Many less actualized INTPs hold a far more vindictive attitude. This occurs, among other scenarios, when INTPs are depressed about people, especially when INTPs are suffering from a lack of F support from others. In these scenarios the INTP can aggressively attack people's intelligence, ideas, or character rather unrelentlessly. Even so, such actions may precipitate conflict which the INTP is liable to find highly tiresome and frustrating -- blurring the INTP's mental image of the facts and making him feel as though his work is unfinished. Such people who have been 'blacklisted' are often in the INTP's eyes very deserving of this role, but the INTP may find that other people do not agree and faces the choice of either withdrawing in order to avoid interacting with the object of derision, or else continuing to interact, thus perpetuating the process and compounding the INTP's frustration. Such judgments may be very difficult to extract from the INTP; such a process requires a copious amount of often thankless moral support and truth; SEEs are the only persons well-equipped for this task, and may in their occasional naivete of others' motivations benefit from the INTP's harsh stances. Typically, however, if the INTP is engaged with people with whom he feels very close and who accept his observations, explanations, and expositions (his mental image of the facts, as it were), he sees little need to interact with individuals that would inspire his aggression.