I will try to help out with this answer from a slightly different perspective - I only got into the MB tests recently - and for me personally it has brought an INCREDIBLE amount of clarity in my life about who I am and why I do things. I realized I do a lot of unhealthy stuff!
I thought it might be helpful to share with you from the perspective of the bad stuff I knew was going on before I knew what an INTP was.
1. I have no wanderlust and no need to travel. Generally speaking where other people feel like "I dont want to miss this experience, it's once in a lifetime!", I appreciate the sentiment but it just doesn't resonate inside of me. I don't feel like I am missing out on life when, by most peoples standards, I am in fact missing out on life.
2. I spend copious amounts of time modelling conversations in my head. If there is even a remotely tough/conflicting/unresolved conversation that needs to happen I will spend hour going over it in my head - assessing the angles, sharpening my point and preparing for any possible outcome. This is how I become confident in my position as well as my ability to effectively communicate it.
3. Like everyone says I am a very get-along type person. I am extremely uncomfortable around fights or conflict. If its Jerry Springer I need to change the channel. if it is real life I need to cringe until I can leave the room.
4. I have the identified characteristic of learning something enough that I understand it - but only so far as I can diagnose situations where that information is helpful - and at that point, I can learn more about the topic. In a sense I learn enough about something so that I am confident I can really learn about it if I need to.
This means the people that know me well know I am capable and can do a great many things. Which they then expect I will do sometimes. It is hard to explain to people that yes, I know how to do that but no, I am not interested in doing that.
5. I am the kind of guy who is blind to household objects. I will walk past the laundry basket on the stairs 10 times in a day. It makes my wife absolutely insane. I don't blame her - but I just don't notice things like that.
6. Always need time to think about stuff. But thinking can be passive. It is hard to be decisive. Many times I have miscommunications with my wife about one of our businesses. We discuss doing something. We talk about how it could be done, how long it might take, what would be required. A week later she is pissed I didn't do the thing - to my mind we were just talking about viability whereas she feels we were making a plan.
7. I love information. I am the person who looks up something on a wiki and ends up with 30 tabs open. I sit down to play a video game - look up some info on the game and 3 hours later still pulling up game relaed info I realize my play session was literally a research session. Still feel pretty good about it.
8. My brain seems drawn in some degree to pattern. My wife gets pissed sometimes because I make value judgements about things based on huge amounts of "data" i have poured through - news sites, forums, social media etc... I feel like by evaluating enough data I can understand trends about people and their behavior. She feels that is not "real" and I can't understand people if I am not interacting directly.
9. I have approximately 2-3 close friends.
10. I am a serial monogamist as it is described here and it is hard to say that this hasn't been a limiting thing through my life. I definitely love my wife partly because she accepts me which sounds ridiculous but I think people know how hard it is to find anyone who wants to be a couple with an introverted smarty pants weirdo intp
11. I have 2 habits that coupled with being online a lot create trollish behavior that I literally have NEVER recognized. The first is that I float a lot of nonsense/speculative/controversial theories and ideas just because they are fun and I am interested to see what people have to say. I guess it seems like I am quite serious. This sort of thing tires/frustrates/annoys most people. Second, I sometimes find myself getting into really specific arguments about really small things or things that are important to me but to no one else. Once again, I am more than happy to write walls of text about crap no one cares about but me.
12. My humor is terrible. I laugh about random things to myself all the time. I can't ever explain jokes - half the time I am laughing my ass off to myself someone asks what it is and I will be like "well the guy said this and then he said that and while I am not a comedian, there is a joke in there somewhere..."
13. Unease before events. Some of the people I know can go out and party all weekend and be absolutely re-energized for the week! For me, I need at minimum 1 day to just do nothing but what I want or else the weekend just feels like more tiring stuff. I am in the music industry among other things and going out to those crappy shows you just have to show face at is the bane of my existence. I am not much fun going on vacation. I dread it, and once I am there I think its cool and all but once again, I would just as soon be doing my own stuff.
14. Ne causes me to think I can read people. I think I can spend a little time with someone and just KNOW whether they are good or not. This is probably based mostly on superficial appearances and is myself lying to myself about what can be intuited.
15. I am not submissive but I am passive. I tend to believe in going with the flow. At times this is problematic as when I position myself in the business world I have to work extra hard to seem assertive / like a leader / the boss. I withdraw at times when I should be asserting myself despite the waste of time.
16. I am fairly oblivious to the emotional needs of my partner. When she is freaking out I don't know what to do and my instincts are wrong. When she isn't freaking out I ignore her needs thinking everything is OK because everything is OK to me. It is something I am just starting to actively work on.
17. I make piles all the time which really make people crazy - they aren't neat enough - innevitably they get re-organized and I freak out when I cant find something that was in the pile 5 months ago.
18. I heard once that INTP's like to collect but that the physical collection itself is really kind of meaningless - it is about the mental aspect of having the collection - by having a collection I can mentally tap into the feeling of everything the collection represents. It is kind of a mental model I think. I know I collect many things that I have no interest in ever re-visiting but never throw out because you never know...
19. My number one hobby is making spooky dance music.
20. I am a software developer that spends easily 12-14 hours a day online.