It's not nonsensical, it just relies on the information that you have viewed differently. It can be incorrect, but not senseless, I suggest that you focus your confidence in your own interpretations and your apparent area of expertise.
Why would the dream unequivocally state so? And why would everything about this dream be remembered and/or included in this post?
These are the questions I don't expect an answer for, I am interested in the interpretations and not in the interpretations of interpretations.
But this isn't about you. it is about the OP and his dream, that is important enough for him to share it. Which is quite personal in fact, giving a view of a very personal message. Basically what he did is throw an unopened love letter in a group of strangers and ask them to open it and read it and give their view. And the message is unknown.
The information given can by default only be understood truly by the dreamer. Most people don't know how to go about dream interpretation. That is why there are many books with standardized explanations of symbols. It is the last place you ever want to look. They are nonsense. That is not how dreams work.
Dreams are messages that are intended to be used to reflect upon the self and the situation one is in. The subconscious is childish in nature. It will not fool about being duplicitous. It may grab unhandy images and be very abstract at times, but that is how the human psyche works.
No man. I am sure the OP doesn't remember everything or left out details that seemed insigificant. But in a dream nothing is insignificant. E.g. the fact he is taken up in the air, you think his subconscious just shows that for fun?
I see a dream interpretation that does not address that issue, I see it as incomplete. A single image or situation or feeling can totally turn the meaning around.
Most dreams that are shared this way often miss crucial aspects and therefore any dream interpretation is a stab in the dark. But you work with what you have and what you remember. And then you can still get close to an answer, or at least isolate a more narrow range of possibilities.
And then you will have more dreams. The nest thing to do is keep a journal. And teach yourself to wake up slowly, so you can rehash the dream many times before you finally get out of bed. You retain more, but also, you will still lose much, because it is like taking a hand of sand on a beach and pour it in the other hand, a little bit of sand is lost, the longer you repeat the dream, you still will lose bits.
But dream interpretation is a really cool process. And I love to help people with it because frankly, I am good at it. But I would never impose any interpretations. My role is rather to help people and guide them through it so they can understand more about dreams and so come to their own conclusions. And from there on, maybe learn a bit to understand the next dream better. And then at some point they will be able to do it all on their own.
Dreams are such a fantastic tool we have as humans on Earth, yet we rarely use it, me included.
But again, every detail of the dream can be important. In some cases it emphasizes, the greyish 'feel' described here e.g. I find significant because to me it sets an overall impression. It is setting the stage, if you like, because he might have dreams that are very vivid in nature as well, where everything is bright as day. Dreams often repeat things, so that they re-enforce the meaning. Greyish flesh, grey overall 'tone', these are re-enforcing images that cry out to me because obviously they are that important that the subconscious wants to make sure he gets it.
There is a lot in the associative feelings that accompany the dream afterwards. E,g, the notion of marble. Have you seen marble?
You cannot just overlook this. E.g. marble is stone, it re-enforces the stony essence of the angel. But it also has these structures in it, like veins. Bodies have veins... The veins might mean in this case the body is real. A stone yet real body. How would you interpret that?
What about this: a marble is also a round ball children use to play a game with. A marble is also a word that is associated with brains. 'Have you lost your marbles?' If this angel has a marble or stone body, how does that slant the dream interpretation?
It is not that easy mister. Dreams are incredibly rich! They are the densest messages I know of. They are compressed bursts of information. It is one of the most awesome and inspiring parts we as humans can experience.