Yeah, I can't figure out my brother.
Towards Me:
Yeah.. I will try to add on more but at least for now I still can't figure him out.
The categorizing is debatable but please don't get too much into it because obviously there is no fine line between how he acts towards me and what I see he acts as in general.
- A short fuse.
- Hot temper.
- Achievement and praise orientated.
- Aggressive.
- Looses temper at change.
- Very concerned about health. (there is a word I can't remember)
- Needs peoples attention. (he can't sit by himself and be happy)
- Touchy sometimes.
- Prefers public transport. (started learning driving late, knows how, but doesn't appeal)
- Quite cunning in certain aspects with his social interactive often has a underlying goal.
- Hates to have fun I guess? No sense of danger or adventure.
- Disregards: exercise, fashion, grooming( has a big beard). (more than me)
- He still wears formal pants and shirt.
- Attempts to have traits of what he perceives as intelligent traits. (Classical Music, stay for work during New Years at midnight, figures out ways of studying better, attempts to work and study at the same time)
- When frustrated will give up easily.
Towards Me:
- Doesn't understand my jokes.
- I often find him fooling around with his Nokia E72. (Like a blackberry)
- Full of ideas and will initiate with social ones only. (He wants to great a python program but obviously it requires alone time and that means no go)
- Loves donating.
- Obsessed with certain nutritions, medication, and buys supplements. (a lot)
- Obsessed with authority. (Resident Evil's Hive: underground corporation,loud shoes)
- Condescending and 'putting-down' towards me when he is angry at me.
- Frustrated at my introverted and soft nature towards strangers especially at work.
- Acts immaturely if caught with being unjust or wrong in any nature.
- Obsessively buys keyboards and pens.
- Quick to telling someone else what to do.
Yeah.. I will try to add on more but at least for now I still can't figure him out.
The categorizing is debatable but please don't get too much into it because obviously there is no fine line between how he acts towards me and what I see he acts as in general.