swearing is serious, scientific business. after collecting data (lots and lots of data) and subjecting it to further analysis (after collecting more data) we now know that the words "shit" and "cunt" are filtered, but if you combine it with other words like "shithead" and "cuntlicker" they can get through the filter.
for some reason the word "pussy" is allowed.
now, the word "cum" is not allowed, even when combined with another word like "cumsucker".
the word "bitch" is filtered differently, appearing as "b***h" instead of the jumble of symbols that replace all of the other swear words.
"damn" is now allowed, but "hell" is.
"cock" is not allowed.
using the lords name, even in vain, is allowable.
in conclusion, further testing will be necessary.
if anyone else has anything to add, i may have missed something.