I've liked different kinds of games over the years, for different reasons. Most memorable examples ahead:
Adventure games with well built worlds to explore (preferably large) and an intelligent story or just nice storytelling/gameplay. Includes a lot of stuff, platformers, FPS and RPGs, and even point and click scrollers. Multiplayer need not apply. No min-maxing, leveling or grinding garbage (I hate that micromanaging, forced competitive, unnecessarily complex shit). No twitching. No clichés (gives nasty look to fantasy RPGs).
Deus Ex
Legend of Zelda series
Metroid series
Chrono Trigger — Best old school RPG.
Baldur's Gate series — For that D&D RPG goodness.
Eternal Darkness — Lovecraftian horrors manipulating human history to bring about their eldritch apocalypse. What's not to like? Nice literary references and ingenious insanity system. And Best Villain Ever™. Of all the games this is the one that should have a sequel/prequel/remake (there's one stuck in development hell).
Transistor — Nice setting, artwork and combat system.
The Banner Saga — Too much on rails, but nice storytelling and mechanics.
Puzzle games, as long as they're not too predictable once you "get it" or too much about super-optimizing something, and more about clever or multiple possible solutions.
Portal — Spatial-physics puzzles and adorable evil AI? Yeah.
The Talos Principle — Moar spatial-physics puzzles and evil AI AND philosophy? Fuck Yeah.
Strategy games. Usually best with people, but being antisocial it's best to have a good single player campaign / good AI. Don't mind if they're turn-based or real time.
Risk — Best boardgame ever.
Starcraft — Loved this game so much I made my own campaign (it was terrible). Waited over a decade for the sequel.
Civilization series
Endless Legend — Another 4X, but with original fantasy/sci-fi setting and factions that play genuinely and radically different. Specially with the expansions. It's so good, if you like the genre.
World-building / Simulation games. These are dangerous time-sinks which I try hard to avoid for fear of passing their event horizons and never be able to escape.
The Sims series — Customize all the things! Disturbingly addictive for such pointless games.
Sim City series — I could listen to the soundtrack for endless hours while laying out plumbing and roads.
Action / Shooters only when there's high-polish or great gameplay. Otherwise idgaf.
Freespace 2 — Much tension. Very adrenaline. So plot-twist. Such giant lasers.
Perfect Dark — Rareware were godly on the N64. I've never liked any FPS since.
When I played the Black & White sim, I had too much fun wapping my giant tiger avatar to meanify him + tossing my terrified followers into the brazier to fuel my God powers.
I guess we all have our vices.
Ohhh Black & White! Game looked so much fun. I had a friend who had it (fucker always had all the newest games) but he was such a dick he never let us play, just let us watch him play. No wonder we dropped his ass.
I should definitely check the Tropico series and Planescape: Torment one day. But I'm trying to save up for VR...