point of view in life is bizzare.
I don't think its bizzare. I think its based in some truth, but what is bizzare that we humans tend to glorify and over emphasize negative experiences for sake of good ones. As if currency of success is based in suffering.
In fact we live in a world of such crises of meaning that many people find meaning in suffering.
And here I do agree, the number of times we reward people for willingness to suffer is enormous.
We have social reinforcement loops for suffering, so we get rewarded for suffering, by peers, teachers, parents, siblings etc.
On one hand it is good that people know how to suffer, but then we get extreme entities like Goggins who glorify suffering to point where you have to ask yourself where is the sane part of life?
Or is someones self worth necessarily tied to suffering alone?
I think the skill to actually be happy and enjoy life is often totally neglected.
So I do believe self control will always correlate with success be it delaying gratification etc. but honestly we live in a world where delaying things is many times stupid. It takes experience and wisdom to know which is which.
So for instance if you were catching fish, and ate the fish right now fresh, you are more likely to have more nutrients from a fresh fish, then waiting it out for few days when the fish decays and loses water.