I'd like to ask my husband to try counseling with me again. I found a therapist with a crappy website but good credentials. He has 25+ years utilizing the personality type information within his counseling which was not a consideration at all our first time around. I'm now convinced that's one of the main reasons our original counseling failed -- I don't think typical cookie cutter marriage counseling is very helpful for INTPs. This guy suggested I read "How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It" -- which sounds right up my husband's alley (and possibly every male I know).
I'm planning on seeing the counselor regardless of my husband bc I'm seeing more deep seated issues I need help with. (I know you guys don't want "help" but I do. And even though I'm certain I've grown to be more balanced, when the situation is personal, I see that I revert to unhealthy ESFJ processes all too easily.)
I've had a draft email open on my laptop for days trying to figure out the right way to ask him to join me. I've gathered a lot of information and have a much better idea of what turns you guys off or on. Almost pulled the trigger on sending the email last night but thought I'd sleep on it.
If any of you have any suggestions of how a request for counseling might be least off-putting for you and you're willing to share, it would really help a girl out.
So far I'm thinking:
--Keep it short
--Acknowledge he doesn't need "help" the way I do/want
--Suggest his coming to listen and investigate whether the counselor could be a useful source of information
--Let him know I would like to go regardless
--Give him the time & date of the appointment
--Not sure what else?
P.S. As I've stated and others on this forum have mentioned, it's possible -- even likely -- my husband has completely written us off at this point and perhaps nothing will convince him otherwise. If so, I will need to face that reality. Not quite ready to give up yet.