Very interesting site.
Thank you ^^
Thank you ^^
And if you're worried about craving burgers for the rest of your life, don't worry--your taste buds change very quickly. I used to be a junk food addict, too, but figured it was stupid to endanger my health for something that temporary and started eating better. In about a week, my junk food cravings were gone. So there's a hump, but it's not very big.
I have a theory that it isn't so much the taste buds that create the cravings. I this it's mostly habit. Humans are very habit oriented creatures. Some smokers I know even talk about how it's not that they really crave the nicotine anymore but that they crave the habit and ritual of smoking. I think it's the same with a lot of junk food. You have to come up with something else that fills the habit you have for junk food.
And where does fructose hit ?
What is fructose metabolized into ?
It hits your liver, and is metabolized there into; FAT.
Which means that unless you're a very healthy person, and unless you limit the daily intake of fructose to somewhere below 50-60 grams you'll have an increased risk of heart-attack due to the high levels of triglycerides in your blood stream, which are directly caused by fructose-intake.
In Denmark, during World War II, due to a food crisis, many domestic animals were slaughtered and their grain rations fed to humans. Consumption of white bread was stopped, and replaced by a bread made from a wholemeal of 67% rye, 21% oats, and 12% bran, called Kleiebrot. Consequently, the death rate fell to the lowest level ever registered in Europe. There were significant declines in the incidence of high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney problems, diabetes, and cancer, and there were no cases of digestive troubles (Marine & Van Allen, 1972; Day, 1966).
You are right. I shouldnt have said anything about fructose. But you over-complicate things now even more here for the average joe.
Your fructose story is true, but it doesnt apply when on low carbs (i suggested fructose is OK IF ON LOW CARBS).
Then all of a sudden you turn it around and talk as if we are adding thousands of grams of fructose to an already high carb diet, YES THEN YOU WILL PROBABLY GET FAT IN THE LIVER. But that is an extreme case all the way on the other side of what i suggested.
As long as you dont touch that "high-fructose corn syrup (which is half glucose after digestion btw)" stuff, and only eat 2 fruits a day, then how can fructose be bad? it will just replensh liver glycogen. (and you can always fill it up a bit when on low carbs.
Browning is caused by the food oxidising.Energy comes in many forms. Thermal energy is specifically increasing the energy available to the atoms of the protein molecules, which respond by folding upon themselves, physically represented at the macro level as the browning you see. Microwaves don't elicit this same reaction.
In theory microwaves denature food less. They only heat it up to cooking temperatures for a very short time.This is also why I mentioned in my guidelines that heat destroys food, so food should be cooked quickly and gently, as little as possible to still be tasty.
Water isn't part of long molecular chains. It isn't trapped except in the way a sponge holds water.You don't see much steam coming off of meat, btw. Most of the water is still there. Check the inside temperature of your meat--at medium rare for steak, it's not at boiling point in the center. Regardless, water will doubtless respond differently when it's part of a larger molecular chain, probably much more stable and less prone to violent splitting as in boiling--though that's conjecture, I'm no chemistry expert, so don't quote me on that verbatim.
Last time I checked, power lines don't emit microwaves.Microwaves from high energy power cables are also recognized to produce negative effects. There are studies demonstrating huge increases in lukemia rates in communities close to those power lines, and laws in the US require that beyond certain voltage/wattage levels, the lines have to be much higher in the air, and further away from communities.
It's probably true. If the water was distilled or filtered, it doesn't boil when you heat it and becomes superheated, when you add something like coffee or sugar it will boil instantly.I would ignore the lady who talks about water fizzing with instant coffee, however.
The problem is that microwave heating is very hard to control. You can't just heat up a bottle of blood to 37C, you get instantaneous hot spots, and these can be very hot. This is also the reason it kills animals without getting very hot overall.I'm telling you this: blood for transfusions is stored cold to preserve it. Before the transfusion, it is warmed to internal body temperature. If you do that warming in a microwave, you'll kill the person. There is a case where this happened, but the case is unclear, so I'll leave that one as anecdotal. At the same time, hospitals do forbid using microwaves for any warming other than food, and I doubt you would want your blood heated in a microwave and then put back into you
If I'm not mistaken (and I very well may be) ionization isn't the correct term here--or, at least, you are right, and I wouldn't suggest that a microwave can actually ionize something, merely scatter things around. (Fragmentation here, no?)
Obviously it is not a complete process, either, as some nutrients do remain--I'm worried about what's going on with the ones that don't. I guess something like having your brains addled--most of it can still be intact and it be completely (effectively) destroyed.
Hydrolysis doesn't apply here, as that requires the specific application of electricity, no? And again, I'm not talking about perfect or complete disassociation of the molecule, just overall changes.
I can't comment on your math, as its far over my head and you didn't explain the variables anyways... If you are claiming they use frequencies that aren't affecting water molecules, how are you proposing microwaves cause heating? /do you have a source?
Water boils at 100C. It doesn't "break apart".Water molecules start breaking apart when you boil them, and that is a much lower temperature than 2000 degress. I don't know what you're talking about. Perhaps the destruction of the atomic elements? Which is not what I was claiming...
The hot spots can damage cells enough to kill you, but the changes are no different to what occurs during normal cooking.Further, I've already pointed out that there's reason to believe there's something beyond straightforward heating (as found in convection ovens) going on, so I'm not claiming that temperatures are what is denaturing the food. If that's all there was too it, I would be much less worried about microwaves, though I would still find the tastes, smells, and textures they produce unsatisfactory.
Power lines emit radiation, but they emit radiation at frequencies lower than microwaves.When was the last time you checked in power lines? Back before Heinrich Hertz, perchance? They emit electromagnetic radiation. This point only makes clear that your entire post is a bunch of off-the-top-of-your-head conjecture, and it's not even educated conjecture. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_radiation_and_health#cite_ref-36, and check the point referenced, as well as the section surrounding. Even WHO has acknowledged the likely correlation, and they're not the only ones. In that specific section, you will see the exact proposals to move new power lines away from communities and not build residential buildings within 200ft of these lines.
Humans need a mix of chemicals, how they are ordered is meaningless. The only way microwaves could adversely affect our food would be if it causes specific chemical changes that would not normally occur due to heating alone.Organic matter doesn't take that well. It's delicately composed, highly complex stuff that our body is consuming. It doesn't take well to huge doses of chaotic energy--honestly, intuition is bringing up the second law of thermodynamics here and noticing that we need food that is ordered in a very complex way, and that extra energy will introduce chaos into the system. And eating chaos is not good for us.
If you want more detail, browning isn't due to complete oxidisation. Hydrogen and other elements get burnt away from proteins and carbohydrates, but the temperature isn't high enough to burn away the carbon, hence you get black carbon, which is smaller amounts appears brown.Actually, further problem with your oxidizing statement: if you set a piece of meat on an extremely hot grill for a couple of seconds, you can immediately brown it--this argues against the notion that time heating + oxygen = browning, as grilling will brown it in even less time.
I also replace sugar in my coffee with inulin fiber, which both adds a slight sweet taste and acts as a soluble fiber and prebiotic (1).
Jah (or anyone), do you know what this is in Norwegian, exactly. I mean, is it like suketter?
no, not like those. Suketter are made from synthetic sweeteners (Sakkarin and Cyklamat)
Inulin, or in Norwegian; Inulin.
It's a polysaccharide made from fructose rather than glucose, so it's very much an alternative to starch in some plants.
Slightly sweet, natural, and in my opinion probably overrated.
For a stronger, natural sweetener look at the plant named Stevia.
I think you can buy it powdered in health-food shops here in Norway, and it's very very strong so it'll last you forever.
Learn to live without so much sweetening, and get back some of your ability to taste:
Both of these are great for the core muscles. I know more about strength exercises then I ever thought I would. Damn.
That book has looked like all hype to me, like his other book. The reviews do not impress when read critically. He has a fan base who are all just crazy about his stuff because he feeds their unrealistic dreams, but only a tiny fraction of those who read his book ever become financially independent.
He has a shitty product, too, btw. He's one of the scourge that offer shit via massive over-advertising on the web and makes a living off it.