@Zero: You're more understood than you think. I'll try to provide references, ok? I'll also try to be somewhat systematic, just don't ask for miracles, I'm a P.
Everybody else, bear with me.
My personal experience with gender issues
a) Early contacts
My first contact with feminist literature was with a magazine called
Fem, directed by
Alaíde Foppa. I was too young (7, 8 yrs old?) to retain much, but there was a tale in which a feminist author helped her maid have an abortion, or had to take her to the hospital after an abortion, and she had to face the fact that she "could be" a feminist because she had the means to dwell in theory, unlike others who just died like flies.
My mother grew up in an all girls community and didn't know there were things women weren't supposed to do, like discuss politics and lead. Back in the 70s she bought the idea that marriage partners were equals and tried to manage the house as a democracy. My father and brother did laundry, cleaned floors, cooked, washed dishes, etc., and it was seen as perfectly normal. There were tasks to do, people to do them, and that was it.
There were a couple of men only domains: power tools and cars. This happened only because my mother was too busy to do house repairs and fix the cars. When she stopped being so busy she got into it. She turned out to be very efficient at it. My after-all-not-so-enlightened- father hasn't quite forgiven her.
b) Context
My classmates and friends households were not like mine. They thought that having their father do the dishes once a week was the peak of openmindedness. Girls played with dolls and watched soap operas. Boys played sports and got in fights. I hated this. Even in coed schools girls and boys kept to themselves. Not me. The teachers didn't always understand.
I was happy with my sex but not with my assigned gender. I didn't want to be part of the other gender either. I just wanted to be me. I'm thinking that being hard to classify might have gotten me some enemies, including people who thought I was -or should be interested in them in a sexual manner because they couldn't understand friendliness if it came from opposite sex people. Come to think about it, some gay folks were also annoyed because with the way I acted I just "had to be gay". Not very clear in their concepts, were they?
c) Theoretical outlook
I read about the difference of gender and sex, as described in Diamond's essay, while reading the Triple Jornada and Letra S (probably back in 96, 97). I use it because it works for me. I read about it again in one of the editions of Samovar and Porter's intercultural communication reader, though I seem to remember it was more limited in scope.
This also is the approach I prefer because it is leading to much needed changes in legislation.
d) Recap
My parents were both providers and nurturers, even if my father was a sometimes sucky nurturer. I'm 25 and if I don't marry in the next 5 years society will consider me defective. When I talk about it, my mother asumes I'll also fill both roles. Frankly, I don't look forward to it.
These essays are in Spanish. I could provide a rough translation for Zero. PM if you're interested, will you?
Moreno, Hortensia (2000).
Sexismo incluyente o los caballeros no las prefieren rubias. Letra S. [URL: http://www.letraese.org.mx/feminidad.htm]
Kaufman, Michael (2000).
Cómo se construye un hombre. Letra S. [URL: http://www.letraese.org.mx/construye.htm]
Brito, Alejandro (2002).
Masculinidad. Letra S. [URL: http://www.letraese.org.mx/masculinidad.htm]
García Aguilar, M. (2004).
Mujeres y la apropiación de su cuerpo. Letra S. [URL: http://www.letraese.org.mx/mujeres.htm]
Extra reference here: http://www.letraese.org.mx/docgenero.htm