I take in external 'objects' or events and, internally, transform them into something else. These transformations sometimes get projected outwards in a kind of 'minds eye' way, seeing them as a sort of overlap. Makes no sense, bear with me - just typing as I think of stuff.
Ni, Ne, or something else? I like to generate theories and link them together. It's how I roll. My worldview consists entirely (well, almost entirely) of my own personal understanding of things and how they may fit together. Like a jigsaw. Well, sort of.
Although I do (obviously) care about people, I'm far more interested in theories, ideas, whatever. People, and inter-personal relationships, rate fairly low on my priority list. The fact that up until a month ago I have always pretty much been single (unwilling to deal with a lot of the inane BS that goes alongside a relationship) perhaps goes some way to highlighting this preference. Perhaps.
T over F?
Wherever I go, people seem to like me. I light up around people and love to discuss the aforementioned topics I have a preference for. I prize harmony in the workplace and like to maintain (where possible) a harmonious work environment. I try to keep a good work ethic, ensuring that I get along with people. I'm not the sort of person that will go over the line with 'trolling' - I prefer to keep it professional.
I am terrible at remembering sensory data. Also, when stressed out (and I mean REALLY stressed out) I have these hilarious, completely irrational fears that something is massively wrong with me.
Inferior Si?
ENTP. Right across the board.
Something ain't right, Holmes.