennessee and Alabama, that banned evolution being taught in schools, and allowed Creationist Science taught in schools, would still be standing, and that is exactly what all the schools in such states would have to do.

Furthermore, good luck formalizing cognitive processes or abstract concepts in general. How are we going to deduce hypothesizes when we must deduce said hypothesis from a previously deduced theory.
The computer you are typing on, is based on a large number of hypotheses, from Maxwell's deduced theory of electro-magnetism. If you are right, then switch off your computer, because you believe that it doesn't work.

Where do we begin with this formalization? What do you recommend for social sciences?
Same way we did for Physics, Chemistry, construction, architecture, navigation, and even mathematics itself. You start with the very few things, that everyone agrees is true about the social sciences, and that everyone thinks of as trivial, and you build from there. That took us from counting to calculus, and from "things crumble when you crush them" to quantum physics.

And the observation that the universe is mathematical is a blatant tautology considering that mathematics is a representation of what we observe, rather than some magical entity in itself. It's not going to mystically provide answers for us anymore so than probing the sediment found in a cement block will tell you why a person built a building.
Science is a representation of what we observe. We can only make something a representation of what we observe, by observing, and building our theories from that. That's why science is fundamentally based on observation and experimentation. If mathematics is like that, then to prove any mathematical theory, we wouldn't need logic, but lots of observations and experiments.

We prove scientific theories using lots and lots of observations and experiments. We don't prove mathematics using experiments or observations at all.

But heck, don't take my word for it. Go tell your teachers that the only way to prove Pythagoras' theorem, is by observing, and experimenting with, lots and lots of right-angled triangles. You really will be laughed out the room.

There's a very explicit reason that one would be laughed out of a room if he or she labeled his/herself a Pythagorean.
The Pythagoreans believed the Earth and other planets went around a star. They came up with that in 390 BCE. It took us till Newton's publication, to accept Heliocentrism, in 1687. So the Pythagoreans were ahead of us, by only about, oh, approximately 2,077 years.

Imagine what life would be like now, if we had listened to the Pythagoreans, and we had the technology and scientific understanding of the year 4,088 Ce!


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
Haha, touche! What I say is that of a simple mind, unable to comprehend truly complex ideas, because I'm Anerican and we are, to a man, too simple minded to understand what other nations do!
Every nation has its own culture. Every culture has its own mindset. Every mindset has its own psychology, and its own strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, the British mindset is excellent at coming up with all sorts of brilliant ideas, and then calling them useless, and dropping them, only for other nations to pick them up, and develop technology from them, and to gain the majority of the benefits. As an example, us Brits developed the theories of computing (Alan Turing), and developed a few working computers (the Colossus and its sisters). But we buried the technology. Then you Americans picked it up, and made Silicon Valley, Microsoft, and Apple from it. The story of Britain is littered with lots of stupidities like that.

Americans CAN and often DO comprehend extremely complex ideas. But often they will CHOOSE the easier answer, because it means a lot less work.

It's up to them to put in the effort, or not.

Way to be a prick! Good work!
I avoid stating such things in public, because a lot of people get very sensitive about stuff like this. I only did so with you, because I believed that you were objective enough to see that I only pointed out a weakness in the American mindset, like we all have weaknesses, for your understanding, and in the interest of helping you and other Americans. I have way more weaknesses than most Americans. But to me, that means I have more ways to improve, and thus, my life can only get better, by acknowledging them, and working on them, to turn them from weaknesses into strengths.

You can have that too, if you choose to listen to criticisms, look at yourself, decide if they are true, and if so, to act to improve them. Or not. Your choice.

No, Introversion and Extroversion is the manner in which your functions, starting with your primary and alternating down the line, well, functions. An INTP has primary thinking, an ENTP has secondary thinking, but in both cases, they're introverted, whereas they also both have extroverted intuition, except it's the ENTP's primary function and the INTP's secondary. Same with the third and fourth being reversed in order but projecting inwardly or outwardly the same way. INTPs and ENTPS are very similar. They're pretty much as similar as they possibly can be while still being different personality types.
Cognitive functions were built by Jung on top of the differences between Introverts and Extroverts. That doesn't detract from what he already wrote about Introversion and Extroversion. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, if you can help it.

I don't care what random biologist says, I care that you don't seem to display an understanding of evolutionary biology. Even if you're not lying about this, they can be wrong and you can exaggerate or lie. If you're so smart and capable, just do it. Instead of claiming you're brilliant, prove it. Talk is cheap.
The evolutionary process causes species to proliferate or decrease in number, according to their adaptiveness to the current environment. Environmental conditions change. So what can be advantage in one century, can be a disadvantage, in the next, and from country to country as well.

People often talk about "survival of the fittest". But in reality, what is "fittest", changes from century to century, and from geographic location to geographic location. So evolution doesn't make species develop and improve, in any absolute way.

An example is the dodo. The dodos on Mauritius, had no natural predators. Thus, they had no need to fly away from predators. So their wings used up precious energy. Thus, developing smaller and smaller wings, allowed much more energy to be freed up, to be breed more dodos, making them much more prolific than other birds.

However, when man reached Mauritius, they caught and ate many species. The ones who could still fly, could fly away, and continue. The dodos could no longer do that. So while many species on Mauritius could escape and survive, the dodos could not, and were eaten to extinction.

The biological theory of evolution itself is as abstract as any other theory pertaining to physical occurrences. While you might use the general idea of evolution to describe those other subjects, the biological theory of evolution is specific to biology.
The only part of evolutionary theory, that is specific to biology, is the theory of Common Descent, that all species evolved from a common ancestor.

Where it succeeds or fails in other subjects is totally irrelevant.
If the abstract theory of evolution works in biology, it would work just as much, in any other field where the axioms of the theory are there. If the abstract theory of evolution doesn't work in fields other than biology where the axioms of evolution are there, then it doesn't work, anywhere, and not in biology either.

And, sure, you can make scientific advances without a deeper understanding of a particular field, just like Newton could make functional laws of physical motion without understanding relativity, but it's certainly doesn't mean understanding the deeper knowledge is un-worth the benefits, just as with the understanding of anything ever.
Of course. But not everything will help you understand everything else. For instance, it is worth knowing about electricity. But whether electricity exists or not, doesn't really help much when it comes to understanding classical mechanics and what will happen when 2 cars collide. Understanding how stress fractures carry the energy of the collision will help you, as that will allow you to make crumple zones.

Miasma theory was reasonable considering the observations of the time, and, further, it's not entirely false. While disease is not from noxious air or water, of course, air or water or whatever containing contaminants of some kind do make you sick, we simply now have a further understanding of why. Namely; Germs.
Because of Miasma theory, if water smelled, people would keep clear of it, even if it was safe to drink. But if water didn't smell, then even if the water was polluted, people believed it was perfectly safe. It took Florence Nightingale and the Crimean war, to educate us that the main danger with water, is pollution, such as from faeces and dead animals in the water, and not the smell per se, and that accounts for 89% of survival, even in the case of a war. That resulting conclusion, changed our attitudes to sanitation, and changed longevity from the mid-20s of the French Industrial Era, to the rates of 60+ years, that were around in Mesolithic Britain, in a very short space of time, before Alexander Fleming re-discovered the benefits of antibiotics.

Yes, Karl Popper was correct in what he said. What you're missing, of course, is that he's simply saying that falsifiability is an essential aspect of science, theories which are unfalsifiable then being unscientific. This endogenous Retrovirus thing doesn't just incidentally coincide with evolutionary theory, however. It was predicted by evolutionary theory. After one hundred and fifty years, the theory needed only one experiment to falsify it. With it's potent explanatory and predictive power and lack of having been falsified, it's a very well supported theory. Probably the most well supported theory in biology.
From Quotes of Karl Popper:
The old scientific ideal of episteme — of absolutely certain, demonstrable knowledge — has proved to be an idol. The demand for scientific objectivity makes it inevitable that every scientific statement must remain tentative for ever. (1959)
— Karl Raimund Popper
The Logic of Scientific Discovery: Logik Der Forschung (2002), 280.

Not only do I not know everything, I know less than I once did
I know a lot more than I used to. I have found that much of what most educated Western humans assumed to be true, is false. But then, if something is false, then the logical complement of it is true. Thus, each time I find out that something that was previously assumed to be true, is false, I am really learning that something else, that I hadn't considered, is true.

and few things newer than several years old, if anything that recent.
I know Pythagoras' Theorem. I know calculus. I know that light behaves like a wave with other light. All of those are centuries old, at the least.

Care to explain that claim? Extrapolate a bit?
Science brought us many technologies. But we had many scientific technologies for decades without making much of an impact on society, in some cases even thousands of years, without making any significant impact on society. But once they were applied in a standardised way, to everything, then our entire society changed immeasurably.

We had indoor toilets in Skara Brae, almost 6,000 years ago. But it was only when every home got indoor plumbing, and a sewage and water supply infrastructure, that we saw significant differences in our lifestyle, and large increases in our longevity.

Antibiotics had been discovered at least a dozen times over the centuries. But it was only when everyone got antibiotics, that we saw a large effect on society because of them.

We had electrical devices in the beginning of the 20th Century. But at that point, electrical voltages, currents, and frequencies, different from supplier to supplier. Consequently, you could only buy those gadgets specifically designed for your supplier, and you could only use them in your home, and nowhere else. So it was something of a novelty item. It was only when governments electrified the country with the same standard for everyone, that you could buy a device from any shop, and use it anywhere, that transformed the way we could use electricity, from a novelty, to something that you could rely on.

It's not just science. Laws used to be in every town and village in England, from the Romans and before that. But there were different laws, for every town and village. So what was normal in your town, could be a hanging offence in another. So travel was highly impractical for all but the most diplomatic of people, and laws seemed rather arbitrary. Then Henry II divided the country into areas called "circuits", and appointed judges to travel from town to town, passing judgement. These judges initially had to rely on the traditions of each town and villages. They periodically met up, and decided upon which of these customs and laws was best for everyone, and then ruled accordingly, in all the towns and villages. Suddenly, laws changed from being a rather parochial and arbitrary system, to a set of laws that were the same all over the country. What was the law in your town, that you abided by, was the law in every town, that you abided by. Anyone could go anywhere and not have to worry about being hanged, or put in the stocks. Travel, and trade up and down the country, was easy.

Science provided technologies. But we always had lots of technologies. Standardised, ubiquitous infrastructure made scientific and unscientific technologies available everywhere, and to always work the same way, and that made them reliable, and that made them something you could rely on, something you could build on, something that was incredibly powerful, and incredibly useful.

The claim that math, a tool especially frequently used in science disagrees with science is an outright fabrication.
I wrote:
All of them show massive conflicts with what most scientists and public statements of atheists say.
Not science, what scientists and atheists say. It used to be accepted, that an expert is an expert in his field, but not on the things he is not an expert in. Now, many scientists and many atheists make public statements, about politics, religion, and philosophy, when they never studied it at all, or no more than an ignorant inbred, and somehow expect their expertise in one area, to make them omniscient.

Many scientists and atheists now say that science can give us all the answers to understanding the universe.

In mathematics, Kurt Gödel worked out, that if you pick any area of rationally-based study, like a science, and you can use the words "this" and "not", in it, then you can take the statement "This statement is a lie", and construct a perfect contradiction in that subject, and that the only way to resolve that contradiction, is to know more. So what Kurt Gödel showed, in effect, is that no matter how much you know, there will always be something that you don't understand, about any subject in science, and about the whole of science as a subject in itself.

Granted, people often point out that Kurt Gödel wrote about "formal systems". But he wasn't using a general term, because general terms are vague, and mathematical theorems that are based on vague notions, are not considered true in mathematics. The term referred to a very specific set of axioms, and these axioms, apply to every rationally-based topic.

Existentialism is a pretty ambiguously defined philosophy,
Existentialism is that which can be said to be true, irrespective of your religious or atheistic beliefs about the origins of man, the origins of the universe, or pretty much anything else that not everyone agrees with, because it only depends on that which everyone agrees with, even if the conclusions are not things that everyone agrees with.

For instance, Sartre pointed out, that "all knowledge is belief". Any piece of knowledge requires to answer the question "Why?", i.e. "How do you know that is true?" and the answer is itself knowledge. So the answer requires another "Why?". So the answer depends on another answer, and that answer depends on another answer, ad infinitum. So to answer if you know something is true or not, you can ask "Why?" forever. But if you keep asking "Why?", then you'll be doing that till you die. You'll never be able to say if you know it or not. At some point, you'll have to answer "Because it is", "Because I just know". Such an answer is not knowledge, but belief. Consequently, everything that is built on it, is also deductions from belief, and so is also just a belief. So, all knowledge is really belief.

Now, Sartre was not saying that we don't know anything at all, or his statement would have been "Knowledge doesn't exist". He was only saying that we choose to think certain things are true, and that as long as they don't screw up our lives too much, we are happy to go with them. But the same can be said about beliefs, and so we really do treat knowledge as if it was just a belief.

Many people even defend knowledge as if it was a belief. Ask any evolutionist if evolution is wrong, and he responds the same way as his Xian fundamentalist brother does when you ask him if Jesus was a fairytale myth. Both are aghast, and immediately respond that "there is plenty of evidence", and that if you even question it, you're nuts to do so.

but I've never heard of these disagreements with science or atheists.
So what? I'd never heard of any communities where most people lived to over 100, worked to their 90s, and didn't have diabetes, heart disease, or most cancers, until a few years ago. Even the ancient Egyptians were supposed to have modern diseases. We were supposed to be the longest-living human society, in all of history. That was, until I heard about the Okinawans, a few years ago.

Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Remember, you wrote:
Not only do I not know everything, I know less than I once did and few things newer than several years old, if anything that recent.
Here's another thing you only found out in the last few years.

And of course religion would disagree with atheists
Buddhism doesn't, and Buddhism is a religion, at least, if you try to define religion, then whatever definition you try to use, you either end up keeping out something that is called a religion, or Buddhism, fits the definition as well.

and, to a lesser degree science.
Some religious beliefs of some religious people, disagree with what we can be sure of from science, and most large religious organisations reject those beliefs. Mind you, some scientific theories disagree with science, like Miasma theory, and posters who work as professional scientists, wrote that MOST scientific theories turn out to be wrong, yet, most scientists won't reject all of science either, because some of it is wrong. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

It has a wholly different methodology which is not centered around discovering what's true or utilizing critical though.
Religions do have a wholly different methodology. Religions aren't about discovering fixed physical laws that are expected to explain all physical phenomena. However, there is much discussion in religious texts, that is clearly about discovering what is true, and clearly using extremely high levels of critical thought.

Not atheism, of course. Atheism is nothing more than a lack of beliefe in a deity. It has no innate methodology or anything which would otherwise unify atheists,
I used to think so. But a lot of atheists have posted about what atheists believe and value, which goes far, far beyond that. For instance, you yourself said that it's often acquired through critical thought. Critical thought is a methodology that is not innate to the lack of belief in a deity, and so, by your own claim has nothing about it, that could unify atheists, in any way, not even to say that it's something which is "often" found in atheists, except by random coincidence, or other factors that have nothing to do with atheism whatsoever.

though it's often acquired through critical thought.
I used to think so. Then I met someone who was raised an atheist, and who said that most atheists choose to be atheists, based on emotional reasoning. He then proceeded to give me an example. Then I observed that most of the time, people who claim that G-d doesn't exist, use emotional arguments, and not logical arguments. That's not critical thought, in my view.

But I'd agree that lots of atheists use critical thought, particularly to criticise the particular denominations of world religions that they were raised with.

Well well, aren't you presumptuous, there.
Not really. I never presumed you hadn't read any religious texts at all, just that you hadn't read the ones that I did, or you would have seen what I saw, and consequently not wrote what you wrote.

[sarcasm]No, I've never read anything by religious scholars or ministers ever! Maybe I should try that! [/sarcasm]
I am sure that you have read some things written by some religious scholars and some ministers. You do realise that there are millions of religious books, written on thousands of topics?

For instance, I've read in some religious texts, that the reason why G-d makes most people get grey hair, and other symptoms of old age, is to warn most people that they are on the way out, so that they will have time to get their affairs in order before they die, like making a will, and making up with loved ones before they die. Did you know that?

FYI, maybe you should ask the admin her, to come up with a sarcasm quote thing that can be read by the system, and shown, rather than just putting in sarcasm quotes, and expecting it to happen.

It can only do that if those people are similar to you, as introspection is necessarily about you and not other people. That's why it's called introspection instead of extrospection. Because they're different things. Introspection is self-reflection, or thoughts about the self... not others.
The example I gave, was about people who claimed that other people were useless. I don't do that at all, quite the contrary. I believe that everyone has useful skills. Introspection can also teach you about people who aren't similar to you.

I described only the ones I interacted with in person, not the ones who tried to blow me up and shoot me.
True. But they grew up in the same environments. I'm fairly sure that some of those people had people in their own family or neighbourhood, who grew up just like them, and blow people up and shoot people. But please, correct me if I'm wrong. Please show me that if 1 person in America is a serial killer, that everyone in the same family and town, are all serial killers.

where Further, even the ones I interacted with could have easily been hiding their real motives and working against us.
Yes, they could. But from what you wrote, I gathered that in some of those situations, you could have easily been distracted by them, while a sniper took you out. I gather that does happen. Yet, you're still here. So I gather they weren't trying to do that. So in some situations, they could easily have caused your death, and gotten away with it, with no American troops ever knowing they were to blame, and yet, they didn't. So I would expect that indicates that many of them are indeed genuine.

I doubt all of them were, but the fact is information gets leaked, and I doubt it's all from the facebook posts of soldiers.
That is always going to be the case some of the time. It was even true in America during World War II. Check out what used to be called "the Fifth Column". It was formed from Americans who were descended from German immigrants, and still had relatives in Germany, and sympathised with the Nazis. Most people weren't like that, not even most German-ethnic Americans. But some were, even in your own country.

Everything I know about biology I learned either in school
Doesn't help me much. I haven't come across much that was in your school system, that wasn't freely available in mine, and that I hadn't heard about, or read about, already, before I was 10.

or specifically because I looked it up on an individual basis due, directly or indirectly, to my arguing with creationists, whom I take far less seriously now than I did when I started.
I did the same, as I wrote. But it's sent me the other way, and I was living my life by science since I can remember. I still do.

Also, I removed a whole lot of jabber which wasn't pertinent to the conversation or was little more than you bragging how much more educated you are than the people who disagree with you. For all your claims of being more educated and finding problems in other people's arguments, you're being awfully vague about the specific point which convinced of anything one way or the other. It's been good talking to you, but it's patently obvious you're not interested in learning or helping others to do so. Later.
I'm not interested in telling you what to think. I don't want you or anyone else to be just another person who blindly accepts the word of others. My goal, is to emulate Socrates, to push you to think and research the matter for yourself, until you can arrive at a viewpoint which is both consistent, AND agrees with the evidence and experience you already have.

Sure, my methods don't seem to get an immediate result. As a result, I acknowledge that I need to work on my communication skills, and am trying to do just that. I am a lot clearer and more influential in this regard, than I used to be. But I still need work.

Besides, I know that what people told me years ago, did have an effect on me, that was only clear to me, years later, and the same has been told to me by others, that my words influenced them. I have yet to know when my words will and will not have an effect. But a lot does. I hope it does you too, not to influence you to my opinion, but to get you to be more rational, for your own benefit, and the benefit of everyone around you. If I can do that, then I believe my time was well-spent.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
The only part of evolutionary theory, that is specific to biology, is the theory of Common Descent, that all species evolved from a common ancestor.

No. The Theory of Evolution is specific to biology. It's a biological theory, and necessarily does not apply to anything besides biology. However, "evolution" is a word which can be used outside of the context of biology, as it was a word before the theory arose and still is one. As a word, yes, it applies to plenty of things which are not biology. The theory is exclusively biological, though.

If the abstract theory of evolution works in biology, it would work just as much, in any other field where the axioms of the theory are there. If the abstract theory of evolution doesn't work in fields other than biology where the axioms of evolution are there, then it doesn't work, anywhere, and not in biology either.

... No. That doesn't even make sense. That's like saying the theory of gravity applies to psychology or medicine in a meaningful way. The theory of Evolution is about life forms. It's not about commerce, gravity, or anything which is not life itself. While it may allow some form of insight into other areas, such as an understanding of psychology based on us being a species that evolved, that's not what it's about. You're just making things up, now.

Science brought us many technologies. But we had many scientific technologies for decades without making much of an impact on society, in some cases even thousands of years, without making any significant impact on society. But once they were applied in a standardised way, to everything, then our entire society changed immeasurably.


We had indoor toilets in Skara Brae, almost 6,000 years ago. But it was only when every home got indoor plumbing, and a sewage and water supply infrastructure, that we saw significant differences in our lifestyle, and large increases in our longevity.


Antibiotics had been discovered at least a dozen times over the centuries. But it was only when everyone got antibiotics, that we saw a large effect on society because of them.

Obviously. Technology must, necessarily, be applied in a significant way in order for it to be effected, yes. Is this rambling, or will I find a point?

We had electrical devices in the beginning of the 20th Century. But at that point, electrical voltages, currents, and frequencies, different from supplier to supplier. Consequently, you could only buy those gadgets specifically designed for your supplier, and you could only use them in your home, and nowhere else. So it was something of a novelty item. It was only when governments electrified the country with the same standard for everyone, that you could buy a device from any shop, and use it anywhere, that transformed the way we could use electricity, from a novelty, to something that you could rely on.

Still hoping to find a point to this...

It's not just science. Laws used to be in every town and village in England, from the Romans and before that. But there were different laws...(edited to reduce verbosity) and trade up and down the country, was easy.

Sure, laws totally happen, and have been for thousands of years or more.

Science provided technologies. But we always had lots of technologies. Standardised, ubiquitous infrastructure made scientific and unscientific technologies available everywhere, and to always work the same way, and that made them reliable, and that made them something you could rely on, something you could build on, something that was incredibly powerful, and incredibly useful.

So what you're saying is that science, and it's engineering, are not responsible for these advances, it was the government making laws about these advancements, laws they didn't make because these advancements existed, but for some totally different reason having nothing at all to do with science? Further, what is a "non-scientific" technology? I'm willing to admit that these laws helped, but the fact remains these laws would have never happened in the first place if the technology they govern didn't exist. Any time there's some new technology, laws get made about it, though. Engineering gave us technologies, society adapted to utilize them. You might say that society "evolved" in response to scientific advancement?

Imagine a rise in the pitch of my voice there, and me placing a finger to my lips as my brow raises and my eyes go wide, because I really did that.

I wrote:Not science, what scientists and atheists say. It used to be accepted, that an expert is an expert in his field, but not on the things he is not an expert in. Now, many scientists and many atheists make public statements, about politics, religion, and philosophy, when they never studied it at all, or no more than an ignorant inbred, and somehow expect their expertise in one area, to make them omniscient.

Everybody espouses and advocates their political, religious, and philosophical views. That's not something exclusively scientists and atheists do. Further, why are you clumping those two groups together? Certainly, scientists have a higher population of atheists than the general population, but most scientists are still religious in some way and, further, you don't have to be a scientist to be an atheist. I'm not one. Further, because everyone can take part in politics (via voting), at least the attempt to understand and advocate certain positions would naturally become frequent. No one group is guilty of acting like an expert in politics, because there's somebody from every kind of group who does that.

Many scientists and atheists now say that science can give us all the answers to understanding the universe.

Okay. Good for them. Maybe you want to talk to them about it. I understand that science could give us all the answers about the universe, but I don't know if humans are collectively intelligent enough to understand it all.

In mathematics, Kurt Gödel worked out, that if you pick any area of rationally-based study, like a science, and you can use the words "this" and "not", in it, then you can take the statement "This statement is a lie", and construct a perfect contradiction in that subject, and that the only way to resolve that contradiction, is to know more. So what Kurt Gödel showed, in effect, is that no matter how much you know, there will always be something that you don't understand, about any subject in science, and about the whole of science as a subject in itself.

Okay... that's a word game. If you purposefully construct something so that it doesn't make sense, of course it's not going to make sense. I don't see how this is relevant to understanding things that are actually true.

Granted, people often point out that Kurt Gödel wrote about "formal systems". But he wasn't using a general term, because general terms are vague, and mathematical theorems that are based on vague notions, are not considered true in mathematics. The term referred to a very specific set of axioms, and these axioms, apply to every rationally-based topic.

What axioms? How is this relevant to the topic? It seems relevant, so I didn't simply erase it and not reply to it, but you're going to have to explain it's relevance.

Existentialism is that which can be said to be true, irrespective of your religious or atheistic beliefs about the origins of man, the origins of the universe, or pretty much anything else that not everyone agrees with, because it only depends on that which everyone agrees with, even if the conclusions are not things that everyone agrees with.

Like I said, existentialism is an ambiguous subject. If that's how you want to define it, okay. I define it differently, but if this is somehow relevant, sure, let's go on with this.

For instance, Sartre pointed out, that "all knowledge is belief". Any piece of knowledge requires to answer the question "Why?", i.e. "How do you know that is true?" and the answer is itself knowledge. So the answer requires another "Why?". So the answer depends on another answer, and that answer depends on another answer, ad infinitum. So to answer if you know something is true or not, you can ask "Why?" forever. But if you keep asking "Why?", then you'll be doing that till you die. You'll never be able to say if you know it or not. At some point, you'll have to answer "Because it is", "Because I just know". Such an answer is not knowledge, but belief. Consequently, everything that is built on it, is also deductions from belief, and so is also just a belief. So, all knowledge is really belief.

Nope. I mean, yes, knowledge is belief, but it's belief which is measured against what seems to be the case and selectively modified to more accurately represent what seems real. It is what is probably correct. There is no ad infinitum "why?", because there is the baseline, necessary assumption that what we witness is the case until we have a reason to think it's not. If you ask why to that, then it's because we have no idea what might be the case other than what we observe, it's our only hint as to what's real, so ignoring it cannot lead to knowledge. If you don't want knowledge, kk, but in pursuit of knowledge, this matters.

Now, Sartre was not saying that we don't know anything at all, or his statement would have been "Knowledge doesn't exist". He was only saying that we choose to think certain things are true, and that as long as they don't screw up our lives too much, we are happy to go with them. But the same can be said about beliefs, and so we really do treat knowledge as if it was just a belief.

It is belief, but it's a specific kind of belief which has an increased chance of being correct.

Many people even defend knowledge as if it was a belief. Ask any evolutionist if evolution is wrong, and he responds the same way as his Xian fundamentalist brother does when you ask him if Jesus was a fairytale myth. Both are aghast, and immediately respond that "there is plenty of evidence", and that if you even question it, you're nuts to do so.

Maybe you've witnessed that. In my specific case, however, I know that there's enough information out there that if someone were genuinely interested in discovering the truth, they would, and that truth is that evolution is real. If you're actually "questioning" evolution, then you will discover knowledge about it. If you have a steadfast belief in creation which contradicts evolution, it takes real work to get over yourself and face the facts, on the other hand. I even give examples of convincing evidence, usually. However, generally when someone asks such a question, it's because they're some sort of creationist or some other form of anti-science jerk-wad who isn't interested in an actual discussion about the topic so much as they are in spreading propaganda. In any case, I've never witnessed a biologist or other knowledgeable person react in the same way when asked such a question as any religious person has reacted when asked if whatever their belief is is true. You may have witnessed that, I never have. Different experiences, different anecdotal evidences, both irrelevant to the actual case at hand.

Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Remember, you wrote:Here's another thing you only found out in the last few years.

Then why don't you inform me of the thing I currently don't know instead of pointing out that you, too, did not know something at one point? I'm getting really irritated by all of your red herrings.

Some religious beliefs of some religious people, disagree with what we can be sure of from science, and most large religious organisations reject those beliefs. Mind you, some scientific theories disagree with science, like Miasma theory, and posters who work as professional scientists, wrote that MOST scientific theories turn out to be wrong, yet, most scientists won't reject all of science either, because some of it is wrong. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

That's sort of ignoring all the backpedaling major religions have done in response to scientific advancement. God used to be very active, and responsible for events we now know how they work and it's not God or some spirit or whatever. Further, there is still religious resistance to science, most notably in the Creationism/Intelligent Design debacle. I'm sure I don't have to name scientists who were prosecuted for their theorizing things contradictory to the church's teachings, which just happened to wind up being correct. Yes, the larger churches have learned not to contradict science. That's a folly, because you have no legs to stand on. I'd go so far as this being the very reason for the current meme of political correctness to include religious tolerance, along with the avoidance of violence. If you actually discussed religion critically with people of different faiths, they would take offense, because religion is not a matter of reasoning or subject to criticism, because personal, based on deep feelings and beliefs instead of methodological manners of learning what's actually true.

Religions do have a wholly different methodology. Religions aren't about discovering fixed physical laws that are expected to explain all physical phenomena. However, there is much discussion in religious texts, that is clearly about discovering what is true, and clearly using extremely high levels of critical thought.

Such as?

I used to think so. But a lot of atheists have posted about what atheists believe and value, which goes far, far beyond that. For instance, you yourself said that it's often acquired through critical thought. Critical thought is a methodology that is not innate to the lack of belief in a deity, and so, by your own claim has nothing about it, that could unify atheists, in any way, not even to say that it's something which is "often" found in atheists, except by random coincidence, or other factors that have nothing to do with atheism whatsoever.

Well, atheists do tend to have things in common. For example, they tend to be critical thinkers and skeptics, those being the direct cause of their atheism. So, yes, while atheists tend to agree in other areas due to their skepticism and critical thought, they do not necessarily agree on anything else. There are atheists who are such for different reasons. They're probably the minority of atheists, but they're still atheists. Their having different reasons for it doesn't make them not atheists. No atheist can represent another atheist's views based on their both being atheists alone.

I used to think so. Then I met someone who was raised an atheist, and who said that most atheists choose to be atheists, based on emotional reasoning. He then proceeded to give me an example. Then I observed that most of the time, people who claim that G-d doesn't exist, use emotional arguments, and not logical arguments. That's not critical thought, in my view.

More anecdotal evidence and, further, totally irrelevant. Yeah, plenty of atheists are not atheists for rational reasons. So what?

I did the same, as I wrote. But it's sent me the other way, and I was living my life by science since I can remember. I still do.

It's curious how you can't share exactly why, though.

I'm not interested in telling you what to think. I don't want you or anyone else to be just another person who blindly accepts the word of others. My goal, is to emulate Socrates, to push you to think and research the matter for yourself, until you can arrive at a viewpoint which is both consistent, AND agrees with the evidence and experience you already have.

Then share the reasoning and cite the evidence. Socrates questioned people about things in a pertinent way, with examples that could directly apply to the situation at hand. In Euthyphro especially, it being my favorite of Plato's writings. I may have mentioned Socrates is my hero. I'm not exactly ignorant about my hero. You're not going about this Socratically, for you keep ignoring the actual topic and go off on red herrings. Further, I already have researched the topic on my own, and I continue doing so to this day. If you know of something I'm unaware of, you could easily link to it.


Is Kredit to Team!!
Local time
Tomorrow 4:51 AM
Apr 30, 2008
Purgatory with the cool kids
Science is not reality. Science is what we can say about reality. Anyone who claims otherwise simply is not jaded enough.

Edit: Doesn't this us vs them business get tiring?


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
Rather than answer every post, I've decided to address your main complaint:
Then share the reasoning
OK. You wrote:

and, which I consider the single best evidence for the theory; Endogenous Retroviruses, which are essentially viruses which crash landed in our genetic code, which we share the same virus in the same location with other animals, this being a marker used to identify how closely related we are to other species. If evolution is true, we'd expect, well, exactly what's seen there.
If it was a proof of Common Descent via evolution, then it could not have come about, except by inheritance. In which case, all those species, and all those viruses, that have the same DNA or RNA sequence, were all from the same common ancestor, and all those species, and all those viruses, that don't have those same DNA or RNA sequences, would then not have inherited them, because they don't have the same common ancestor.

Of course, even if every single species, and every single virus, in the world, has the same DNA or RNA sequence, then it's just something they all have, like a cell wall. The proof would not be about Endogenous Retroviruses at all, but about how everything has the same DNA/RNA sequence, and has nothing to do with Endogenous Retroviruses at all.

Anyway, I gather that according to current evolutionary thinking, that they weren't all inherited from a single, common ancestor, because even if all species inherited the DNA/RNA sequence from a single common ancestor, it absorbed that sequence from a virus, and so didn't inherit it from its parent(s). So if Endogenous Retroviruses were a proof of evolution, then current evolutionary thinking would be wrong, and it would then not be a proof of current evolutionary thinking, and then you would be asking me to accept current evolutionary thinking, on the basis of something that disproves it.

If Creation is true, then those viruses were either created there, or those viruses just happened to land in the exact same spot in the germ cells of many different animals. Not very likely to happen just once, let alone hundreds or thousands of times.
If they were Created by a being, then they were not created randomly, but were designed to have that sequence. If that is the case, then they were designed to be in so many species and viruses because those sequences are useful to lots of species and viruses.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Aug 14, 2010
If it was a proof of Common Descent via evolution, then it could not have come about, except by inheritance. In which case, all those species, and all those viruses, that have the same DNA or RNA sequence, were all from the same common ancestor, and all those species, and all those viruses, that don't have those same DNA or RNA sequences, would then not have inherited them, because they don't have the same common ancestor.

Of course, even if every single species, and every single virus, in the world, has the same DNA or RNA sequence, then it's just something they all have, like a cell wall. The proof would not be about Endogenous Retroviruses at all, but about how everything has the same DNA/RNA sequence, and has nothing to do with Endogenous Retroviruses at all.

Anyway, I gather that according to current evolutionary thinking, that they weren't all inherited from a single, common ancestor, because even if all species inherited the DNA/RNA sequence from a single common ancestor, it absorbed that sequence from a virus, and so didn't inherit it from its parent(s). So if Endogenous Retroviruses were a proof of evolution, then current evolutionary thinking would be wrong, and it would then not be a proof of current evolutionary thinking, and then you would be asking me to accept current evolutionary thinking, on the basis of something that disproves it.

No. That's pure non-sequitor, so I'm just going to try to explain ERVs better;

An ERV is virus RNA turned DNA through absorbing viral RNA during normal replication. If the virus does not succeed at infecting the cell as usual, then it's simply absorbed into the DNA of that cell. If that cell is a germ a cell (sperm, egg, or whatever other kind of cell get used during reproduction), then that absorbed virus get transferred to the next generation, and so on. This event has been witnessed in laboratory environments. Now, species with which we share much genetic information (chimps specifically, though other species also have similarities to lesser degrees) we find also have these viral strands of DNA in the same places they are on our chromosomes. So, yes, our DNA is similar enough that, when counting for insertions and deletions, it's enough to show us that we're related through common descent.

However, not only is our DNA extremely similarly laid out, it also has a bunch of these ERVs in the exact same analogous places. ERVs are special because while normal mutations can be accounted for by insertions and deletions, these cannot be accounted for that way. They're from an external original source. A virus had to infect a germ cell somewhere down the family tree in order to see these sequences. Similar DNA is commonly said by creationists to be indicative of a creator, but if we were created with even very similar DNA to other species, the odds of viruses infecting germ cells in the exact same relative places in our ancestry and theirs are so extremely low, that the fact evolution not only explains this, but expects this makes evolution a far better explanation for them.

How do you figure that semantic hoopla you said makes this somehow contradict evolution?

If they were Created by a being, then they were not created randomly, but were designed to have that sequence. If that is the case, then they were designed to be in so many species and viruses because those sequences are useful to lots of species and viruses.

Then why are these sequences in areas of genetic sequence which doesn't do anything? I don't think you understand the situation. It's not sequences in viruses and living things, it's viral DNA inserted into the DNA of an infected cell. That's how viruses work. It's a pretty common occurrence, and has been directly observed frequently. perhaps a designer placed viral DNA into the genetics of other animals, all in the same places, including "junk" DNA, for some obscure purpose, but we have no reason to think that's actually the case. We do have reason to believe viruses inject their RNA or DNA into the genetics of other cells, since that's how viruses operate, and we do have reason to believe this can happen to germ cells, as it's been observed. Going with the knowledge we actually have, instead of unprovable assertions, it appears in every way that these ERVs infected the germ cells of our ancestors, and other species' ancestors, because they're eventually the same species if you go back far enough, which perfectly explains why they're in the same spot and is actually to be expected if evolution is true.

Basically, we can look at how viruses operate and go "If evolution is true, then we should find ERVs in the same places on the genetic sequences of different species", and then look and, lo and behold, there they are!

Or we can say "God did it".


The little professor
Local time
Today 8:51 PM
May 3, 2011
No. That's pure non-sequitor,
I admit that many people had admitted that they found my logic to be so ingenious, that it terrified them. One of them was my older brother, who also was in the army.

so I'm just going to try to explain ERVs better;
You can try.

An ERV is virus RNA turned DNA through absorbing viral RNA during normal replication. If the virus does not succeed at infecting the cell as usual, then it's simply absorbed into the DNA of that cell. If that cell is a germ a cell (sperm, egg, or whatever other kind of cell get used during reproduction), then that absorbed virus get transferred to the next generation, and so on.
You are describing part of the theory.

The bit that is important, that isn't obvious to a layperson, and that science CAN explain reliably, is exactly how the RNA would transfer to another organism's DNA, using the things that scientists know about, and is reliable, the laws of chemistry, because the rest is hypothesis. It would be monumentally stupid to derive a hypothesis, and then claim it is true for decades, only for some no-mark from Guatemala to point out that it could never happen, because the laws of chemistry show that it's impossible, and that all scientists who ever believed in it, were completely idiotic for even considering it.

This event has been witnessed in laboratory environments. Now, species with which we share much genetic information (chimps specifically, though other species also have similarities to lesser degrees) we find also have these viral strands of DNA in the same places they are on our chromosomes. So, yes, our DNA is similar enough that, when counting for insertions and deletions, it's enough to show us that we're related through common descent.
You are stating that it was shown in lab experiments. Does it occur to ALL gametes? If so, then it would occur to ALL ERVs. If it doesn't, then it's a probability. Either way, to say that similarity of DNA, implies common descent, is a conclusion based on probabilities. But we know for a fact, that most people get probabilities wrong, and get conclusions based on probabilities wrong, as a result. Assuming non-common descent, the probability of this happening, could be 1 in a trillion, or 99%. Assuming common descent, the probability of this happenning, could be 99%, or 1 in a trillion. So without exact probabilities, this is pure guesswork, of the type that most people usually get wrong.

Seriously, without exact numbers from our lab experiments, and exact calculations based on that, we can have no clue over if this hypothesis is dead on, probable, unlikely, or so improbable as to be not even worth considering.

However, not only is our DNA extremely similarly laid out, it also has a bunch of these ERVs in the exact same analogous places. ERVs are special because while normal mutations can be accounted for by insertions and deletions, these cannot be accounted for that way. They're from an external original source. A virus had to infect a germ cell somewhere down the family tree in order to see these sequences.
If you assume that genetic differences ONLY result from evolutionary methods, and not from any other form, then you might have a point. But you are trying to prove evolutionary methods are the methods for these things. You are begging the question.

Similar DNA is commonly said by creationists to be indicative of a creator, but if we were created with even very similar DNA to other species, the odds of viruses infecting germ cells in the exact same relative places in our ancestry and theirs are so extremely low, that the fact evolution not only explains this, but expects this makes evolution a far better explanation for them.
IF such a Creator positioned ERVs randomly, you'd be right. But what sentient being, that knows everything, would choose to do that, on a purely random basis?

How do you figure that semantic hoopla you said makes this somehow contradict evolution?
I didn't say that what I wrote contradicted evolution, only that your claim of a proof, was not a proof at all, and if it was, then it would bring current evolutionary theory into question.

I did a degree in mathematics, which covered logic, and probabilities, and we were required to prove everything completely in our homeworks, which we got every week. Any mistake, however small, would be marked. So we were trained to check everything out, if it was logical or not, to the last detail.

Plus, I chose to go into computer programming. Much of my job was diagnosing and correcting faults, that could have been caused an error in millions of lines of code, or indeed because of a data inconsistency in any one of millions of values in a database. If my work wasn't exact, then the same error would come up, and then the work would come back to me to fix. Other people, who are better at psychology, and human interaction, could get out of it. But I was never that good that sort of thing. So I've had to be that exacting, to get my work done.

I've been trained to properly analyse logic and probabilities, and my job forces me to analyse them well, just like you were trained in soldiering, and your job forces you to be good at it.

Then why are these sequences in areas of genetic sequence which doesn't do anything?
Scientists used to believe that much of human DNA was unused in the body. But when the Human Genome Project was complete, geneticists found that there were far too few genes for the human body to work. Since then, there has been a lot of research by geneticists into the parts of DNA that are not involved in protein synthesis, to find out if it serves some other functions. Some of it has turned out to be used in genetic switching. There is still more research going on in this area, and geneticists are very optimistic about finding more and more DNA, that was assumed to not do anything, to actually serve a useful purpose.

I don't think you understand the situation. It's not sequences in viruses and living things, it's viral DNA inserted into the DNA of an infected cell. That's how viruses work. It's a pretty common occurrence, and has been directly observed frequently.
I don't think you understand. Viruses aren't exactly new. They were around when I was young, and I was learning about them when you were 4.

You are talking about retroviruses. They don't work like normal viruses do. That is why the things you are talking about are called "endogenous retroviruses and not "endogenous viruses".

perhaps a designer placed viral DNA into the genetics of other animals, all in the same places, including "junk" DNA, for some obscure purpose, but we have no reason to think that's actually the case. We do have reason to believe viruses inject their RNA or DNA into the genetics of other cells, since that's how viruses operate, and we do have reason to believe this can happen to germ cells, as it's been observed. Going with the knowledge we actually have, instead of unprovable assertions, it appears in every way that these ERVs infected the germ cells of our ancestors, and other species' ancestors, because they're eventually the same species if you go back far enough, which perfectly explains why they're in the same spot and is actually to be expected if evolution is true.

Basically, we can look at how viruses operate and go "If evolution is true, then we should find ERVs in the same places on the genetic sequences of different species", and then look and, lo and behold, there they are!
Unless you've got the numbers, and the calculations, and both hold, Random Matrix Theory warns us that there are lots of such correlations that we can find, even in completely random data, that has no correlations in it at all.

Again, you know your job well. I know mine.

Or we can say "God did it".
Actually, this reminded me of something. I've come across many claims about religions by atheists, and I found 99% had no basis. However, I saw Christopher Hitchens have a debate with a Xian, and he made really excellent points. He's one of the few atheists and agnostics, that seems to have a really great mind. So I decided to buy his book. I have no problem in keeping it openly displayed on my shelf. If anyone asks why I have it there, I can reply "But it's Hitchens! Hitchens wrote it! Someone else might have written nonsense. But he would have had very good reasons for what he wrote."

Now, an atheist doesn't believe that G-d exists. so him saying "G-d did it", would be like saying that "Nothing did it", or "It never happened".

But to a theist, who believes that such a being is omniscient, it's the same. All they are saying is "But it's G-d! G-d did it! Someone else might have written nonsense. But G-d would have had very good reasons for what G-d did."

Now, granted, I've written a lot more here than just "G-d did it". Why didn't they? Wouldn't that have been clearer?

Well, yes. But I'll write a long explanation, rather than a short one. Many atheists have posted that they find my explanations way too long, including you, and want me to write a much shorter answer. So I can't argue with people who give a really short answer, in 3 words, that I took 275 words to write. They're only doing what atheists want, giving a shorter and much more succinct answer.
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