I've been exposed to people I view as immature. I did not claim that I'm more advanced than they are, nor that I am somehow better. I'm actually trying to eliminate intolerance and prejudice by introducing the concept that "physical maturity", as you call it, does not dictate mental maturity. When someone older knows I'm a teenager, most automatically think that my opinions could not be mature as a physically older individual. I'm trying to eliminate that stereotype. For some reason, you seem to assume that I claim to be better than everyone else. That is not the case. I wanted my relative age to be known, and I only wished to not be judged by it. That's why I said that. By your definition, I have not perpetuated any form of immaturity. In fact, by sarcastically picking on my comments and sneering at my attempts to contribute to discussion and relate to others, you have not shown respect for my differences, feelings, or ideas. You just derisively cast them down, as if you solely know right. I did not anticipate that anyone would perceive that one little comment the way you did. I came to this forum to have intelligent discussion with like-minded individuals, not get in a ridiculous, pointless argument over one thing I said at the beginning of the thread. I know what I meant, and it wasn't supposed to be arrogant or malicious.
I think s/he was replying to me my question for you, about what you consider maturity to be. Not making a jab at you.
I get where you are coming from, more than you imagine. I do believe teenagers are capable of high levels of maturity, even if it is outside the norm.
I personally suffered extreme prejudice as a teenager and young adult over my maturity, as I chose to become a parent at the age of fifteen, then again at eighteen, then again at twenty, and again at twentyfour. People, complete strangers, would come up to me and demand to know all my business and yell at me and just be idiots overall. Constantly.
And here I was wishing the world would just treat me like an adult and move on as I had accepted an adult responsibility, the biggest one of all, and held to it as fast and hard as I was able no matter the attitude of the populace at large.
I know teenagers are capable of maturity and adult behavior and actions. If my personal story is not enough, than there is the fact that a child of 17 is considered old enough to die for their country (USA) with parental consent, or 18 without. (the minimum age to join the armed forces)
If I may offer a suggestion? And advice. getting worked up about proving your maturity proves nothing, and is more often than not detrimental to your cause of showing that you are mature.
You just look silly.
Just like I looked silly, no matter if it was true.
Just like every other kid out there looks silly when they get worked up about being seen as adult or not.
Just be mature. There is no need to defend it. Those that will see it will see it and those that won't won't. Who cares?
And don't grow up too fast if you can help it. I mean, yeah.