Thanks for the insights Yellow, I've got to say, I don't find being an INTP superior in anyway, in most cases I'm my own worst enemy, I suspect it is the same for other INTP's?
Speaking of people deluding themselves, a friend of mine was firmly typed as a ISFP a few months back, and since [I suspect] he has been developing feelings towards me, he messaged me the other day to inorm me this time around he was an INTJ. I informed him that's a far cry from his previous result, I had restrain myself from informing he had clearly doctored his results. I believe he now wants to be somebody he is not. He needn't bother on my behalf [haha].
In regards to typology, I find it accurate in most instances; it can be useful for understanding the reasoning and motivation of an individual. I firmly believe the mind can be mapped and manipulated... Of course there are exceptions to the rule..