Correction: It was that men have 10x more testosterone on average than women that I read. And testosterone seems to be what fuels sex drives, so this would mean men have greater sex drives by default. Reading those two articles (which I notice are written by male authors), I cannot relate to anything written in them. It's all false for me, and I am a now I wonder..what's wrong with me? Or is it possible I'm a normal representation of females and these guys have it wrong?
The hormones associated with lust or desire to have sex with any semi-appropriate partner is associated with testosterone and estrogen in BOTH men and women. Romantic love involves dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Attachment involves oxytocin and vasopressin. Because of how dopamine, norepinephrine, and testosterone mutually interact, romance can trigger lust and vice-versa. However, because of our neocortex, we can't simply attribute sexual desire to hormones. To reduce human sexual desire to that is missing a large portion of what it means to be human. With regards to HUMAN sexual desire, when, where, how and why you have sex in an ongoing relationship is determined by more than lust, romance, and attachment. Self issues shape sexual desire as much or more than testosterone, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Your hormones may be pumping and you can be horny as hell, but one sharp put-down from your partner can bring things to a screeching halt.
The reptilian brain, the mammalian brain and the neocortex compromise parts that have increasing evolutionary sophistication. This three-part structure is why intimacy and sexual desire in humans are VERY complicated. It's the difference between choosing your partner versus rutting or going into hear, creative sex versus preordained mating/breeding and loving union versus natural selection. Hormones primarily involve mammalian and reptilian parts of the brain. Neocortical desire is what makes sex PERSONAL. We want to be wanted/chosen and only a neocortex can do that. Your neocortex determines whom you have sex with (or don't), how you do it (or won't), why you're doing it (or not), and what the sex means to you.
The neocortex makes us the most adaptable, creative, self-reflective animal on the planet but it fucks us up and makes us susceptible to sexual dysfunction as well. Double-edged sword.