Honestly, aside from glimmers of verisimilitude from Dario Nardi and Personality Junkie, this is the first Ni description that really resonated with me...that's what Ni is...
Ni-dominance focuses on what remains after you strip down everything to its bare-bone essentials, minus culture, tradition, religious influence, regional differences, etc. and uses this focus to create a definite map of how to reach certain Je-based goals.
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Today 09:07 AMsnafupants
Also, the below is how I usually operate. It's really accurate.
Ni-dominance has very little to do with intellect, or the spiritual, or the supernatural - it has to do with rejecting everything around you in order to create a completely insular view of reality that you form by finding certain patterns in how the world works.
I really hate getting bogged down in particulars. Epictetus' and Plato's discussion of universals and particulars factors into this...
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Today 09:06 AMsnafupants
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The above article sealed the deal on Ni-dom and INTJ. Haha, I completely commit the Ni-doorslam when someone's utility runs out. I wasn't sure before whether that demonstrated Ne or Ni more...and I definitely favor the latter here...
Fe/Ti: Everyone should have equal social position, but internally be more or less efficient at their individual talents.
Te/Fi: Everyone should have the social position they deserve based on objective testing/criteria, but internally be at peace with themselves and their worth.