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final straw

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Ex-User (14663)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:19 PM
Jun 7, 2017
So, yesterday I did something I've done only once before on this forum, which was to report a post.

You might know whom I'm talking about but this member openly posted calls to violence against certain groups, spammed the forum with various vitriol, and wrote things that could have been interpreted as targeting me specifically too.

Not only was my reporting rejected but the mod in question wrote "sure is funny getting this from you".

Have I ever insinuated on this forum that violent action should be taken against someone? Nope, I would never do that. We all know this but on this forum, if you have the "correct" political views you can do pretty much as you please, including threatening people.

To mods: please delete my account.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 5:19 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
that sucks
I wished to once again debate A.I. with you

Deleted member 1424

You fight with a lot of people and the particular post you cited as so offensive to your sensibilities was just a song. Sorry I find things funny. It's a severe personality flaw.

Either way, as I told you, I had already spoken to him and warned him. He hasn't posted since that flurry on Friday that was in the span of a few hours. Hence, the rejection. It was already being addressed and was relatively old news. Lots of people here have had weird posting episodes that resolve. I'm gonna give you a few hours to change your mind.

If not, sayonara.


yo vengo para lo mío
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Sep 11, 2016
@Serac Is there other place / forum you frequent? Your antics are last thing making me check up intpf.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 16, 2011
i cant figure out what the correct view is in this place, because our admin seems alt right but we have or had mods who appeared socialist. i dont even know adaire. i often felt like this is secretly an intj forum, except the fools who post here, who are all sorts of types, think it's really okay to post here, because they don't know they are being monitored and judged by disagreeable masterminds. anyhow, i find shitposters even more offensive than ppl who have philosophically disagreeable (narcissistic/nihilist) political ideas. I always feel like posting here is a dumb idea and i dont belong here but the interesting subjects draw me in, somehow.


Blessed are the hearts that can bend
Local time
Today 12:19 PM
Oct 6, 2019
"sure is funny getting this from you"

I actually predicted this exact response would happen if I was to report it. Not that I wanted to report him but I was actually looking to block him, and if I mentioned it I'd imagine I'd get the same response.

The response is childish, it shows that you're actually just looking to trump serac because he's outspoken. So when you banned others you cited virtue, but when others criticized that virtue you never reverted your change. Yet, when Serac had reported a problem which should clearly align with your policy of not tolerating intolerance, you don't fulfill it because he criticised you in another situation. Unpartisan approach, now tell me that isn't Power dynamics.


Blessed are the hearts that can bend
Local time
Today 12:19 PM
Oct 6, 2019
Perhaps it's for the best, not that I don't respect you as a person. Like John Smart's Transcension hypothesis where all extraterrestrial life converges to a more prosperous solar system, maybe you will converge in a more prosperous domain.


Local time
Today 8:19 PM
Dec 11, 2019
: (

The Grey Man

το φως εν τη σκοτια φαινει
Local time
Today 7:19 AM
Oct 6, 2014
I don't agree with you on the important things, but I see you as one of the few sane people on this forum. If you're going because you don't think the staff values you, I'm going too. I'm sick of their attitude. Conversation here is a crapshoot anyway; I have more to gain by reading literature and seeking out people who actually share my aims, i.e., articulating an intelligible general theory of nature and the human spirit.

The mods: please delete my account.


What would Feynman do?
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 31, 2019
If Serac and Grey Man leave, I am quickly running out of reasons to come here. I'd be leaving, too.

Alternatively, the large mass of people who have lost faith in the staff could write an appeal to Ragnar. We could work a letter out together, and all voice our support in PMs. I think redbaron and Adaire should be made normal members, and a more even-tempered (and active) member become mod.


Blessed are the hearts that can bend
Local time
Today 12:19 PM
Oct 6, 2019
I find @Adaire and @redbaron pathetic. They joke about everything then when a certain political element plays out they take the moral high-ground. All the jokes are one-line mockeries and character assassinations. In every joke there is an element of truth, and in pretty much every joke they make it involves a caricature of the person they're talking to.

Serac's been here for 3 years and when he makes a post about a moderators immaturity, saying he's leaving a result Adaire justifies herself by making a joke about it:
You fight with a lot of people and the particular post you cited as so offensive to your sensibilities was just a song. Sorry I find things funny. It's a severe personality flaw.

No respect shown at all. You should rephrase the highlighted above to "Sorry I have an immature temperament. It's a severe personality flaw".


Blessed are the hearts that can bend
Local time
Today 12:19 PM
Oct 6, 2019
I've never had a proper discussion with either of these moderators, nor have they with me. It's just one-line jokes, caricatures of myself or others parsed off as humour and then the rest is filled with politics. I've never made a mockery of their points, but then again that's precisely the point: They don't seem to want to discuss anything. It's like they sit down with a few beers, come on occasionally when they're bored and mock someone's point by either generalising it, ridiculing it or character assassination.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Today 6:19 AM
Jun 13, 2019
Adios compadres. Will pour one out for you, wish you the best on your en devours, you will be missed.

I will only characterize the situation as, a damn shame, when considering the 'sum' of what has been 'traded' here. For the alleged cause of understanding inclusivity (which I do support) we now have active members jumping ship. I'm no expert on decision trees, but I'm just saying that this ain't it chief. Someone needs to hire an HR rep or something. Even without being in direct opposition I can scrutinize consistency. Some lost soul can call for violent Marxist revolution but when Marbles implies someone be mutilated with scissors everybody goes crazy.

I don't see why they (serac & GM) stuck around so long if this sorta thing would make them leave. Now I'm just stuck here with feelings of inadequacy lol


yo vengo para lo mío
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Sep 11, 2016
The reasonable solution is new forum.
You cannot have any say in infrastructure you didn't build or participated from the start.
Shreaking banshees and ghosts from the past will hunt you even if its you who make the place alive. Actually they are just reactionaries.


Blessed are the hearts that can bend
Local time
Today 12:19 PM
Oct 6, 2019
Kind of a shame as I was going to resume coming back here tomorrow, big bad assignment for tonight. I've actually got pretty comfortable at programming, now I just need to look at complex math functions.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 16, 2011
I think this place needs a few more true Ne types. I can think of only two ENTP and three INTP by name. Actually i forgot one of those names.

I see ISTP, ISFP, INTJ and the occasional INFJ all over this place.

Different judgemental functions can add useful debate but when there is a majority of users with different perceptive functions, it creates the overwhelming feeling, that one is in the wrong place/dimension.

Of course i am confused enough about typology to remain uncertain of my own type, so i am far from pushing my point of view on everyone. Otherwise i would drop names. Don't even ask me.

I never had the impression, that admins or mods are doing anything to make sure this remains an INTP forum. My impression is that they don't believe in typology or are even more confused about it than me. So what are the values of this place? Its a mystery.


Cold and damp
Local time
Today 4:19 AM
Jan 18, 2019
Ghost is trollish and should go. Moderators check in infrequently. I don't see why they are defending someone that other members more involved with the forum want gone.

Adaire and redbaron seem tired, bored, and basically dismissive of INTPf these days. Let those of us who are actually involved have some say if you can't be assed to yourselves.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
Having looked at ghost's spam, then the report, then the exchange that took place:

- he was warned
- he stopped after he got warned and won't be back if he does spam again
- there's nothing all that coherent in his ramblings to say that he's making some ideological argument for killing people

Lockdowns are boring and everyone is on edge at the moment. Just chill.

Deleted member 1424

Well if you want perfect professionalism you're not going to have involved mods Elen. I don't participate much for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is precisely because I am a mod. I cannot interact with other members normally. There is a chasm. All of the others have had similar experiences.

As it is Ghost has had one instance in a short amount of time of bad behavoir and has not repeated. I spoke to him. I'm still waiting for his response. If it continues they will be removed. As it is, regardless, of my personal feelings on the matter I don't take bans lightly. Repeated egregious displays are required or the consensus of at least 3 mods. I don't actually want to remove Serac. Despite my personal dislike, (yes mods get to have personal feelings, shocking I know) I respect the history and time he's put in the forum. I recognize that it's a huge personal investment for him. Hence why I am asking for confirmation before anonymizing his account.

As it is, usually, people here usually react badly to bans no matter who it is and what they espouse. Intps in general are anti-authority. I do appreciate your perception though Eren. You're the only one who's noticed that mod activity is actually quite minimal. Before warning ghost, I hadn't touched anything in a moderating capacity for weeks. Despite all the supposed spying and general fascism mods are up to depending on who you ask. I think its better to be as hands off as possible personally.

To reiterate, the complaint was about a posted song. You can't expect me to ban someone over a song. Several currently active members have post bombed in similar fashions. I spoke to them and they were able to modify their behavoir. So no, I'm not going to ban him at this moment, maybe in future if bad behavoir continues. For now I've brought it to the attention of others. They can do what they like about it.

As for my lack of professionalism, well that's probably fair. I'm not paid though, so I'm not a professional. I'm a volunteer. I want to interact with this place as a person, where appropriate. Serac, wasted my time and continues to do so by drawing this out. Refusing to either confirm or recant. I'm not going to respect someone who wastes my time over a song and a dramatic exit over not getting his way. Our absentee owner) would agree fully.

If that does not appease... Well you need to ask yourself, what is it exactly that you want? What is it exactly that you think you're owed? This place is free and nonprofit. If it's insufficient for whatever reason, well then people before you have started other forums, maybe it's time to follow suit. This place is what the forumites make it.


What would Feynman do?
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 31, 2019
This debate is not about whether ghost should be banned, it is about how you responded with ridicule when Serac reported behavior which was unanimously seen as unacceptable.

This is part of a pattern of behavior in which you, Adaire, and redbaron have since Christmas now bullied 4 people into leaving, or directly banned them, and caused a large part of the community to go inactive. Serac posted post-statistics a while back, which clearly showed how forum activity plummeted after the Christmas incident (in which Kormak left, and I was banned). I wonder how many skeletons were hidden in the staff closet before I joined the forum. But hush.. We don't talk about the disappearances.

Many members think you use bullying and banns to silence members of political convictions opposing your own. I do not know Ragnar, but if the rules he originally made for this place convince me of one thing, it is that he values free communication of ideas very highly. To quote his general rules: "There is no censorship of ideas, no matter how distasteful". Wow.. That sounds like such a great idea. Maybe we should start living by it.

I repeat my suggestion: let us together write Ragnar a letter where we express our frustration with how the forum is managed.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
which 4 users were bullied into leaving?


What would Feynman do?
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 31, 2019
which 4 users were bullied into leaving?
Banned or bullied into leaving*

Kormak, Serac, Grey man, and myself. There is a reason why I have been inactive since January. Not to speak of the many who were alienated into inactivity.

Deleted member 1424

I do so love the 'free speech, but only for me and people who agree with me' argument.

I'm done here though. I'm still dealing with a break-in from yesterday and the potential for future ones. I intend to be more formal in the future though.

Serac at the 24 hr mark I will do as you requested, barring further communication. I believe that is sufficient time.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
which 4 users were bullied into leaving?
Banned or bullied into leaving*

Kormak, Serac, Grey man, and myself. There is a reason why I have been inactive since January. Not to speak of the many who were alienated into inactivity.

all but one of you are still here, and kormak can come back and post if he wants. though it does look like 1 of these 4 people have indeed left.

who are the other people alienated into inactivity?


What would Feynman do?
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 31, 2019
which 4 users were bullied into leaving?
Banned or bullied into leaving*

Kormak, Serac, Grey man, and myself. There is a reason why I have been inactive since January. Not to speak of the many who were alienated into inactivity.

all but one of you are still here, and kormak can come back and post if he wants. though it does look like 1 of these 4 people have indeed left.

who are the other people alienated into inactivity?
We have made it clear we are leaving if this is not resolved. I've already taken 3 months off due to your harassment.

The people alienated into inactivity are the ones responsible for the massive drop in posts after christmas. I am not going to name names. From the support of Serac in this thread, it is abundantly clear that you lack support in the community.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
fwiw, i don't agree that "it's funny coming from you" is a good response from a mod

but strictly speaking, it is pretty funny coming from serac. wouldn't put it in a report, but as a user having seen serac's post history it does mystify me


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
post activity dropping is to be expected post-drama

i mean the thing that's hard to take seriously about all this is that no one actually messages any of the mods to say, "hey can we talk about this issue on the forum?"

it's just a big public outrage all at once, with like a dozen tangentially related things and complaints not about any actual handling of the forum: just your individual dislike of the mods.


What would Feynman do?
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 31, 2019
You have gone from denying a drop in activity (in pms between us) to to not taking any responsibility for it. I suppose that is progress. You caused the incident around Christmas by executing a ban motivated by a personal grudge, and by not responding directly to accusations of Kormak's that you were using unsanctioned means to manipulate his posts, like DDoSing, and deleting his posts. It has since been confirmed that DDoSing is possible on XenForo forums.

Why don't you want public discussion on this? And how do you think that your consistently disrespectful engagement with users could possible instill faith in us that private conversations with you will be had in good faith, and result in change?

Oh no! If you leave I will lose my marbles!


think again losers
Local time
Today 9:49 PM
Mar 17, 2011
Speed run:
- I don't want Serac to leave over this
- I don't know why Serac would leave over this
- Adaire's response was inappropriate but I too am confused as to why Serac is suddenly sensitive to this stuff
- Can someone please explain the call to violence claim? post where it came from?
- Ragnar is alt right? Is that just because of the iron cross? He was using it before it was cool. He might be... hell I don't know the guy, but I don't think that's the case.
- To my knowledge Adaire and RB don't really care about being mods and I'm open (as a member) to the idea of having them replaced, though I don't know who with.
- I think if mods are making people feel unwelcome that that's a problem, but when people claim that four people have been banned or bullied into leaving when three of them are still posting - that seems hyperbolic. I'm gonna be the civility police and call for cool heads because as a former mod I remember the frustration of everything you do being twisted into fascistic tendencies.
- I don't care if Ghost is banned, I had them muted because of spam.
- I feel a bit like this is my mess because literally every member directly involved in this dispute is to some extent here because I pushed for them to be here. I modded Adaire and RB, I've pushed against bans of Serac when it was coming up early on, and I was involved in letting Ghost back on the forum. Now I feel responsible for the mess but don't have the power (and don't want the power) to address it.



irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
i stated that i can see user activity as a mod. that's not denying that it's dropped, it means i'm aware of which users are or aren't making posts. it happens any time there's drama on the forum: people take a break.

the way you conflate these two separate statements, and the way you regularly do this is kind of why i don't have a whole lot of energy for discussions like this: you're not actually reading.

then again, with the kormak thing. at this point it's just become cavil: it's been responded to with the same question and the same response at least a dozen times. i get it, the answer you're getting isn't the one you want to hear, but repeating the question over and over isn't going to change the answer.

i clearly have no problem with public discussion or i would have just been locking this type of thread and banning the people who fuel them months or years ago.

i'm fine with discussing this publicly: it's just hard to take your issues seriously when your issues are to make exaggerated claims (i've now spent the time checking the threads you were active in prior to your 2 month break. no one was harassing you) and complain not about any kind of handling of a forum: but your personal dislike of the mods and only when piggybacked on other people's complaints.

it's nothing but cavil at this point. there's not even a discussion to have. it's the same question with the same answer, and the same complaints about the same things going in circles. the most minor of grievances with online discourse apparently being so life-shattering that you must spend hours per day for successive days hyper-fixating on them.

just do something else and chill the fuck out


What would Feynman do?
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 31, 2019
"i stated that i can see user activity as a mod. that's not denying that it's dropped, it means i'm aware of which users are or aren't making posts. it happens any time there's drama on the forum: people take a break.

the way you conflate these two separate statements, and the way you regularly do this is kind of why i don't have a whole lot of energy for discussions like this: you're not actually reading. "

I know perfectly well what you were saying. I said people had left, you replied "also i can actually see user activity trends as a mod so it's relatively simple for me to know who is or isn't active on the forum...lol ". It is clear from statistics that activity dropped sharply. Some members disappeared completely for a while, most eventually returned (after our conversation). I did not return until last week.

"then again, with the kormak thing. at this point it's just become cavil: it's been responded to with the same question and the same response at least a dozen times."

You have not responded to the Kormak allegations, you have circumvented them. Did you delete Kormaks posts, or interfere with his ability to interact on the forum, through DDoSing or similar means?

"i clearly have no problem with public discussion or i would have just been locking this type of thread and banning the people who fuel them months or years ago."

You clearly do, as you just appealed for members to take any issues they have with the staff directly to a mod.

"i'm fine with discussing this publicly: it's just hard to take your issues seriously when your issues are to make exaggerated claims (i've now spent the time checking the threads you were active in prior to your 2 month break. no one was harassing you)"

You have been harassing me since before christmas. You banned me for a reason so inane that you first had to shorten the ban (twice?), then the ban was lifted by the rest of the staff. Soon after you sent me a warning about another post I made, which to me seems to have been completely within the rules of the forum, although I am sorry if Minuend was hurt. After that, I left.

Now Serac and Grey Man have asked to have their accounts deleted. I ask to have mine deleted, as well, if there is not a change in staff. Kormak has already left. Those are facts, not hyperbole.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
my preference is that people actually just get on the same page, but i don't see how when you insist on just distorting both reality and the things that i'm saying. even after all this, you're still hammering on the exact same things that have been the same answers for months and expecting that it'll somehow change

i'll give you a day to think about it and if you don't respond that you've changed your mind it'll be deleted


What would Feynman do?
Local time
Today 1:19 PM
Aug 31, 2019
Alright, then before calling it a night, let me repeat my appeal.

Many members think the staff is using bullying and bans to silence members of political convictions opposing their own. I do not know Ragnar, but if the rules he originally made for this place convince me of one thing, it is that he values free communication of ideas very highly. To quote his general rules: "There is no censorship of ideas, no matter how distasteful". I think we should start living by that idea.

I suggest those frustrated with the staff write Ragnar a letter where we express our frustration with how the forum is managed.


Blessed are the hearts that can bend
Local time
Today 12:19 PM
Oct 6, 2019
Well if you want perfect professionalism you're not going to have involved mods Elen. I don't participate much for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is precisely because I am a mod. I cannot interact with other members normally. There is a chasm. All of the others have had similar experiences.

Is this chasm you're referring to a greater constriction on you now or is it clear through the reverberations of a lot of people, from epochs now and in the past that the true chasm is that we don't know you, and yet your appearance is an omen of either a ban or parodying others. Nanook's quote highlights this issue succintly:

i cant figure out what the correct view is in this place, because our admin seems alt right but we have or had mods who appeared socialist. i dont even know adaire. i often felt like this is secretly an intj forum, except the fools who post here, who are all sorts of types, think it's really okay to post here, because they don't know they are being monitored and judged by disagreeable masterminds.

As it is, usually, people here usually react badly to bans no matter who it is and what they espouse. Intps in general are anti-authority.
What point are you making here? Oh, of course. Why didn't I think of that. they only behave like this because it's a personality trait and not because it is grounded in reality. We're not just mindless that really want to waste our time discussing issues of moderation. That is literally singularly the worst task I, and I imagine others would want to do.

As for my lack of professionalism, well that's probably fair. I'm not paid though, so I'm not a professional. I'm a volunteer. I want to interact with this place as a person, where appropriate. Serac, wasted my time and continues to do so by drawing this out. Refusing to either confirm or recant. I'm not going to respect someone who wastes my time over a song and a dramatic exit over not getting his way. Our absentee owner) would agree fully.

General respect for a person exists outside of context so predicating your respect of another on a circumstance is the equivalent of totally judging a terrorist based on a kind action they've done. If you want to disseminate that analogy to make a come-back as being silly you can, I'd rather prefer you take it for what it is. I can only assume your "Respect" point was referring to my point: you're speaking as if you had prescience of the matter- I mentioned respect with regards to your action that caused this response so acting as if they deserve no respect after the fall out from said action has been created then this can not be considered a valid position. What escapes me is clearly the reporting feature doesn't lead to a ban, right? So why reject it with a dismissive message? I'm sure you've said before that you are representing the views of people that found something intolerable yet the instance that a person who you clearly don't get along with uses a report feature you not only reject his valid usage of the feature considering anti-fa Rantman calling people all sorts: swine, pig, quite a substantial list of insults. Making caricatures over them when he barely knew anyone.

If that does not appease... Well you need to ask yourself, what is it exactly that you want? What is it exactly that you think you're owed? This place is free and nonprofit. If it's insufficient for whatever reason, well then people before you have started other forums, maybe it's time to follow suit. This place is what the forumites make it.

Everyone knows this is an option, you need not remind anyone of how to use the internet. Deferring your response to an ultimatum that people should go somewhere else expresses a certain lack of personal responsibility. Hey, those chinese coming to america right? Well, if they don't like it they should move back to china. They may have spent a certain amount of time in america but they shouldn't try to continually build upon its culture. They should accept everything, question nothing.

Here's a starter for what you phrase as us "being owed" When at their core they are just looking you to take responsibility for changing a delicate environment.

1. An apology perhaps, there seems to be an unanimous agreement here and in relation to other issues that your behaviour may not be perfect but often times it's quite contentious.
2. You keep deferring responsibility here. In the first instance you rejected a report. In the second instance when Serac posted a response, you went for the classic "Sorry I have a sense of humour" response. In the third instance you said you were a volunteer which infers you're absolved of any responsibility. You said yourself, you've barely played a role in moderation. Yet this isn't rocket science. A valid reason for reporting someone and it was rejected. In the fourth instance "Well you need to ask yourself, what is it exactly you want?" I think it's pretty obvious what people are looking here. You made a dumb choice, this is not your first sprint and you seem to twist situations into us framing you as the big bad moderators. We're being ridiculous, we're on edge, we're in the wrong, we're just intps lol fuck authority.
3. Maybe taken on board what people are saying: Professionalism or not, I think anyone here could just as easily volunteer as a moderator and many would probably do this willingly, I would consider it. So the reason you would be moderator compared to others is because you try to be better than someone who's solely volunteering and someone who displays poor sensitivities to mediating problems.

Inexorable Username

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 7:19 AM
Nov 14, 2019
which 4 users were bullied into leaving?
Banned or bullied into leaving*

Kormak, Serac, Grey man, and myself. There is a reason why I have been inactive since January. Not to speak of the many who were alienated into inactivity.

all but one of you are still here, and kormak can come back and post if he wants. though it does look like 1 of these 4 people have indeed left.

who are the other people alienated into inactivity?

I've been alienated into inactivity.

Also, RedBaron, I'd be happy to personally message you to have discussions. Or Adaire. I've messaged Adaire in the past. I message a lot of people personally.

But frankly, I feel like you straight-up hate me. I don't even think you know me - it's like you just automatically hated me. Your behavior made me feel really unwelcome here. I didn't want to post anymore because I felt alienated and attacked. I'm not saying that what I felt was an accurate reflection of you as a person - I don't believe that. I think you're a much cooler person than all of that. But that's how our experience went down. I've felt the same about Adaire.

Why are you guys so mean? Hate to be childish about it - but lets just simplify the words. You know, voicing an offensive opinion is one thing. Verbally attacking, humiliating, or laughing at someone is a totally different thing. You guys seem to use shame as a method of control.

I can't see why you can't appreciate that we find that offensive. I was reading this form...and there was some good points. Adaire discussed her reasons for her decision, and they seemed valid enough to me - I've not checked in to the situation. I was pleased with her rationality though.

But it doesn't stop there. You guys gang up on the layman like a pair of aggressive dogs and start using character attacks, nasty humor, and public shaming to bully people into submission. That's what we have issues with.

The mods caused Kormak to leave. I've considered leaving. Many people have considered leaving - Rebis included. Both of us are very new members and the only mods we've known are you two. But it was enough that we didn't feel like we wanted the drama. I stayed because things kind of quieted down, but after the incidence with Marbles, I've been a lot less active. I will probably leave if I get attacked more for my opinions.

Not only is it offensive for someone to attack me for my opinions, and shame me and humiliate me for them...it's just like, straight up fucking mean. I come here to enjoy myself and talk to likeminded people, and I have my own issues in life.

I just wanted to find a community of people who are kind to me, listen to me, and make me feel accepted for who I am. I get it. It's sappy and stupid. I shouldn't need this - I should be better than it. But, to be honest, I'm not. I found a lot of friends here - but now, I don't know whether I'll see them from day to day. One day, they might just be randomly banned and I'll never talk to that person again. Furthermore, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells when I post. I think that if you guys knew my philosophies - you'd like me, but you seem to automatically assume I'm your enemy.

So yeah, I've felt really alienated. I was going to leave. Peoples convinced me to give it all another chance. There's no need for me to be part of a community that makes me feel like shit, right?

@Adaire - I understand where you're coming from with your professional detachment, but I think it shoots you in the foot. Try talking to us on the forms like a normal person. Be nice, and let us get to know who you are. Maybe then we won't feel so dominated and controlled.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 11:19 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
i'm just gonna go back to this point:

"the most minor of grievances with online discourse apparently being so life-shattering that you must spend hours per day for successive days hyper-fixating on them.

just do something else and chill the fuck out"

Deleted member 1424

I'm still not going to ban Ghost. I should've been more formal with Serac, and evidently the forum proper. This will change proceeding forward.

For your general information:

Account anonymization is only ever done via request. Due to the informal nature of this thread if you wish to anonymize your account, you need to contact a mod directly. Not all are active though, so there might be a delay. This cannot be undone, so don't do it lightly. Any anonymized users you see, were not banned and were not decisions made by staff or as part of a larger conspiracy. They are personal decisions, and are done in accordance with EU privacy laws.

This thread has gone off-topic. I'm choosing to close it, since multiple moderating requests have been made that really should be handled more formally, directly and clearly. You simply cannot do so in a thread like this. Go elsewhere if you please, just don't intersperse moderating requests in vitriol and expect to have them done.

I am not going to apologize for any personal views expressed previously. I stand by all of them. Like any normal member I can express myself as I see fit within the confines of reasonable discourse. While my personal views and politics have impacted my opinion of people and how I express toward them as a fellow user, they do not impact serious moderating decisions or actions like bans.

For people considering anonymizing their accounts, be warned, that this is not without potentially permanent effects on all future access to the site. It is being discussed.
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