...and in these two short lines you have encapsulated that gnawing thing that has plagued me always about relating to others. All these years of trying to put my finger on the problem but having it slip away. Evade me.
Now I know. Thank you.
(...and knowing the problem, have you found a cure? I'm guessing not. I'm guessing I, you, everyone afflicted, will die this way...)
No, I don't have a cure
But i do have some comfort..
“He who has an ear let him hear
What the Spirit says to the Churches.
To him who overcomes
I will give some of the Hidden Manna to eat
And I will give him a White Stone,
And on the Stone, a New Name written
Which no One knows except him that receives it.”
Revelations 2:17
I was going through some old family photos
(Perhaps, not the wisest thing for a depressed
Person to do at Christmas time)
I noticed that at some point in time
I quit smiling when I was photographed
So when did the happy child
Transform into the cold-hearted
Old, distant (ugly) ‘Loner’
Displaying an INTP personality?
Not being an extrovert, I believe
I formed my personas, played my roles
To become a good actor
Using my personality as a shield
Defensively responding to socially-caused Pain
I learned to mask my emotions
I became ‘unemotional’, ‘unreadable’
Yet it seems that people
Always read something
From a blank page…
I often wonder why certain people rejected Me
Didn’t they see I was still a smiling child behind a mask?
C. H. Cooley said that people are Mirrors,
Perhaps that is all I am
All people ever see their own selves reflected
From Me, a Blank page, an empty Mirror
So perhaps I am never
Seen thru Others’ Eyes
So who can see Me, know Me?
When is the word, ‘We’
Destined to acquire a deeper meaning?
Perhaps Loveofreason is right ‘We’ may have to wait…
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