my perspective is that of someone with social anxiety. i bet there is cool stuff about berlin, but i don't think much of it is literally inviting. you probably have to be told about it by someone else, because it's behind closed walls and you have to pass security guys. someone took me to a bunch of wanna-be shamans in berlin, who rattled their rattles around me to clean my energy and tell me some stuff about my father. but germany isn't berlin. most towns are really dead, because german culture is about business. when i was young, kids would stunt ride their bikes everywhere, but now everything is concrete and secured and shit. old people don't play boule anymore, in 99% of the places they used to. we are just a bunch of happy obedient consumers now.
my parents (who were born ~ 1940) are very much like japanese people, but the average german family (born 1960+) isn't at all. we are more like seinfeld now. sort of pluralistic, but very apathic, cyncic. but most our politicians are in deed agents of economy, much like japanese are serious about business. stage wise our core infrastructure core is probably still rational/orange. our pluralism manifests in laws, but somehow not so much in the culture of what we organize. the consumers are not so willing to support creative projects, they still buy into cheap but secure and reliable mass production stuff.