No, I'm not conflicted between type and reality; only just about everything else. I'm not sure if that was even relevant to the context of the post.
I don't know... I do remember learning about cognitive dissonance. I must have one damn severe case. I feel almost my entire inner being, and thusly most of the structure I've formed within my mind, have been created with two or more entirely contradicting worldviews. And then sometimes I have the thoughts that they aren't contradictory at all, that they overlap, or that it is perfectly possible for one to be both at the same (a false dichotomy). I know that people and the world, intentions, everything is a lot more complex than it SEEMS to be, but science has broken down everything into a few simple elementary particles, and it makes no sense to me. So my logical, scientific worldview must be conflicting with whatever the hell other worldview I have... realism and idealism constantly wage wars in my heads. I think my mind might be deeply screwed.
That post is really more about myself than others. I fear that ever since learning of MBTI and others, that I have been subjecting myself to practices which would increase my closeness to being an archetype, so then I have that once again conflicting with who I really am... I am almost sure I am an INTP, though maybe with a little more F than I'd like to admit, plain and simple, and I don't feel much need to defend myself on the topic. But sometimes I doubt myself (it is habit for me to doubt myself). So I'm almost sure I'm INTP, but maybe some things would have worked out much better if I had never known that.
Well, there I go, bearing my soul again, hoping again that I won't regret that I did so. I would have spent much more time describing myself to give some sort if reference point, but I don't think either you or I care that much.
Wow, I suppose I am one depressed motherfucker. One thing that I have really enjoyed about this forum is that I have been able to express myself entirely truthfully and genuinely (and I fear that I am deeply screwed, as said earlier) and not be judged or told that I am weird or crazy (not that I generally care being called weird or crazy, but if someone were to respond to a post such as this like that, I would not only be insulted at that person's lack of depth but I would have to take that person's word as being genuinely serious, since so many people have the gall to hate or label those who are different from them. I swear it comes out of deep fear. But what are you so afraid of?)