Invisible Jellyfish
Lunaria Rediviva in garden of Matthiola Incana
Well, a friend of mine is an INTP and he is also male, so I just git courios (for sone reason I forgot how to spell that word) about how INTP type flirts.
I would think it's very-indirect, observant, never pushing, always listening, we'd see our flirting as giving you our time and overall direct attention, something we value above just about most other things in life.
I would run with all my muscles! Away from you.I declare my love for the person Romeo and Juliet style.
After, you know, taking his cues...
Flirting is a lot of fun. When I feel comfortable with it, I am quite the outrageous ditz. I completely disagree with the notion that you need to make people think about sex, I find that type of flirtation very... base? Maybe if I was 17? Sexual innuendo is everywhere, it just feels so fucking common and premeditated/motivated.
Wit and compliments, plus the sly grin. I happen to have adjusted my ways around the fact that I look good, long before I realized I look good.
Flirting is a lot of fun. When I feel comfortable with it, I am quite the outrageous ditz. I completely disagree with the notion that you need to make people think about sex, I find that type of flirtation very... base? Maybe if I was 17? Sexual innuendo is everywhere, it just feels so fucking common and premeditated/motivated.
I would run with all my muscles! Away from you.
Yes well that's the difference between "flirting" and "charming".Not necessarily making them associate you with sex, since that could get creepy if your tone or manner is off.
Well one can be very subtle about it, flirting doesn't have to be obviously about sex but it is about expressing an unusual degree of interest, y'know enough to make them think "is this person coming on to me?" for example it could be as simple as:I completely disagree with the notion that you need to make people think about sex, I find that type of flirtation very... base? Maybe if I was 17? Sexual innuendo is everywhere, it just feels so fucking common and premeditated/motivated.
I don't see it as flirting, just passively building attraction...
Kind of like the emotional version of dragging your feet across the carpet?
That results in a negative charge.Kind of like the emotional version of dragging your feet across the carpet?
Probably means we aren't compatible. >.>
Seriously though, creating attraction with women is simple, all you need is high social value/status, be the one in the group everyone admires, looks to for answers etc, and they will naturally gravitate to you (theres a little more to it of course)... Which isnt always simple though... Then talking/hitting on them comes naturally. Am I wrong?
What makes you think that aside from the vapid and shallow, women will just naturally gravitate towards someone of high social value and status that everyone admires?
Pretty sure there's plenty of people who value and are attracted to a lot more than just someone who is popular - which might even be a turn-off to a lot of people.
Mostly it means you're strategy is creepy.
This process is called countersignaling, and one can find its telltale patterns in many walks of life. Those who study human romantic attraction warn men not to "come on too strong" [...] A total loser might come up to a woman without a hint of romance, promise her nothing, and demand sex. A more sophisticated man might buy roses for a woman, write her love poetry, hover on her every wish, et cetera; this signifies that he is not a total loser. But the most desirable men may deliberately avoid doing nice things for women in an attempt to signal they are so high status that they don't need to. The average man tries to differentiate himself from the total loser by being nice; the extremely attractive man tries to differentiate himself from the average man by not being especially nice.
Pretty sure there's plenty of people who value and are attracted to a lot more than just someone who is popular - which might even be a turn-off to a lot of people.
You know, I understand the passivity. I used to have a female friend who would literally dance naked on me in attempt to seduce me... the entire time I thought we were just playing sexy games, I was oblivious to the fact she wanted more than just sexy-friend. I'm now older, more experienced, and far less naive, and I look back on that wishing I could take advantage of the situation with my now-brain. She was wrapped around my finger and I never even realized it until she had given up.
The young will make their mistakes. How better to learn?
^When she did this, did you respond? Didn't you take advantage of it and actually do something?
It's pretty complicated. She knows that I'm interested, but I'm not sure she knows specifically that the non-verbal stuff is what works with me. She gets kind of grumpy when she uses her roommate to give me comments and I don't respond, she feels rejected. The problem is: when I analyze it, I decide not to make the first move. She has a lot of emotional baggage and she has proven to be insecure. She gets mad when I talk about other women or compliment another woman (it's like her self-esteem depends on my approval of her). I suspect that her sexual interest in me may partly be the result of her not dealing with her baggage properly (she doesn't see a therapist but I think she needs to), so I don't want to be the one to ruin our friendship if afterwards it gets awkward between us. I'm already passive enough that I don't make the first move OR flirt first with women who don't have baggage, so with a woman that does have baggage, I'm even less likely than usual to initiate something.She probably changed her method because she was exasperated that she was being so obvious (in her mind) about her attraction and you didn't do anything. Does she even know you loved it when she did that stuff?
I only ask because you said you were turned off by the next thing she did, which I can't figure out why she would resort to that when you say you were so responsive to her already.
I just need to find a way to communicate to her that the non-verbal stuff is what works, but I'm not socially-savvy enough to think of a subtle way to do this that isn't confrontational (she HATES when I'm too direct and can get mad at me easily if she feels like she's put on the spot; like I said there's something insecure about her).