Semantic Nitpicker
From what this article describes, Iceland sounds like the perfect place for an INTP. In fact, the country itself shares our individual characteristics: distant, cold, surreal, yet whimsical, laid back, and cooperative. Also drunk.
Some really nice sounding bits:
I'm taking this article with a grain of salt. I don't really know anything about iceland or anyone that lives there, but now I'm excited.
Also it should be noted that I decided upon Iceland whilst trying to think of a country that would be safest from nuclear war and other international turmoil.
This site has some good pictures of it.
From what this article describes, Iceland sounds like the perfect place for an INTP. In fact, the country itself shares our individual characteristics: distant, cold, surreal, yet whimsical, laid back, and cooperative. Also drunk.
Some really nice sounding bits:
Iceland has six chess grand masters and several world class bridge players. The literacy rate is 100%, and it is perhaps the most literary of nations, with the largest number of poets and the largest number of books published (about 20 times as many as the U.S.). One night every year, members of the Parliament must all speak in rhyme. Icelandic is the oldest living European language and people read the medieval sagas with no difficulty.
In Falling off the Map, Pico Iyer writes that it has a "never-never quality: it is a cozy, friendly, Christmas-tree kind of place." But Iyer is not deceived. He witnessed the untamed quality as well. Writing about a midsummer visit there, he describes the "ghostly light" after midnight, and "the sun landing on the sea at 1:00 AM." To some, the landscape is starkly beautiful; to others, surreal and barren. Of the few trees remaining, most are dwarf birches. There are no ruins to visit because most structures were built of wood and turf, and did not last. It is the most volcanic place on earth, and only 1% of the land is under cultivation. Iyer calls it "otherworldly...a country so lunar that NASA astronauts did there training there..."
People here avoid playing roles dictated by their occupation or anything else; they let you know you are dealing with an individual. Employees take orders willingly but need to know what part their tasks play in the whole project.
I'm taking this article with a grain of salt. I don't really know anything about iceland or anyone that lives there, but now I'm excited.
Also it should be noted that I decided upon Iceland whilst trying to think of a country that would be safest from nuclear war and other international turmoil.
This site has some good pictures of it.