This suddenly happened to the page, not sure if it is just me or the forum
What exactly are we looking for ?
Eh? I use chrome (sometimes windows sometimes linux) and I've never had this problem and don't have it now.
Did a reboot settle it?
the massive white taking up 1/2 the space of the window
Ogion said:It's Google!!111!11! It'S da evulz anyway!!11!1
Oh, weird... I just thought you had cropped the black forum and the rest was the image-viewer...
Possibly just a resizing glitch; still, as you were using Safari according to those neat little newly installed icons beneath your avatar, all talk of Chrome is beside the issue.
According to dark rumours, Google is impeding the loading time of their own pages to Firefox users in an attempt to push Chrome. I'm doubtful since Chrome is not even available for Linux...