Wow. Well,
- Each relationship is different. The dynamics differ, the approach differs, the things that can be tolerated vs not differ, the "love languages spoken" differs, the style of communication thus can differ.
- It's not even a static difference. People and relationships change and mutate over time. So depending on where the relationship is, communication needs and styles can mutate as well.
- I don't think there's a blanket answer on whether it's best to cut bait and run or to tought it out. This is what maturity and discernment is for, and there are lots of factors involved, and some of it is even based simply on what both parties do or do not want. I wouldn't say just because a couple is comfortable in many ways that they should stay together, and I wouldn't say that just because a couple has issues / is uncomfortable a lot that they should split up. Ultimately that is up to the couple to decide, although one course of action might seem more prudent over time than another. But again, there are a myriad of factors.
Anyway, depending on the couple, maybe discussion isn't helpful at a certain point in their relationship, so you resort to the emulation of the negative behavior, in order to remove the inequity and convey the idea that isn't getting through. [It reminds me of gently biting your kid's finger when he's not getting the idea that going around and biting people is wrong; on one hand, you're biting him which is what you've asked him not to do, but it's amazing how effective it is at leading to abandoning the behavior.] It's not done out of revenge or hate, it's done to convey information... but obviously it's a potentially volatile step in a relationship and could either succeed in creating an empathic understanding of the problem or drive the couple further apart.
Then again, maybe someone objects to asking your partner to change ANYTHING for you -- and you just assume rather than trying to stay in sync with each other, you'll just let each other drift away and find someone else if you start to veer apart. I suppose that can be valid too if both parties are amenable, but it's funny how much the lack of constancy can be bitched about once one has been a drifter for some years... it's just the same cycle. And it also can devalue anything to be gleaned from commitment as part of a relationship; can change (to make a relationship work) ever be positive, and are there things you can experience by choosing to change a bit that you wouldn't experience by leaving?
Anyway... just lots of ideas I am tossing out.