This has become a hot topic as of late. With the not-so-recent admittance by the Vatican that there "maybe" extraterrestrial life out there, the 2001 film "disclosure Project", and a host of other logical reasons to believe that we are not alone, one begins to wonder about our actual place in the Universe. Clearly, if we were to indeed prove that we have never been alone, then nearly all the religions in the world would become useless. Society as it is known will forever change and religion (mainly Christianity) would cease to exist. I mean, in Christianity, God himself became man and walked with us defying the laws of physics and reason for the salvation of mankind. Well, what about the other races in the trillions of planets in the trillions of other stars in our Universe? Do they get saved too or is it just a human thing? Doesn't seem practical for God to go from Place to place getting himself killed for the "salvation" of things He created to begin with. Yet, this is exactly what the Vatican is stating, in their admittance of alien life. This is the same organization know for killing, burning, hanging and doing countless other deeds in the name of reversing or stopping any type of intellectual or theological assault on the catholic church. But aliens may be real? Now? Why? What's going on behind the scenes that has pushed them into such a colossally dangerous position? Survival. I predict shit to hit the fan mighty soon and think the church was just preparing itself -and the unfortunately-idealistic people, for disclosure. I think it harder to believe that we are alone in this universe than not, but I also think it isn't known because of the emotional impact this would have on humanity. people would bug.thee.fuck.OUT. What do you think?