today has been monumentally eventless. tried to polish the turd that is my english coursework. (although this coursework is significant, i joined INTPforum to help waste time that should have been spent doing homework, i like it here)
Lost second episode is on tonight, em, and yesterday saw me picking up a masterpiece in rock/emo/punk music, Say Hello To Sunshine by Finch. check it out.
fairly relaxed, though school tomorrow where i have 2 lessons of art. great you think, but the teacher refuses to let me be original. geography, sat between bimbo A and bimbo B, although attractive their brains wouldnt feed a cannibalist rat for breakfast and maths, in which this cannibalist rat teaches me period 3.
the previous three school days has seen me covered in mud, one friend covered in sprite and one in custard, lord knows who the next victim will be and what shall befall them