What Matthew said. What Taniwha said.
I had blind, stupid luck preventing two suicides when I was much, much younger, a teenager. It was with friends who were something close, at least, to what we now call INTP. I told one he if killed himself he wouldn't be around to see how it all turned out. That rang a chime. The other one, I pointed out that if he now felt bad enough to kill himself, the odds were good he'd feel better tomorrow, because killing yourself seemed like a natural low benchmark. That, also, rang a bell. 40 or so years later, they're still around, and naturally we never talk about that dark moment. But I got very lucky. Had they been some other personality type, I could have pushed a button that told them I had no idea what they were going through and moved them closer to the decision to jump off the ship.
Remember, we had virtually nothing in the way of useful counseling when I was younger. It never occurred to me to get adult help because I was convinced anyone authorized to dispense it would just hand out platitudes that would probably make me suicidal even if I wasn't to start with. So I didn't take my friends to get help. When someone else overdosed on alcohol, we took them to the hospital, that was a viable solution. But this was the dark ages, if you let it out you were suicidal you got a truckload of guff and were essentially told to "man up" or something, and got a lot of judgmental crap poured on your already weakened psyche.
NOW, I think things are radically different, a lot of people recognize this is a real problem with identifiable causes and workable solutions, so if you are glumming out big time, GET COUNSELING! You're not going to be treated like a freak. You will be taken seriously and treated with compassion and empath, which could make you feel awkward and spotlighted, but I say that's better than dead. You probably need to lay out the INTP thing for whoever you reach out to, so they don't shoot at the wrong target, but intelligent, practical, useful people are out there ready and willing to HELP you. And since you are an INTP, and not good with dealing with feelings, and feelings are what's on the table, yeah, find someone who can relate and put them to work bolstering your weakest aspect, feelings. Accept help. There aren't enough INTPs in the world, we can't afford to lose any or the forum will shrivel.
I was never suicidal, but I freely admit I'd have had a better life and be happier right now had there been anyone at all available to normalize some of the crap we INTPs go through before we find out we aren't broken, we're actually pretty damned special.
I must be serious because I'm using capital letters, plus I'm an old guy, so please take this seriously. I don't buy the "Well, if you think it through logically, sometimes some people are so miserable being dead is good." For an INTP, it's just a total waste of the kind of potential that could make the world a more interesting place.
Besides, do you really want others to go through what you're going through, trying to come to grips with YOUR death?