WTF Have You Been Smoking ?
If we reformed immigration laws to make it easier to immigrate to the US,
As America has 37 million foreign-born [
Pew Hispanic Center pdf ] and 11 million of those are illegals [
Center for Immigration Studies ] ( the illegals have declined by a million since due to the depression they are going home ), and:
'Americans of all races have brought their family size down to the point where the Census Bureau projects that the US population would stabilise by 2050 at 280-300 million – but with the current mass immigration, it is projected to soar to 400-500 million.' [
Open Democracy 2003 ], I really don't think the present barriers are going to lead to a sorrowful shortage of immigrants. A shortage of water, maybe.
Apart from the mystery of God knows why people love them so, or feel sorry for them --- apart from über-capitalists from Collis Huntingdon ( who wanted unrestricted Chinese immigration, since he could pay them a dollar a day [ even in 1860, a dollar wasn't something to retire on ] ) to Bill Gates --- immigrants bring their own amounts of crime alongside; from the simple muslim parents, forced to slay their daughters for being corrupted by western values, to Mexicans whom normal Mexicans are glad to get rid of* driving without care.
and legalized prostitution and drugs, the revenue of drug cartels in the US and Mexico would drop.
I agree with legalizing those things; but to imagine that the cartels will immediately return to simple pastoral or industrial lives of virtue is...
idealistic. The Mob didn't go away when Prohibition ended, but turned to preying on legitimate business. And the cartels aren't driven by poverty as much as the fact that they are born criminals. People who decapitate stray groups of policemen as a warning, or who keep oil-drums of acid with which to remove traces of their enemies are not going to make good citizens ( although each has a deciding vote in a democracy ).
We could restore Mexico's government!
Isn't that something for Mexicans to do ? And if you argue that in a democracy the individual citizen has absolutely no power to change anything, it's still not something for America to interfere with.
Not to mention if we allowed the Afghanistan government to cultivate and sell heroin, then the heroin farmers could come to our side, rather than being stuck dealing with the taliban. The taliban gets a ton of money from heroin revenue.
It's rather complicated; but whilst those repellent little puritans first allowed opium in Afghanistan to grow for unbelievers, by 2000 - 01 they had nearly eliminated it as a factor and had they stayed in power Afghanistan might be no longer a major source for the drug trade. Now, out of power they pragmatically take any funding they can get.
But, so do others...
But it's extremely misleading to imply that America doesn't sponsor favoured poppy entrepreneurs. As we learned yesterday from Dexter Filkins, Mark Mazzetti and James Risen in the New York Times: Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of the Afghan president and a suspected player in the country’s booming illegal opium trade, gets regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency, and has for much of the past eight years, according to current and former American officials. [ Economist ]
We need to bankrupt them if we're going to win the war.
You're not gonna win this war.
* Remember when Carter opened his heart and the US borders to all refugees, and Castro immediately emptied the prisons... ? I'm gonna miss
El Jefe.