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Hello Linux Users.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
I want to make this thread for hosting discussions related to Linux and Scripting in general. Also, I would be very curious to build a rapport with pentesters, Linux admins and programmers. I'm a nascent programmer, given my age, time and my preoccupation (17, exams and studying), I'm still managing to get a hold on pentesting. However I would be happy to get insights and moreover to listen to your experiences with a Linux distro.

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:28 PM
Jun 7, 2017
I use linux because windows is a huge pain in the ass to program on. Windows also costs money, is unsafe and subject to viruses, and is useless if you want any sort of control over your own computer. Ultimately it is a piece of garbage thatyou have to pay for. Why people still use that shit is beyond me.

When it comes to apple computers, that is also overpriced garbage, useful only for hipsters to look cool when they sip lattes at coffeshops reading facebook posts.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
I use Linux because it's no-bullshit, excellent motivator to keep on programming and get more of an intuitive grasp on the functioning of the pc. The learning curve is very steep on Linux

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


INTP 5w4 Iconoclast
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Mar 16, 2010
Upstate NY, USA, Earth
Linux users?

So we're allowing all users of the Linux kernel to join in?
All users of embedded systems using a linux kernel ... cars, toaster ovens?
All Android users whether they use the non-linux stuff wrapped around the linux kernel?

I suspect that you'd get more of what you want if Cygwin users employing Winblows `kernel' routines were welcomed to participate.

There's a reason why more-accuate thinkers and language-users use the term GNU/linux

BTW, bash works the same way in Cygwin -- sans linux kernel -- as it does with whatever distro you use.
Or the Kali linux live session I'm using to compose and send this.

The Gopher

Local time
Tomorrow 5:28 AM
Aug 26, 2010
I'm not sure if that's a copy pasta or not. You probably want Kali for pentesting.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Linux users?

So we're allowing all users of the Linux kernel to join in?
All users of embedded systems using a linux kernel ... cars, toaster ovens?
All Android users whether they use the non-linux stuff wrapped around the linux kernel?

I suspect that you'd get more of what you want if Cygwin users employing Winblows `kernel' routines were welcomed to participate.

There's a reason why more-accuate thinkers and language-users use the term GNU/linux

BTW, bash works the same way in Cygwin -- sans linux kernel -- as it does with whatever distro you use.
Or the Kali linux live session I'm using to compose and send this.
Import colloquial_terms from Universal_terms

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS user. Used Kali for a while, the OS is confused about its own drivers and most importantly, it's headers. (talking about Kali 2017.2). Ubuntu works great for a noob like me. I used katoolin to install Kali Linux modules on Ubuntu. I'm planning to make a custom kernel for Ubuntu.

Kali has got big issues with WiFi drivers especially the broadcom ones and doesn't let you to make new users. Since I'm a little bit paranoid about security (I use sda5 encryption for prebooting Ubuntu entirely and then additional encryption for the home folder), Kali doesn't allow any additional users as far as I have tried and the repos and amazingly restricted. It's only meant for pros and not good for noobs like me.

I got overwhelmed by Gentoo's minimal cd installation. Guess, I'll stick to Debian for a while until I get a hang of it.

Btw any pentesters out here ? And yeah, there's a new launcher on play store - TUI check it out. It's a CLI launcher

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk

The Gopher

Local time
Tomorrow 5:28 AM
Aug 26, 2010
Or Parrot.

Hmm Have you tried Mint? Why Ubuntu over Mint?

Also if it's security you want. Qubes OS!


INTP 5w4 Iconoclast
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Mar 16, 2010
Upstate NY, USA, Earth
Import colloquial_terms from Universal_terms

There you go eshewing, via the imperitive paradigm, `logic' as if an INTP `most logical of types'.

Let me translate your bullshit for you.
Clober refined, detailed inTRApersonal mental deep-structural-SEMANTIC model with stinkin' thinkin'' induced by the misuse of slopy unreconciled surface-structural `terms' invoking ... what ... by way of MEANING/semantics?

So if `linux' SEEMS to HAVE such a high learning curve -- as you've either asserted for one and all or revealed as ipsative, personal qualia -- then why not back up 35 years and learn an official version of Unix(R) first -- sh, not bash -- then transition to GNU is Not Unix as per the historical trajectory leading to linux qua LINUX, then DISPELL and disscociate ALL `meaning'' you associated with the THEN-universal terms `Unix' and `GNU' when the neologism `linux' starts getting bandied around by fucktards as it becomes `Universal' and adopted by 17-year old self-proclaimed smart asses.

Clue: when you desire to have self and optionally OTHERS regard you `logical' and/or `rational', deep-structural SEMANTICS must trump mere surface-structural TERMS -- be they adjectivally `colloquial' or `Universal'.

I used my first Unix system in the early 80s for CS courses in college, used Microware's OS-9 -- a Unix-like OS which ran on a 64K, as in KiloByte -- on an 8-bit 64K computer at home throughout the 80's, programmed `firmware' on and for Sun pizza boxes using Solaris `Unix' in '96, programmed a forest simulator vis C++ using IBM's AIX unix 97-98, did computer consulting for an Ivy League college in '99 building up to dreaded Y2K `concerns' in which I used RedHat Linux ... etc ... etc ... et fucking cetera.

aside: Yes, I'm aware that what I've mentioned HERE & NOW transpired before your punk ass was born.

Do you really want to play smart ass to the point where you aiienate and piss-off those HERE, in the forum -- including ME -- MORE than you want to fucking LEARN SOMETHING from your elders if not BETTERS?

Think about it.
Your call.
Perhaps you can ponder this dilema while reading the following:

BTW, when you MISuse the term `linux' MOST DUMB ASSES don't have terms like BSD, MacOS, and Open Solaris come to mind ... all of which ARE members of the Unix-like OSes capable of supporting the `scripting' you claim to want to learn.
Nor would 99% of those hearing the term AND aware of your `high learning curve' problem-to-be-solved have OS-9 come to mind as a PEDOGOGICAL stepping stone which expedites learning first principles in a Unix-like microworld laboratory.
ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS-9

note: if one desires to assemble and disassemble machine code -- possibly generated by compilers and assemblers -- it's a hell of a lot easier dealing with 2 hexidecimal digits to represent addresses in a 64K memory map than 8 of 'em as is the case with 64-bit machines.

How about the commodore Amiga perhaps via UAE running on the `linux' distro of your choice?

Are you aware that it had Unix available AND it only had a 16 MB memory map -- EG 4 hex digits for addresses -- which allows a reduction in mind numbing complexity which daunts those wishing to LEARN `linux' on 64-bit machines with billions of memory addresses?

Feel free to respond with another smart ass reply and see where that gets you with ME, dude. :beatyou:


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
There you go eshewing, via the imperitive paradigm, `logic' as if an INTP `most logical of types'.

Let me translate your bullshit for you.
Clober refined, detailed inTRApersonal mental deep-structural-SEMANTIC model with stinkin' thinkin'' induced by the misuse of slopy unreconciled surface-structural `terms' invoking ... what ... by way of MEANING/semantics?

So if `linux' SEEMS to HAVE such a high learning curve -- as you've either asserted for one and all or revealed as ipsative, personal qualia -- then why not back up 35 years and learn an official version of Unix(R) first -- sh, not bash -- then transition to GNU is Not Unix as per the historical trajectory leading to linux qua LINUX, then DISPELL and discociate ALL `meaning'' you associated with the THEN-universal terms `Unix' and `GNU' when the neologism `linux' starts getting bandied around by fucktards as it becomes `Universal' and adopted by 17-year old self-proclaimed smart asses.

Clue: when you desire to have self and optionally OTHERS regard you `logical' and/or `rational', deep-structural SEMANTICS must trump mere surface-structural TERMS -- be they adjectivally `colloquial' or `Universal'.

I used my first Unix system in the early 80s for CS courses in college, used Microware's OS-9 -- a Unix-like OS which ran on a 64K, as in KiloByte -- on an 8-bit 64K computer at home throughout the 80's, programmed `firmware' on and for Sun pizza boxes using Solaris `Unix' in '96, did computer consulting for an Ivy League college in 2000 in which I used RedHat Linux ... etc ... etc ... et fucking cetera.

aside: Yes, I'm aware that I've mentioned HERE & NOW transpired before your punk ass was born.

Do you really want to play smart ass to the point where you aiienate and piss-off those HERE, in the forum -- including ME -- MORE than you want to fucking LEARN SOMETHING from your BETTERS?

Think about it.
You're call.
Perhaps you can ponder this dilema while reading that following:

BTW, when you MISuse the term `linux' MOST DUMB ASSES don't have terms like BSD, MacOS, and Open Solaris come to mind ... all of which ARE members of the Unix-like OSes.
Nor would 99% of those hearing the term AND aware of your `high learning curve' problem-to-be-solved have OS-9 come to mind as a PEDOGOGICAL stepping stone which expedites learning principles in a Unix-like microworld laboratory.
ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS-9

note: if one desires to assemble and disassemble machine code -- possibly generated by compilers and assemblers -- it's a hell of a lot easier to dealing with 2 hexidecimal digits to represent addresses in a 64K memory map than 8 of 'em as is the case with 64-bit machines.

How about the commodore Amiga perhaps via UAE running on the `linux' distro of your choice?

Are you aware that it had Unix available AND it only had a 16 MB memory map -- EG 4 hex digits -- which allows a reduction in mind numbing complexity which daunts those wishing to LEARN `linux' on 64-bit machines with billions of memory addresses?

Feel free to respond with another smart ass reply and see where that gets you with ME, dude.:beatyou:
Lol. Done with your polemic? One more fault in your argument. I called myself a noob already. Seems like you have a volatile ego. Tone down on your language chump, your barrage of effrontery doesn't affect me, I am legit laughing at your superaggressive reaction. And yes, I think you are being a '25-30 year old smartpunkass'.

And since I called myself a noob, your whole argument becomes bullshit. Seems like you practise tad too much supercilious-ity. If you wanna show me how experienced you are at Linux/gnu/bsd, you don't need to. I know you have been a Linux admin. Your arrogance and
Throwing-shittones-of-facts tactic doesn't really work, when I analyse your arguments, they are 100% out of context, too cursory and essentially a truck full of garbage. You don't wanna get banned like bronto do you ?

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Not only that, can't you notice that this thread was meant for discussion, particularly to benefit me from experienced "Unix" users ?
Moreover let's get down to a more philosophical point of view.
Unix is the original operating system created. MacOS and Linux emerged from. Namely, they are modifications arisen from Unix itself. Since Linux is technically a permutation from the soup of Unix and some added ingredients, we can logically deduce that Linux is indeed an operating system by the execution of the faculty of syllogisms of syllogisms. Facts say Linux is per se a kernel and UNIX clone and various sources label it is an operating system, yes, an operating system. Now, since Unix is not particularly available in terms of surfacial-knowledge, it is not possible for a beginner for me and for any other person to determine the existence of usage of Unix. Your argument is grossly populated with your own experiences, viewpoints and critiques. That is to say, you are making 'judgements' not 'inferences'.
Since judgements are a conglomerate of opinions, your argument and an essay on misnaming UNIX as Linux and whatnot is indeed NIL. You expect people to know the intricacies (albeit at an extreme level) of a particular thing, well, I suppose, that's very brilliant isn't it ? While learning something, we start with the most bullshit/cursory/easily available-knowledge available. It seems like you learned doing calculus without knowing what numbers are and how to operate on them.

Now let me translate your bullshit for you

1. You feel naming, usage of semantics, having consequential deal of shit tons of knowledge is mandatory and if someone doesn't abide by it, he should be convicted. Hmmmm interesting.

2. You blamed me twice for being 'typical' in my approach. Well, you strive on being open-minded. Especially when it comes to stating facts (which is ironical). However the funny thing is when you believe something should be done in a particular way without a strong logical background, it's actually proving that you are closed minded because you choose to refer to a strict reference-variable. That is very open-minded of you. Right ?

3. Well, you specifically used the number '17' so as to highlight and make the connotation of 'teenage=stupid' more intense. I suppose you are too grumpy or your 'for' loop of 'age=age+1' hit a 'break' and you jumped to the function of '__init__adultlife()'. Hmm, that's interesting again.

4. So technically and societally speaking, you can be termed as 'a curmudgeon cum Nazi hell bent on correcting people when they are wrong (not logically but factually) which is weird, facts should be delivered to a daft punk (like me who's mostly right in the logical realm as compared to you)

Well, GPS, um...I think I'm logically right both semantically and logically 'again'

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Or Parrot.

Hmm Have you tried Mint? Why Ubuntu over Mint?

Also if it's security you want. Qubes OS!
Haven't tried Parrot OS. WiFi functioning is very important for me. As far as I know many of Linux distros don't have broadcom drivers for WiFi. There's no particular reason for me to choose Ubuntu and yes I'm aware of other distros solely for beginners eg. Mint.
I installed 'linux' (whoops) solely because I was very curious as to know the mechanisms behind the making of Mr robot (yes, I know it's not a good reason but that's the trigger for me to learn. No, I'm not doing any kind of pentesting. I'm concentrating on python network programming. )

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


INTP 5w4 Iconoclast
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Mar 16, 2010
Upstate NY, USA, Earth
Lol. Done with your polemic?

You'll be the judge of whether I'm done or not.

One more fault in your argument.
I called myself a noob already.

While acting-as-if ... what?
What does your behavior TELL others you ostensibly want to futher your understanding and know-how regarding scripting and GNU/linux?

You used sloppy language reflecting sloppy thinking before god and everyone in an INTP group.
And you responded HOW when a fellow INTP with higher-than-noob experience provided a few clues which MIGHT be used to further your expressed goals, render your mental model and cognitive processes more precise, more detailed?

Seems like you have a volatile ego.

Would that be `ego' in the `universal' or `coloquial' sense?:confused:
Or `Ego' in the Ego-development sense as how Freud used it?

Seems like ... got it.
I'm apparently up against the projections and thematic apperceptions of a 17-year old with more balls than brains.:p

Tone down on your language chump,

Or else?:phear:

Have a ball ... it's your thread.
Have all the fun with it you can.
And when it's run it's course you can report all that you've learned via all that your attitude and methods have allowed.

your barrage of effrontery doesn't affect me,

Why should it?
I can't reach out and wring your neck or kick your punk ass; you'RE SAFE.
And, frankly, you don't seem terribly interested or appreciative -- by way of AFFECT -- of what I presented as possibly-valuable `information'.

I am legit ...

As legit as any/every noob's qualia ARE.

I did some consulting work for a company that made magnetic recording heads for 9-track tapes back in the day.
The CEO used to stop by my work area a few times over the course of the day.
He didn't get something I showed him in the code I was developing once.
i offered to paraphrase, to try other ways to get the point across.
Then he delivered a response which revealed wisdom beyond what you can presently muster as a noob:
"if you are capable of discerning the difference between good advice and bad advice you didn't need the advice to begin with."

... laughing at your superaggressive reaction.

As you're characterizing/spinning it.
So you didn't notice the clues I helpfully, generously provided that your punk ass behavior operationally-IS self-limiting if not self-defeating as per the goals you've professed?

And yes, I think you are being a '25-30 year old smartpunkass'.

It's so hard NOT to project, isn't it?
EVERYONE has the same chin-out dare to someone, everyone to deliver an upper cut.
And the same chip on their shoulder as ... not ME ... nope?

And since I called myself a noob, your whole argument becomes bullshit.

Why does everthing become an `argument' for you?
Or was I trying to throw you a bone ... provide you with some advice OTHERS would regard and receive as POSSIBLY helpful?
What is it about YOUR way of responding to stimuli which find's you discounting and disprespecting that offered by others in this group as if you're held captive in a school room by bureaucrats posing as `teachers'?
Have you noticed how many of the ADULTS in this group interact as co-equal PEERS?
You might want to try it; it might displace some of that chip-on-your-shoulder resentment you've been rehursing at school and at home when your parent's shout at you to crack the books, get the grades, etc.
Nobody here is libeling you with grades in your `permantent record'.
And nobody here HAS TO respond to your pleas for help -- on `scripting' or `linux' -- as if charged with the task as part of a work-for-hire scheme under duress of dismisal for insubordination if they DON'T.

Seems like you practise tad too much supercilious-ity.

I'm sure you'll survive all my malpractice.
And without too much scare tissue or PTSD.

If you wanna show me how experienced you are at Linux/gnu/bsd, you don't need to.

Right you ARE; I don't NEED TO respond to your pleas for help at all.

When receiving training in life saving techniques pursuant to life gaurding when I was about 19-20 my instructor told us all, if someone is drowning and is strugging against you thereby putting BOTH of you at risk of drowning KNOCK THEIR ASS OUT, haul them back to safety, THEN revive them.

You are NOT drowning.
I provided you a few clues as you've been prarading around in your water wings.
You're in no apparent danger of drowning; you're just posing in your water wings ignoring tips from those capable of both treading water and fluidly passing through it when they want or need to get somewhere else.
We haven't seen GNU bash script #1 from you in code blocks.

I know you have been a Linux admin.

This `knowing' reflects your epistemology?
Or do you have some `facts'/evidence to support your `knowing' ... above and beyond your `knowing', or something else -- that i am qua AM "'25-30 year old smartpunkass"?

And as for the "Throwing-shittones-of-facts" theme you apperceived, I can see your point.
You routinely offer NONE, just proclamation by fiat as if you WERE an authority at the ripe old age of 17 on whatever your ego-free self pontificates.

Clue: the `facts' and links I offer allow those sufficiently curious to RESEARCH for themselves to which REAL NT/rationals -- and more than a few NF/Idealists -- are prone.

Your arrogance and Throwing-shittones-of-facts tactic doesn't really work,

Well ... granted ... in the age of Donald J. Trump, `fake news' and `alt facts'.
I'll have to learn some more effective rhetorical forms for use with punk-ass 17-year old self-proclaimed newbs with attitudes of know-betters and/or know-it-alls.
Oh ... I started my own thread on scripting where I can mock your behavior -- scripts if you ever publish them --, if only I weren't pissing my time away stroking YOUR Id by replying to your attention whoring in YOUR thread ostensibly about `scripting' and `linux' ... optionally penetration testing.

... when I analyse your arguments, they are 100% out of context, too cursory and essentially a truck full of garbage.

Ahhh ... with all the olfactory essence of a truck/lorry full of garbage?

Once again I was not providing `arguments' so much as clues and stimuli in an attmpt to trigger some break-throughs on your unrefined gist understandings as per YOUR stated goals.
I stayed ON TRACK and IN MY LANE in an attempt to help you pursue a more-INTP-like understanding to displace the crude one used by mainstream fucktards -- who don't script and don't use `linux' -- as they `know' it.
If you wish to think like a programmer it behooves you to foster and maintain an AWARENESS of the distinctions I brought to YOUR attention as per YOUr expressed wishes.
That you trivialized them with your off-the-cuff reply got you ... what?
Continued enthusiasm to assist, tutor, or mentor?
Really ... your implicate Look-at-ME! Look-at-ME! attention whoring goal trumps your stated goals?
You'd rather piss off or piss on those who (mis)spend time in YOUR thread(s) on YOUR behalf rather than our own?
As if you could or WOULD notice the value of our offerings, let along value them instead of going off on yet another of your "YOU have EGO PROBLEMS!" projections?

You don't wanna get banned like bronto do you ?

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Point a red laser dot and my forehead for the laser-guided Mods.
I'm Sooooo menaced. :rolleyes:

You so ostensibly WANT -- as per your overt expressions of DESIRE-- to learn scripting and linux qua `linux' -- whatever that MEANS to you in a `universal' or `coloquial' (eg BULLSHIT) way.
Then when someone who has been around BEFORE Linus Torvald created his linux KERNEL as GNU was developed as an alternative to proprietary UNIX(r) brings what would seemingly BE meaningful distinctions to your attention ... you respond how?

Is that `linux' bash you've been using, BTW, or might it be GNU bash developed by the Free software foundation and it's contributors exclusive or Linus Torvalds as the progeitor of the linux kernel?
ref: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=youtube+Stalhman+receives+award+from+Linus+Torvalds

Who's got the bigger Ego?
Torvald's, Stalhman, or YOU?

I've got no problem giving credit where credit is due.
GNU and the FSF predated and was used by Torvalds in creating his mere kernel.
I acknowledge this irrespective of fucktards either failing or refusing to acknowledge the `linux' tools they use ACTUALLY created by those contributors of the FSF and GNU by using GNU/linux.
If you'd like to learn how to script in GNU bash then you might show some AWARENESS that Linus Torvalds had NOTHING to do with it's creation or bundling into umpteen variations of `distros' which MORONS sloppily refer to as `linux'.

With yet more projections of EGO onto one of those responding in good faith towards your personal education.

There are plenty of other threads in which I can participate in this group, dude.
My interest and enthusiasm towards aiding and abetting you in your professed desires vis-a-ivs `learning scripting' and `linux' has been moderated by your actual behavior and the attitude -- devoid of all `universal' or soloquial `PERSONAL' ego' ;)-- it reveals.

As for you, you can attempt to use your questionably-developed `EGO' to moderate IDacious impulses -- *superaggressive reaction*, was it? -- with SuperEgo internalized societal ideals in any Freudian way it plays out as you fail to moderate `smart ass' pursuant to becoming SMART as per YOUR stated goals ... as you covertly engage in any-attention-is-GOOD-attention attention-whoring.

As for everyone else reading in, I recommend noting how may posts go by before -- if ever -- our good friend BurnedOut posts in code blocks a single GNU bash script he has developed.

Bon Chance, dude!

The Gopher

Local time
Tomorrow 5:28 AM
Aug 26, 2010
Haven't tried Parrot OS. WiFi functioning is very important for me. As far as I know many of Linux distros don't have broadcom drivers for WiFi. There's no particular reason for me to choose Ubuntu and yes I'm aware of other distros solely for beginners eg. Mint.
I installed 'linux' (whoops) solely because I was very curious as to know the mechanisms behind the making of Mr robot (yes, I know it's not a good reason but that's the trigger for me to learn. No, I'm not doing any kind of pentesting. I'm concentrating on python network programming. )

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk

Fair enough. If you want to check them out later you can buy an alpha wifi adapter or something but what you are doing already with ubuntu pretty much covers it anyway.

Oh I was referring to Mint being superior to Ubuntu (biased opinion) and (slightly) less likely to spy on you.

Both good for pen testing keep learning.

Ignore GPS he's clearly overcompensating and responding is not worth your time.


INTP 5w4 Iconoclast
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Mar 16, 2010
Upstate NY, USA, Earth
Ignore GPS he's clearly overcompensating and responding is not worth your time.

A voice of wisdom if ever there was.

I hope you all enjoy all the scripts our boy presents in code blocks here in his thread.

As if from a scriping perspective it makes one scintilla of difference whether they run on mint or Ubuntu ... or MacOS, BSD, cygwin, Open Solaris ... ANYWHERE GNU bash has been compiled and runs ... as if worthy of BurnedOut's time? .;)

Pay no attention to The Gopher behind that curtain! :cool:
Just click the heels of your ruby slippers 3 times and repeat "There's no place like ~!"

date ; pwd ; ls ~ -la


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
You'll be the judge of whether I'm done or not.

While acting-as-if ... what?
What does your behavior TELL others you ostensibly want to futher your understanding and know-how regarding scripting and GNU/linux?

You used sloppy language reflecting sloppy thinking before god and everyone in an INTP group.
And you responded HOW when a fellow INTP with higher-than-noob experience provided a few clues which MIGHT be used to further your expressed goals, render your mental model and cognitive processes more precise, more detailed?

Would that be `ego' in the `universal' or `coloquial' sense?:confused:
Or `Ego' in the Ego-development sense as how Freud used it?

Seems like ... got it.
I'm apparently up against the projections and thematic apperceptions of a 17-year old with more balls than brains.:p

Or else?:phear:

Have a ball ... it's your thread.
Have all the fun with it you can.
And when it's run it's course you can report all that you've learned via all that your attitude and methods have allowed.

Why should it?
I can't reach out and wring your neck or kick your punk ass; you'RE SAFE.
And, frankly, you don't seem terribly interested or appreciative -- by way of AFFECT -- of what I presented as possibly-valuable `information'.

As legit as any/every noob's qualia ARE.

I did some consulting work for a company that made magnetic recording heads for 9-track tapes back in the day.
The CEO used to stop by my work area a few times over the course of the day.
He didn't get something I showed him in the code I was developing once.
i offered to paraphrase, to try other ways to get the point across.
Then he delivered a response which revealed wisdom beyond what you can presently muster as a noob:
"if you are capable of discerning the difference between good advice and bad advice you didn't need the advice to begin with."

As you're characterizing/spinning it.
So you didn't notice the clues I helpfully, generously provided that your punk ass behavior operationally-IS self-limiting if not self-defeating as per the goals you've professed?

It's so hard NOT to project, isn't it?
EVERYONE has the same chin-out dare to someone, everyone to deliver an upper cut.
And the same chip on their shoulder as ... not ME ... nope?

Why does everthing become an `argument' for you?
Or was I trying to throw you a bone ... provide you with some advice OTHERS would regard and receive as POSSIBLY helpful?
What is it about YOUR way of responding to stimuli which find's you discounting and disprespecting that offered by others in this group as if you're held captive in a school room by bureaucrats posing as `teachers'?
Have you noticed how many of the ADULTS in this group interact as co-equal PEERS?
You might want to try it; it might displace some of that chip-on-your-shoulder resentment you've been rehursing at school and at home when your parent's shout at you to crack the books, get the grades, etc.
Nobody here is libeling you with grades in your `permantent record'.
And nobody here HAS TO respond to your pleas for help -- on `scripting' or `linux' -- as if charged with the task as part of a work-for-hire scheme under duress of dismisal for insubordination if they DON'T.

I'm sure you'll survive all my malpractice.
And without too much scare tissue or PTSD.

Right you ARE; I don't NEED TO respond to your pleas for help at all.

When receiving training in life saving techniques pursuant to life gaurding when I was about 19-20 my instructor told us all, if someone is drowning and is strugging against you thereby putting BOTH of you at risk of drowning KNOCK THEIR ASS OUT, haul them back to safety, THEN revive them.

You are NOT drowning.
I provided you a few clues as you've been prarading around in your water wings.
You're in no apparent danger of drowning; you're just posing in your water wings ignoring tips from those capable of both treading water and fluidly passing through it when they want or need to get somewhere else.
We haven't seen GNU bash script #1 from you in code blocks.

This `knowing' reflects your epistemology?
Or do you have some `facts'/evidence to support your `knowing' ... above and beyond your `knowing', or something else -- that i am qua AM "'25-30 year old smartpunkass"?

And as for the "Throwing-shittones-of-facts" theme you apperceived, I can see your point.
You routinely offer NONE, just proclamation by fiat as if you WERE an authority at the ripe old age of 17 on whatever your ego-free self pontificates.

Clue: the `facts' and links I offer allow those sufficiently curious to RESEARCH for themselves to which REAL NT/rationals -- and more than a few NF/Idealists -- are prone.

Well ... granted ... in the age of Donald J. Trump, `fake news' and `alt facts'.
I'll have to learn some more effective rhetorical forms for use with punk-ass 17-year old self-proclaimed newbs with attitudes of know-betters and/or know-it-alls.
Oh ... I started my own thread on scripting where I can mock your behavior -- scripts if you ever publish them --, if only I weren't pissing my time away stroking YOUR Id by replying to your attention whoring in YOUR thread ostensibly about `scripting' and `linux' ... optionally penetration testing.

Ahhh ... with all the olfactory essence of a truck/lorry full of garbage?

Once again I was not providing `arguments' so much as clues and stimuli in an attmpt to trigger some break-throughs on your unrefined gist understandings as per YOUR stated goals.
I stayed ON TRACK and IN MY LANE in an attempt to help you pursue a more-INTP-like understanding to displace the crude one used by mainstream fucktards -- who don't script and don't use `linux' -- as they `know' it.
If you wish to think like a programmer it behooves you to foster and maintain an AWARENESS of the distinctions I brought to YOUR attention as per YOUr expressed wishes.
That you trivialized them with your off-the-cuff reply got you ... what?
Continued enthusiasm to assist, tutor, or mentor?
Really ... your implicate Look-at-ME! Look-at-ME! attention whoring goal trumps your stated goals?
You'd rather piss off or piss on those who (mis)spend time in YOUR thread(s) on YOUR behalf rather than our own?
As if you could or WOULD notice the value of our offerings, let along value them instead of going off on yet another of your "YOU have EGO PROBLEMS!" projections?

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Point a red laser dot and my forehead for the laser-guided Mods.
I'm Sooooo menaced. :rolleyes:

You so ostensibly WANT -- as per your overt expressions of DESIRE-- to learn scripting and linux qua `linux' -- whatever that MEANS to you in a `universal' or `coloquial' (eg BULLSHIT) way.
Then when someone who has been around BEFORE Linus Torvald created his linux KERNEL as GNU was developed as an alternative to proprietary UNIX(r) brings what would seemingly BE meaningful distinctions to your attention ... you respond how?

Is that `linux' bash you've been using, BTW, or might it be GNU bash developed by the Free software foundation and it's contributors exclusive or Linus Torvalds as the progeitor of the linux kernel?
ref: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=youtube+Stalhman+receives+award+from+Linus+Torvalds

Who's got the bigger Ego?
Torvald's, Stalhman, or YOU?

I've got no problem giving credit where credit is due.
GNU and the FSF predated and was used by Torvalds in creating his mere kernel.
I acknowledge this irrespective of fucktards either failing or refuxing to acknowledge the `linux' tools they use ACTUALLY created by those contributors of the FSF and GNU by using GNU/linux.
If you'd like to learn how to script in GNU bash then you might show some AWARENESS that Linus Torvalds had NOTHING to do with it's creation or bundling into umpteen variations of `distros' which MORONS sloppily refer to as `linux'.

With yet more projections of EGO onto one of those responding in good faith towards your personal education.

There are plenty of other threads in which I can participate in this group, dude.
My interest and enthusiasm towards aiding and abetting you in your professed desires vis-a-ivs `learning scripting' and `linux' has been moderated by your actual behavior and the attitude -- devoid of all `universal' or soloquial `PERSONAL' ego' ;)-- it reveals.

As for you, you can attempt to use your questionably-developed `EGO' to moderate IDacious impulses -- *superaggressive reaction*, was it? -- with SuperEgo internalized societal ideals in any Freudian way it plays out as you fail to moderate `smart ass' pursuant to becoming SMART as per YOUR stated goals ... as you covertly engage in any-attention-is-GOOD-attention attention-whoring.

As for everyone else reading in, I recommend noting how may posts go by before -- if ever -- our good friend BurnedOut posts in code blocks a single GNU bash script he has developed.

Bon Chance, dude!

Echo "Hot script as requested by gps"
Echo "----------------------------------------------"
Echo "The purpose of this script to piss Linux gods off by making it seem puny to them"
Echo "It's okay though, I'm not concentrating too much on bash lately. "
Echo "our boy gps is being a curmudgeon here. Resorts to psychological tactics. That's a shame though. And yet his arguments are bullshit. He didn't quote any of the logical stuff. That's a pity actually. He only quoted the apparently superambigious shit /(that is similar to what politics promotes for winning the election with great regards to the institution of cowardice /)"
Echo "no more digression"
Echo "------------------------------------------------
echo "Hi gps aka god. I salute to your invincibility. I'll spew incoherent contices since.....Anyway. Let's have a debate !"
while TRUE{
If $amount_of_bullshit > 0
Incoherency=$(($RANDOM %32760))
blabber=('fuck off' ,'goddamn, you are great', 'i lose, you win', 'you are bad at debating. Kiss my ass now' ,'fuck you bully', 'waiting for another round of bullshit')
while TRUE {
Echo $blabber[$Incoherency]
Ctr=$(($ctr +1))
If $ctr==7
If $ctr==7{
Echo "bullshiting capacity consumed."
#its okay, you are smirking now and trying to spot every loophole in this script to lampoon me. Sadly you ain't got logic in your hands so you are gonna start a street fight with cusses, taunts and all sorts of psychological tactics with google wielded like a dual-pistol
If $amount_of_bullshit > 0
function gps_triggered()
Python3 gps_triggered_what_should_i_do.py

Wget 'www.thewholefuckinginternet.everything/gps/'s_brain'
Wget 'www.for_competing_with_gps/Adderall/very_high_dose/godmod'
Dtrx fordumbasses /brain/memory
Dtrx godmod /usr/etc
Cd /usr/etc && chmod 777 take_me && ./take-me
Cd /brain/memory

* The second script is executed but is stopped because it goes on and on using wget on a never ending loop. * ctrl+z * *
ls -lh # I find a readme file inside. It's hashed with AES-256 though
Unshadow README gps_crypt > i_dont_have_enough_brain_power.txt
John_the_fucker i_dont_have_enough_brain_power.txt

*Ctrl + z after waiting for a decade *

Echo "goddamn, I'm a puny teenage 17yo punk"

crunch 3 10000000 cussword1 cussword2 cussword3 ......cussword1000 > will_never_be_enough

#i don't know how to do a Rudy attack but I'll write a script on it after I'm experienced enough. So basically every word from the wordlist is put into separate files sent thru http to blahblahblah://god.seriously/? To initiate a dos attack on gps

Echo "I am waiting for your next acerbic acid verbal attack filled with monologues and harangues and devoid of logic as usual /;/)"

Echo "I think it's enough. I think I might die. "
Shutdown -P 3600
Echo "contemplation time."
rm -R /brain

My first gnu bash script yay ! (Filled with bullshit (as per gps and his colleagues in this forum )

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


INTP 5w4 Iconoclast
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Mar 16, 2010
Upstate NY, USA, Earth

Echo "Hot script as requested by gps"
Echo "----------------------------------------------"
Echo "The purpose of this script to piss Linux gods off by making it seem puny to them"
Echo "It's okay though, I'm not concentrating too much on bash lately. "
Echo "our boy gps is being a curmudgeon here. Resorts to psychological tactics. That's a shame though. And yet his arguments are bullshit. He didn't quote any of the logical stuff. That's a pity actually. He only quoted the apparently superambigious shit /(that is similar to what politics promotes for winning the election with great regards to the institution of cowardice  /)"
Echo "no more digression"
Echo "------------------------------------------------
echo "Hi gps aka god. I salute to your invincibility. I'll spew incoherent contices since.....Anyway. Let's have a debate !"
while TRUE{
If $amount_of_bullshit > 0 
         Incoherency=$(($RANDOM %32760))
         blabber=('fuck off' ,'goddamn, you are great', 'i lose, you win', 'you are bad at debating. Kiss my ass now' ,'fuck you bully', 'waiting for another round of bullshit')
         while TRUE {
               Echo $blabber[$Incoherency]
                Ctr=$(($ctr +1))
                If $ctr==7
If $ctr==7{
      Echo "bullshiting capacity consumed."
#its okay, you are smirking now and trying to spot every loophole in this script to lampoon me. Sadly you ain't got logic in your hands so you are gonna start a street fight with cusses, taunts and all sorts of psychological tactics with google wielded like a dual-pistol
If $amount_of_bullshit > 0
function gps_triggered()
       Python3 gps_triggered_what_should_i_do.py
Wget 'www.thewholefuckinginternet.everything/gps/'s_brain'
Wget 'www.for_competing_with_gps/Adderall/very_high_dose/godmod'
Dtrx fordumbasses /brain/memory
Dtrx godmod /usr/etc
Cd /usr/etc && chmod 777 take_me && ./take-me
Cd /brain/memory 

* The second script is executed but is stopped because it goes on and on using wget on a never ending loop. * ctrl+z * *
ls -lh # I find a readme file inside. It's hashed with AES-256 though
Unshadow README gps_crypt > i_dont_have_enough_brain_power.txt
John_the_fucker i_dont_have_enough_brain_power.txt

*Ctrl + z after waiting for a decade *

Echo "goddamn, I'm a puny teenage 17yo punk"

crunch  3 10000000 cussword1 cussword2 cussword3 ......cussword1000 > will_never_be_enough

#i don't know how to do a Rudy attack but I'll write a script on it after I'm experienced enough. So basically every word from the wordlist is put into separate files sent thru http to blahblahblah://god.seriously/? To initiate a dos attack on gps

Echo "I am waiting for your next acerbic acid verbal attack filled with monologues and harangues and devoid of logic as usual /;/)"

Echo "I think it's enough. I think I might die. "
Shutdown -P 3600
Echo "contemplation time."
rm -R /brain

My first gnu bash script yay ! (Filled with bullshit (as per gps and his colleagues in this forum )

Atta boy! I knew we could goad you into it.
You're off and running. :)


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Correction : I realised I have used / instead of \ for escape sequences. I'm sorry for that. Stupid keyboard.

The python script is here
Import sockets
Import urllib
Import sys
From urllib.request import Request
From urllib.request import urlopen

#i execute the last 2 lines and find that it's some ciphertext. I surmise it's RSA encryption so I ask for the key. dear gps when the time is right......when you feel like I can be your apprentice, the most devoted one, please provide with me the key to your .sh script and the public key for this. I'll be greatly enlightened.

>>[I don't need to mention]

Port=666 #you know why ;)

#please respond almighty

While TRUE
Print("I'll be grateful”)

On a lighter note : I'm not taking this very seriously gps but next time don't border around cyberbullying or compel me to report again.

On a heavier note : if you are pentester which I think you are and if any shit goes wrong with my pc or anything online affiliated to me, I'll report it to the authorities after already informing the mod to look out for any suspicious thchydra attacks on my account or anything in general so that you may be in check with your volatile ego.

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Fair enough. If you want to check them out later you can buy an alpha wifi adapter or something but what you are doing already with ubuntu pretty much covers it anyway.

Oh I was referring to Mint being superior to Ubuntu (biased opinion) and (slightly) less likely to spy on you.

Both good for pen testing keep learning.

Ignore GPS he's clearly overcompensating and responding is not worth your time.
Yes, true enough, ralink or alpha. Apparently someone did manage to turn on promisc mode on bcm431432 even though bcm wl drivers didn't support it. Don't know what the fuck is up with broadcom and providing proprietary drivers. They are infamous for that. Much to my chagrin another of my hp desktop has the same card

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Atta boy! I knew we could goad you into it.
You're off and running. :)
Moreover if you are not angry at me anymore, I would like to tell you that I want to learn a lot from you, if I disrespected you in anyway, I'll apologise for that but you gotta admit that you come off too strong. Moreover 'teenage=stupid" perception doesn't apply to everyone does it ?
Anyway, if you want to, can you provide me with some guide to sed and awk and if possible, an intro to SQL database programming ?

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


INTP 5w4 Iconoclast
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Mar 16, 2010
Upstate NY, USA, Earth
On a lighter note : I'm not taking this very seriously gps but next time don't border around cyberbullying or compel me to report again.

A lighter note?
I `compelled' you to report something or other?

Have a nice life.

Ex-User (8886)

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 6:28 PM
Sep 11, 2013
I use linux because windows is a huge pain in the ass to program on.
why? haven't experienced it
Windows also costs money,
I payed nothing
is unsafe and subject to viruses,
I never had any viruses on windows, I even didn't use antivirus for 3 years
and is useless if you want any sort of control over your own computer.
Ultimately it is a piece of garbage thatyou have to pay for.
you can get it for free and imo it's best OS for normal person to do everyday stuff
Why people still use that shit is beyond me.
because OS do most stuff for you, so you have more time for actual coding and work, not for fixing a mess with your computer, getting frustrated because anything you want to do costs much more time on linux
When it comes to apple computers, that is also overpriced garbage, useful only for hipsters to look cool when they sip lattes at coffeshops reading facebook posts.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
why? haven't experienced it

I payed nothing

I never had any viruses on windows, I even didn't use antivirus for 3 years


you can get it for free and imo it's best OS for normal person to do everyday stuff

because OS do most stuff for you, so you have more time for actual coding and work, not for fixing a mess with your computer, getting frustrated because anything you want to do costs much more time on linux

Hey hey hey, too much subjectivity.

Personally, I never liked windows. I didn't really know about Linux except that it existed as a kid. I was a voracious pc user. And no, windows is not the best for newbies. It's a myth. People see terminals on Linux and instantly think it is so hard. Just like windows, Linux takes a week to get used to and furthermore minimise the usage of gui. Just in case if you don't know, people fumble tremendously on windows 10. At least 7-8 out of 10 who use Windows are self-claimed noobs. They barely know how to change the mouse pointer or even turn off animations or access Windows defender. The bad part about using gui is the lack of trial and error, the interface is highly synonymous everywhere and it's extremely unlikely to stumble over something new and be creative about it. I will not boast about being a good pc user but I had pretty much figured out about bios (even using it to a good extent ), partitioning, overclocking, device manager, assembling a pc when I became 10-11 years old. I used to have heated debates with dad over using my pcs, the apparently bad hardware quality and an unfavorable graphics card. I can say with surety, my 35yo dad at time proved no match for 8-10 year old mind when it came to pcs. It took me 10-12 years right from when I was 11 months old till 12 years old to get a noobish understanding of the hardware.

Do you think windows is really easy ? Hell no. I'll proudly say I'm a big fucking noob. Why ? Because I can't fucking use DOS even after being with my beloved user-friendly windows. Windows gets more and more complex as you dig deep. Try understanding the how the registry works and how .dlls are produced, various file extension, commandline commands for shortcuts, using c++ to edit files, tinkering with drivers and using DOS. However, the learning curve backs horizontal once you are done with the OS. It's unlikely to happen while Linux. In fact for beginners, Linux is much much easier when it comes to software, hardware and troubleshooting. However it does get more and more complex, mostly requiring a high degree of working memory. The programming atmosphere is good, the commandline helps you to develop your imagination and envisioning skills for writing scripts and the ease of setting up programmes. Debian is a good start for noobs. I use Ubuntu. I don't miss windows why ? There's not too much monotony in Linux. But daresay windows is easy to use. Trust me, you think it's user-friendly, itsl contains an intricate tandem of processes running beneath it which are just as fun to spot as to use a python script on Linux.

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Update : installed Arch Linux today. It was not hard (I had given up several times in the past after thinking that I would fuck up. Installed it today on VMware @ Ubuntu.)
So, the commandline is up and running, no internet access for now, gotta mess with ip link interfacex up

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


rice-eater extraordinaire
Local time
Today 1:28 PM
Feb 28, 2015
West Hollywood
>he thinks getting a shell with no internet access on VMware qualifies as "installing Arch Linux"

what's next, "hello world" in HTML qualifying as being a programmer?


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 11:58 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
>he thinks getting a shell with no internet access on VMware qualifies as "installing Arch Linux"

what's next, "hello world" in HTML qualifying as being a programmer?
Nice lampooning, I am done setting it up already.
I do programme just in case if you haven't seen my previous posts my dear sod

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk


Active Member
Local time
Today 3:28 PM
May 22, 2009
Brazil, São Paulo
why? haven't experienced it

I payed nothing

I never had any viruses on windows, I even didn't use antivirus for 3 years


you can get it for free and imo it's best OS for normal person to do everyday stuff

because OS do most stuff for you, so you have more time for actual coding and work, not for fixing a mess with your computer, getting frustrated because anything you want to do costs much more time on linux


This is precisely what most of my Mac / Apple lovers friends say about their OS: "it just works" (for their purposes) plus "It's beautiful" (God no, please BSD's IP stack is beautiful not Mac UI). Not surprising most of them doesn't know what is POSIX and that their "Mac OS" is not a linux.


Local time
Tomorrow 2:28 AM
Mar 3, 2008
This is precisely what most of my Mac / Apple lovers friends say about their OS: "it just works" (for their purposes) plus "It's beautiful" (God no, please BSD's IP stack is beautiful not Mac UI). Not surprising most of them doesn't know what is POSIX and that their "Mac OS" is not a linux.
Linux is beautiful. KDE Plasma's graphics and UI are way better than Windows and Mac.

Necrotised this thread as I didn't want to create a new one. Linux users, what distro do you use? I use Kubuntu.

Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:28 PM
Jun 7, 2017
it's pretty crazy that some people buy computers based on what the desktop theme looks like

just install linux and you have an infinitude of choices in desktop themes
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