Nice to see that I can post on this thread.
Was not aware of this until the other day.
For those of you who are not aware:
I joined in 2011. Soon got fed up. Felt like either I couldn't really contribute to discussions, or they were oriented in a way that made me feel excluded. Contributed to a few threads. Found out soon enough that I would get insulted.
Kormak was quite acerbic to me. But surprisingly, he was actually quite a jolly fellow to talk to. Quite enjoyed our little debates. Even came here repeatedly hoping to engage with him.
Then I saw all this about Kormak and got quite despondent. thought it was going to be back to the Dark Ages for me here.
So herein lies my problem....
Users here are subject to sensitive moderators with short fuses who have dictator-level authority over who is allowed to say what, when, based on their personal feelings.
The rules aren’t universal and they’re not objective. They seem to exist to be used against certain people.
What seems to be the underlying message here - ie: people should be censored, I don’t care about justice, freedom of speech doesn’t matter - is that if someone here has a philosophy that a moderator finds offensive, that person can will be banned the moment they slip up. And of course, they’re going to slip up - because nobody polices these forums in general, and saying things that are a bit extreme isn’t an uncommon thing. Nor has it ever really seemed to be an issue - at least since I’ve been here - because we’re all mature adults that are capable of handling a little bit of online unpleasantness.
That’s why this community isn’t really a safe place to be. It’s become something very similar to the extremist liberal culture
- Rules are black and white but selectively applied to people we don’t like.
- If you don’t agree with our philosophy, you shouldn’t be allowed to speak.
- If you don’t submit to our doctrine, we’ll banish you from the community.
I have a proposal as a solution. I don't care if you think it's rubbish. Just hear me out, because maybe it might solve the problems that I see:
The big problem I see with banning and the like, is the seeming unfairness of it. I've had temporary bans before on other sites which I thought was unfair. But then, maybe I was wrong.
Also, bans didn't really educate me on how to navigate posting without getting banned, which left me very uncertain about if something else I said might get me banned in the future, which in turn made me hold back a lot from posting.
I've been in this very situation in group therapy before.
However, in group, the therapist then turned to the group and let them give their opinion of me. Boy, was it an eye-opener. Turned out the therapist was going easy on me. Hearing my fellow group members say what they thought, made me realise that this wasn't just the opinion of one person in authority who might be abusing his power. This was the opinion of lots of people, all sorts of people, several of whom I had chatted to outside of group and had developed respect for.
Moreover, that gave me the opportunity to apologise to the group, and ask them how I could do better. Instead of getting just my therapist's idea of how I could change, I got his opinion, and 10 other people's solutions, which made it MUCH easier for me to find something that would work for me and everyone else, not just in the group, but also IRL.
So, here's my suggestion:
What if, when a ban or other punishment needs to take place, the ban is still put in place, but a thread is made specifically so that the mod can explain WHY the ban happened?
Then other posters can see the reason for the ban. If it's reasonable, then the entire community will support it. Then the poster being banned can see that 50 posters support and agree with the ban, and even post there to explain their views. Then he/she knows that it's not just the mod who thinks the poster deserved the ban.
If the community thinks thta the ban is unfair, then the entire community can post that it's an unreasonable ban and should be removed. Still up to the mods and the admin. But at least if they have 50 posters all saying that the ban is unreasonable, they're in a position to see that.
Maybe we could have a poll as well, to show numbers for and against.
Another option is to use a poll that lists usernames, so the poster can see that even his friends here support the ban. Likewise, the mod can also see if even the posters he/she respects that most, are against the ban.
Maybe the poster who gets banned might feel embarrassed? Then maybe the poster who gets banned has the right to refuse to make the thread public. But in that case, the poster must accept the decision of the mods without question, and everyone else should do the same. Fair is fair.
What about deleted posts? I suggest that we could do something similar with deleted posts. Maybe we could have a thread just about deleted threads. But surely that might mean that the offensive posts remain? Well, they could be on a time limit. Say, we could have a thread for posts that were deleted that week or that month. After the waiting period, the thread gets deleted. That gives time for anyone to complain, and for other posters to state approval.
Anything less than a week old gets bumped into the next week's thread.
Remember, this isn't there to undermine the authority of the mods. This is just an idea so that everyone gets a fair hearing, and so we get the rest of the community to show what we all think, so the mods and the posters get to realise who is in the right and who is out of order.
What does everyone think?