My libido is usually low (as far as having an inner voice which tells me to get laid). I masturbate daily, perhaps 7-10 times a week. My sexuality is neither a significant source of pleasure for me nor a significant source of stress or preoccupation. It's just there. I see it as a constant want that seeks to be satisfied, like a smoker needing to get in at least X cigarettes per day.
Flirting and being in relationships gives me a great deal of anxiety but not very much additional pleasure (when compared to being alone in that sense). Of course I enjoy the physical sensations themselves: kissing, hugging, making out, sexual intercourse; but after thinking about it I find reading, playing computer games or folding origami to be just about as satisfying but a lot less stressful. I do not like pornography.
Much like Lot, I believe my life would be more satisfactory if I were completely asexual, or at the very least I'm open to entertaining the thought, much to the dismay of almost everyone who has heard me say so.