There is a certain amount of trouble* one has is carrying out hir's happiness. New year? How long will the year remain new? You don't mean all 365 do you Duxwing**? You couldn't mean that. What cutoff do you have in mind? It's like holding a very long stick by the tip and predicting where the other end will be. You control one end ... but the other end? You have some free will over the other end but it's combined with uncontrolled randomness.Happy New Year!
Yay, happy New Year, best wishes from Edinburgh. Did you have great fireworks in your city? I and my friend climbed on huge hill in Edinburgh and watched stuff from there. Stunning and hope that new year will be stunning and productive.
Is that another way of your saying you feel harassed by me?Man BAP you're making references to mods oppressing your right to harass them again!
Scotland people were very very friendly. I was hugged over 10 times by random strangers wishing me best new year ever.It touched my Fe
I'd feel weird getting random hugs outside of the New Year celebrations![]()
Outrageous. Still working on 2014. Can't think on 2015.
2014 - the year we cure baldness.
Also, looks like the world didn't end; all that doomsday prophecy/illuminati stuff has died down I noticed.