First, free enterprise, lower all taxes, take off all controls, de-control, stop supporting your own destroyer, withdraw your support, they set the rules of the game, you cannot win. Return to the Law of Identity, you cannot escape A is A. You cannot live the irrational, its impossible. We have to stay in step with natural laws, reality. You cannot defy reality, I can't, a country can't, the earth can't. You have to obey nature, the universals, the metaphysical givens. Just look out in the universe, can't you remember the truth, E=Mc/2. We are a part of those things. In sum: Reason, Self-Interest, Objective Reality, Capitalism.....laissez-faire capitalism and all its fundamental principles. 'We are radicals for capitalism; we are fighting for that philosophical base which capitalism never had & that is the reason it perished.